
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: hope

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (5)

Humility is a prerequisite for attaining greatness.

Pride is a dream stopper.

Join me in this study to explore what pride is, how it presents, its consequences and how to avoid pride..

Christian Living

When Fragments Surpasses The Whole

Ever since I learned about the principle of multiplication as taught by Jesus, I employ it for my ministry outreaches. And every time I’ve employed this principle just as Jesus taught it, I end up with fragments/leftovers. Now that I think of it, sometimes I unknowingly over-budget for my outreaches, but what I find is; when we get to the field, we are able to attend to everyone who is present and still have leftovers for our support team.


GOF Partnership Opportunities

As we continue expanding Jesus’s ministry work here on earth, it has become necessary to open up available partnership opportunities in the ministry so that you can join us bless and impact many more lives.We count on your support to do more.

Christian Living

My Father Is Greater Than All

“…for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.John 10:29 NLT

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (4)

In pursuing your God-inspired dreams and visions, you will make mistakes along the way but don’t let mistakes define you. Because God is waiting patiently for you to recover, retrace your steps and get back on course.

Victory Walk

Victory Walk

Hello there,

I am driving awareness for my YouTube channel and program…VICTORY WALK…

VICTORY WALK is a gospel teaching program premised on 1 John 5:4. …

"Whatsoever is Born of God overcomes the world. And the VICTORY that overcomes the world is our faith."

VICTORY WALK is designed to inspire, edify and help you walk in victory every day while doing exploits in your world and for the Kingdom of God.

My target this week is at least 20 subscribers.

Your subscription will put me way past my target.

I am counting on you…???

Let’s do Jesus’s WORK Together…… ???. Click on the link below to Subscribe to VICTORY WALK ……

Please SHARE with friends, family and followers..

Foundation newsGrace Obomanu Foundation

Christmas Outreach 2022 Report

This outreach was 2 days of just being representatives of Jesus to some elderly folks and widows. They received free medical care and some foodstuff because you gave. Thank you for your massive support to ‘Grace Obomanu Foundation’. Because of what you gave, we were able to reach more people than would have been possible if we did it all by ourselves.

Bible Study

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

No, you don’t have to carry a physical 110pound wood just like Jesus did, however, whether you like it or not, if you are going to accomplish anything meaningful in/for God, you have a cross to bear. Apostle Paul had thorns in his flesh- annoying and irritating people who worked under satan’s influence to taunt him. Identify your own cross and like Paul, deal with it by grace (2 Corinthians 12:9).

There is no Grace without a Cross/Thorn and there is no Cross/Thorn without Grace! If you believe that you are graced, then there’s a cross you must bear.

Christian Living

Are You A True Child of The Father?

True children of the Father are just as kind, forgiving, generous, good, just as He is.

Christian Living

Christmas 2022 Outreach

Join me, let’s make this Christmas truly MERRY for someone.