
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: hope

Bible Study

Where Is Your HOPE?

This conviction that God will come through for us is solidly hinged and anchored by hope; the joyful and confident expectation that we will indeed see and experience these things.  Hope sustains our confidence that our faithful God will bring His promises to pass in our lives

Christian Living

Jesus Took Them All

Now let’s assume that you owed someone $20,000 and you couldn’t see how you’d offset that bill for the rest of your life. Now assume again, that a good Samaritan, a philanthropist, someone who has amassed a lot of wealth generously offers to pay off your debt, and does so. Suddenly you are debt-free. Is it likely that you’d go back to your previous creditor asking to remain a debtor to him? Unlikely.

Christian Living

Wait On The Lord

This new week, wait on the Lord. Trust Him. Trust Him, in your job, career, studies, business, relationships, etc. And may that trust breed faith in you, fully anchored on hope and expectancy, to take God-inspired actions, that are sustained by patience, endurance and active persistence. Victory is inevitable!

Christian Living

Jesus Is Healing and Health

‘I BELIEVE’ is All Jesus ever looked for in order to heal (John 9:35, Mark 11:24, James 2:19, John 11:26, etc).

Bible Study

A Vessel of Honor and Grace (III)

A Vessel of Honor and Grace is a person embodying a particular quality, attribute, trait, gift or talent for the service of God and the benefit of mankind, who receives and communicates only the wisdom and counsel of God derived from the Word and the Spirit. Any disciple of Jesus Christ can become this vessel

Christian Living

All of YOU in Me

My prayer, my heart cry. My honest desire and hope. All of YOU in me, Jesus.

Every self erased. No hurt harboured, no bitterness, resentment, anger, pain, envy, jealousy. No place in me for the expression of self and carnality. All of YOU Jesus.

All of Your love. All of Your faith. All of your passion and commitment to the Father’s Business. All of Your grace.

All of Your peace. All of the healing You bought for me. All of Your manifest provision and abundance, to accomplish the job You have entrusted to my care. That Your people may know You Jesus. And that they may know the Father. That they may appreciate the dept of Your great love with which You loved them. That they may find hope, love and peace in You. All of You Jesus. Until my job is done.

Done, dusted and delivered fully. Nothing left undone. Done in good health and strength, because the number of my days have been set by You; nothing and no one can change it. I am kept safe in the Father through You Jesus. You renew my youth like the eagle’s. My Lord and Saviour.

Gold, gold, pure gold, that’s how I am coming out. Pure gold, refined by the Master Himself. Fit for purpose. Built to last. Unrestrained, unstoppable, undeterred, undaunted and yet meek and lowly.

All of YOU in me Jesus. All of YOU❤