
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: hope

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (12)

Opposition to a Godly dream or vision is engineered by the devil and it aims to thwart the vision. 

In this study, Grace shares 4 Main presentations of Nehemiah’s Opposition (Nehemiah chapters 1-6). 

1. Mockery: which is a deliberate attempt to undermine and weaken someone’s focus. 

2. Direct Confrontation: the devil can attack your health, peace, family, etc. 

These confrontations also come to weaken your focus and strength. 

3. FEAR: the enemy sends fear in order to weaken your strength, cripple you and STOP your God-inspired dreams. 

4. Deception and False Prophecies. 

In this Part of the Study series “Becoming Your Greatest Dream”, you will learn how Nehemiah handled these attempts at distractions so that you too will be well positioned to Recognize and Tackle Oppositions to your God-inspired dreams when they present.

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Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (9)

The Spiritual Head of every Christian is Jesus Christ. It is not your Pastor, Bishop, Husband, Parent, Government or anybody else.

Christian Living

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (8)

Join me in this Study series to learn more about Authority, Its Use and Benefits.

Authorities are established by God. Authorities are established as leadership structures to coordinate people, guide them to do what’s right, and to maintain orderliness.

And God established authorities to do man good.

Jesus was a person of Authority, and He exercised His Authority to teach people to do right, to liberate people and help them enjoy freedom, to help people follow God’s order for doing things.

As a person in position of Authority understanding the Purpose of Authority ensures its rightly Used.

As a person Under Authority, understanding the Benefits of Authority will help you maximize it.

God wants us submitted to the Authorities He established.

Christian Living

Hope or Faith

Faith must always be engaged in order to bring the expectation of hope into tangibility.

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (5)

Humility is a prerequisite for attaining greatness.

Pride is a dream stopper.

Join me in this study to explore what pride is, how it presents, its consequences and how to avoid pride..

Christian Living

When Fragments Surpasses The Whole

Ever since I learned about the principle of multiplication as taught by Jesus, I employ it for my ministry outreaches. And every time I’ve employed this principle just as Jesus taught it, I end up with fragments/leftovers. Now that I think of it, sometimes I unknowingly over-budget for my outreaches, but what I find is; when we get to the field, we are able to attend to everyone who is present and still have leftovers for our support team.


GOF Partnership Opportunities

As we continue expanding Jesus’s ministry work here on earth, it has become necessary to open up available partnership opportunities in the ministry so that you can join us bless and impact many more lives.We count on your support to do more.

Christian Living

My Father Is Greater Than All

“…for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.John 10:29 NLT

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (4)

In pursuing your God-inspired dreams and visions, you will make mistakes along the way but don’t let mistakes define you. Because God is waiting patiently for you to recover, retrace your steps and get back on course.