GOF 2023 Christmas Outreach Report
What Is GOF?
A Multi-faceted Approach to fulfilling our Mission and Vision
We carry out outreaches to charity homes, communities and groups; teaching, preaching and mentoring people to live thier best lives. We share bible-based teachings using different online platforms. And provide simple, practical answers to everyday real life issues. Through partnerships we work to improve wellbeing among elderly persons, young girls and underprivileged persons.
Overview of 2023 Christmas Outreach
We hold 2 main outreaches in a year; at Christmas and Easter.
Our 2023 Christmas outreach was successful as we met all set targets.
- Engaging talk on healthy aging
- Free medical consultation
- Evangelism & Salvation of Souls.
- And yes, yes, Christmas Rice (plus stew)…
- We also met and exceeded our need for volunteers for this particular outreach so we couldn’t integrate everyone who indicated interest to attend. Apologies.
Please enjoy a few of our short videos and pictures below….

God loves and blesses a cheerful giver