
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: hope


Make Jesus Known (Day 16)

Nothing and No one is greater than God. You are safe in the Father’s love.

Christian Living

I Am liGHT

Which is how even I (Grace Obomanu) became light. I Am liGHT!
And you too are light (having been born of God).
A city set on a hill that brings illumination to the world around. A light that cannot be hidden nor put under a basket nor extinguished by darkness (John 1:5, Luke 11:33). No!
You bring hope to your environment and beyond. You are an embodiment of knowledge, wisdom, counsel, might, and understanding. You have the Spirit of God, imputed and imparted in you by the life of light.


Make Jesus Known (Day 15)

When you receive the life that Jesus gives, your life is eternally secured in Him.

Christian Living

The Nature of God’s Love

We are born of God, God is love and so we are love. Love is an enduring attribute of God (1 John 4:7-8). We are made of love! and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can love as God loves. We are born of God, we have His nature and Spirit within us and so we can express love as God does.


Make Jesus Known (Day 14)

The glory of God you’ve been seeking is tied to your believing. Believe God for that miracle today.


Make Jesus Known (Day 13)

Your miracle is a just a step away from your believe.


Make Jesus Known (Day 12)

No more groping in sin and darkness, let Jesus into your life, let Him can light up your world.

Christian Living

When hated, LOVE.

As a Christian, sometimes, people abhor your presence. They make it very clear that they don’t like you. And if you care to check, you wouldn’t find explanations for their stance. In this kind of scenario, it may be safe to keep your distance, but should you give back hate?


Make Jesus Known (Day 11)

When you have the life that Jesus gives, He makes you light. Dissipate and extinguish all the darkness around you, receive the life and light that Jesus gives


Make Jesus Known (Day 10)

Enjoy a life of love, protection, provision, direction and peace in Christ. Let Jesus be your Shepherd, You will never wander as the lost.