
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: hope

Bible Study

God SHALL Supply

Friends, God Shall supply, He shall supply generously and liberally, God shall supply from the abundance of His riches. He may work through extraordinary means to deliver our supply to us or He shall cause men to give back to us. Expect a truckload of supplies, they are coming. Indeed they are here (at your doorstep), receive them. When you get a call about a delivery, do not say; ‘but I did not order anything, go sign off your supplies… sent by Your Father.

Christian Living

You are Christ

There are 2 other kinds of ONE mentioned in 1 Corinthuans 6- When someone confesses Jesus as Lord and Saviour, he  becomes One spirit with Christ (verse 17) and his body is becomes a member of Christ (verse 15). 

Bible Study

The Boldness of Righteousness

Child of God, you are the righteous, you are as bold as the lion. You are courageous, confident, fierce in spirit, not easily intimidated, in-charge, in control, strong (in the power of the Holy Ghost).

Christian Living

Seeking God in Humility

When we reach out to God for help from the place of oppression, bondage, depression or captivity, we find that all along He’s been waiting to help us. Indeed Jesus already delivered us and by the wisdom of God we become privy to steps/actions to take in order to have more pleasant experiences in life.

Bible Study

Fight The Good Fight of Faith

Contrary to the above dictionary definition of fight, Ephesians 6:12 tells us that as Christians we are in no physical combat with any human, rather we are in a spiritual warfare.

Christian Living

Meekness: An Ornament of Great Price

a gentle and quiet spirit is of great worth to God


Make Jesus Known (Day 23)

Jesus cares about your comfort, both in this life and in eternity.
Trust Jesus with your life by making Him your Lord and Saviour today…


Call for Testimonials

We have testimonials volunteered by people like yourself who have continuously been blessed and impacted by our publications and ministry streaming daily on our site. These serve as reminders to our visitors that the Word of God is true and reliable. It also presents them with an opportunity to enjoy victory in their own lives as they become exposed to and imbibe the wisdom, counsel and revelation that flows freely from God’s Word that we share.

Christian LivingEvangelism

Make Jesus Known (Day 22)

Jesus makes God real and close. Come follow Jesus today, you will experience God on a new level.


Make Jesus Known (Day 21)

God calls you Friend! Yes!! You can become a friend of God when Jesus is your Lord and Saviour……