
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: hope

Christian Living

God Has a Plan and a Purpose for You

A time of captivity is not a time to amass wealth. It is certainly not a time for marriage ceremonies, baby showers, or baby christening. For one, a captive is more likely to be hatching an escape plan than indulge in such social exigencies. Two, you really don’t want to offend or threaten your captors else they give you more hell.
“Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit. Take wives and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, so that they may bear sons and daughters—that you may be increased there, and not diminished.“

Bible Study

3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living (VII)

According to Romans 13:8, love is a debt we owe every man. And every man really do mean every man without exception. You know, it is a lot easier to reciprocate love when you feel loved. But sometimes we encounter people who are not so nice and who ordinarily should fit into an ‘unlovable’ group, but God said to love every man.
Jesus identified 4 groups of possible enemies in Matthew 5: 43-48. These are people we would ordinarily not want to love…

Christian Living

All of You in Me

All of Your peace. All of the healing You bought for me. All of Your manifest provision and abundance, to accomplish the job You have entrusted to my care. That Your people may know You Jesus. And that they may know the Father. That they may appreciate the dept of Your great love with which You loved them. That they may find hope, love and peace in You. All of You Jesus. Until my job is done.

Bible Study

About Daniel…My Notes (I)

Daniel was a young good-looking man said to have no blemish. He was gifted in wisdom, possessed knowledge and had quick understanding. He was skilled; he had the ability to serve in the King’s palace, he was a teachable quick learner. He also had understanding of dreams and visions. And God gave Daniel favor and goodwill.
I love Daniel’s resume. And as much as we recognize that Daniel was specially gifted with wisdom, guess what? Anyone can have Godly wisdom. I am reminded of James 1:5…

Christian Living


We have all of God’s promises in Christ.
In Christ God said YES to all His promises. Oh yes! You can have them ALL.

Bible Study

3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living (VI)

Faith says what the Word says, it doesn’t speak problems or unpleasant circumstances. To love as God loves is a faith walk in itself. And a 1 Corinthians 13-based love confession is something to consider; to keep saying what God’s Word says about you. Amen!

Christian Living

When You Are Burdened Beyond Measure

When burdened beyond measure, remember that there is a God who can raise the dead. Trust in God, depend on God, rely totally on Him. He is able and willing to deliver you from the worst of circumstances. He will restore, renew and strengthen you. He is the God who delivered us, delivers us and continues to deliver us.


Publishing Break

Hi there,

Warm Calvary Greetings!

I trust that you are enjoying the blessings of the new year already.

I am taking a 2 weeks publishing break ?.

As I write this post, I ask myself; ‘Is this really necessary? Just take your break, no one might even notice.’

Yes it is absolutely necessary because of you?. You are awesomely amazing. Thank you for all your feedback, thank you for the days you called or sent messages saying you’re yet to receive the day’s publication, thank you for your love, likes and shares. Keep making known the knowledge of Christ and bringing men into an intimate relationship with the Father. God bless you!

Last time I put up a ‘publishing break post’ someone called to ask if I was well. Thank you! I am well, blessed and kept safe in the Father through Christ.

At that time [when that day comes] you will know [for yourselves] that I am in My Father, and you [are] in Me, and I [am] in you.”
John 14:20 AMPC

So see you all on the 15th of February 2021.

Remember our ongoing study on “3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living“, here is the 4th part. I encourage you to spend some time on it.

Stay safe in the Father (through Christ).

Love you much…….always!

Grace Obomanu

Bible Study

3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living (IV)

“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” I John 5:4.

Faith is central to experiencing Victorious Christian Living, however, faith doesn’t work alone.

A living, perfect and unwavering faith is one anchored by hope and perfected by love (James 2:14-16, Colossians 1:27).

Enjoy victory everyday and everywhere; mix your faith with love and anchor it on the Christian hope (Christ in you).

Bible Study

3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living (III)

When the overall head of an organisation appoints you into an office, irrespective of your qualification or experience, you assume office and discharge your duties accordingly. You have his backing, he has your commitment and loyalty. God Almighty placed us in an office, in the position of authority, at His right hand, let’s assume our office. Sit and be seated at the Father’s Right Hand, enjoy victories and also take charge of your responsibilities.