
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Grace Obomanu

Christian Living

How Can You Contend with Horses?

We have to show resilience with little things first before God can trust and expose us to greater pressures 

Christian Living

3 Benefits of Walking In Love

The new covenant law is the law of love; to love God and to love man. And loving God is subsumed under loving man because we cannot say that we love God whom we haven’t seen, if we are not walking in love towards our neighbour. To maximize the benefits of walking in love discussed below we have to love others just as God demonstrated love to us in Christ Jesus

Christian Living

The 4 Important Witnesses or Validations For Your Ministry

Moses led Israel out of captivity. John the Baptist came to prepare the way for the Messiah. Mary was specially chosen to birth the Christ. Jesus lived and walked on earth like any other man, He accomplished great works by the power of the Holy Spirit and fulfilled His ministry. Apostle Paul finished his race. You and I have a purpose to accomplish in this world, we have a ministry to fulfil. How are you doing with the ministry entrusted into your care? Do you sometimes wish you had affirmation of your purpose? I share 4 witnesses and affirmations of purpose every child of God needs

Christian Living

10 Danger Signs of False Prophets and Teachers

They cage you in; telling you they’re the best thing that ever and can ever happen to you. You won’t get better elsewhere. If you’re not with them, you’re doomed.

Dealing with opposition
Christian Living

How To Deal with Opposition God’s Way

The natural human approach for handling opposition is to fight back. But friends, any response to opposition that is outside of the recommendations of Jesus in Matthew 5:44, is inconsistent with who God is. For God Is LOVE.

Christian Living

The Lilies Are Better Dressed

How well and expensively dressed do you think Solomon was? Well, according to Jesus, the lilies are more beautifully adorned than Solomon in his best dressed state. Think about that for a moment!

You have the Blessing (1)
Christian Living

The Blessing Is In You

We have the blessing and we are empowered to prosper irrespective of prevailing economic situations. We have the empowerment to thrive, flourish and abound in every circumstance.

Christian Living

When Redundancy Is Better Than Complacency

Redundancy is the state of being no longer needed or useful.

A Complacent person is satisfied with life, comfortable in his/her life without a motivation to aspire for more.

Complacency should be contrasted from contentment which is a state of being satisfied with what one has while still aspiring for more.

Can redundancy ever be better than complacency? Jesus seems to think so.

Are you hot, cold or lukewarm? Find out in this article.

Christian Living

The One Bible Verse A Day Hub

Through this group, God has helped us to identify and quietly help persons dealing with addictions and oppressions. Such yokes are broken and the burden lifted off innocent children’s shoulders quietly without embarrassing anyone (Isaiah 10:27).

Dangers of Making Assumptions
Christian Living

The Dangers of Making Assumptions

Wrong assumptions taken as facts or true, are detrimental.
What are some dangers of making assumptions?
Miscommunication, strained relationships, stress, anxiety, conflicts, ……death.