
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: giving

Christian Living

Is Giving the way to financial increase for a Christian?

I pray that we are sensitive to recognize and take advantage of the opportunities the Father sends our way to give so that we will experience the increase He intends for us to experience through giving.


GOF Partnership Opportunities

As we continue expanding Jesus’s ministry work here on earth, it has become necessary to open up available partnership opportunities in the ministry so that you can join us bless and impact many more lives.We count on your support to do more.

Foundation news

GOF Easter 2022 Outreach

Last Christmas we had so much fun visiting Badamia Boys Home. This Easter, it was another privilege and great honor for Grace Obomanu Foundation (GOF) as we visited a community in Rivers State, Nigeria to donate food items to elderly folks.

The gratitude on the faces of these elderly persons is something we want to continue seeing in the future as we expand our reach and coverage.

All glory belongs to Jesus!

Thankful to our volunteer team members

I am looking forward to our Mid-year Outreach. I hope you can be a part of it, because together we can do more.


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And thank you for your love gift and partnership, which help us continue to spread the good news of the gospel of Christ. You can give here.

Bible Study

3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living (XVII)

Considering the above truths, we shouldn’t have believers struggling to make ends meet. Every follower of Jesus Christ should naturally exhibit the hallmarks of the blessing; increase, expansion, influence, dominion, and enjoy security/protection. Statutorily, every Christian possessed all these things from the new-birth, unfortunately not every Christian fully expresses them as should. 

Christian Living

Freely Have You Received, Freely Give

Should christian counsellors charge for their services/ministry work? This has been a long debated topic and while I can understand that it isn’t cheap to own and run a counselling platform of any sort, here is what I eventually heard in my Spirit as I spent days thinking about whether I should have charged the young lady described above.

Christian Lifesaving Skills

Financial Management That Works by Arnold Obomanu

A budget is a guide. Start with what you can come up with and refine it over time. A poor budget is better than no budget at all. So don’t wait for a perfect one.