
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: give

Foundation news

GOF Christmas 2023 Outreach

Hurray! It’s time again for GRACE OBOMANU FOUNDATION (GOF) Christmas Outreach!!

Through your support, GOF continues to reach out to needy people and elderly persons in our communities especially during the Easter and Christmas holidays.

Can you believe that this is our 3rd year doing this together? From the ‘Badamia Boys Home visit, to the Easter and Christmas 2022 Outreaches, we have together preached the gospel of Christ, provided free medical care, distributed foodstuffs and given free health talk; especially to needy people and the elderly. I am grateful for the privilege and opportunity to impact lives together with you.

This Christmas (2023), we are planning two (2) outreach sessions in 2 communities. We have carefully selected 2 health facilities with poor patient patronage in 2 different communities. We will work in partnership with the facility staff to render free medical care as well as distribute foodstuffs to no fewer than 100 persons in both locations. As usual these sessions would also provide an opportunity to preach and evangelize especially to our primary target audience, the elderly. We also hope that our presence at the facility will help improve facility utilization going forward.

Outreach Dates: 13th & 14th December 2023.

Will this be something you’d like to be a part of?

Below are some options for partnership for you to consider;

Partnership options

1. Volunteer to physically attend by emailing name and location to

2. Donate towards purchase of foodstuffs (rice, garri, sachet tomatoes, sachet salt bags, sachet vegetable oil, seasoning cubes, salt, geisha/sardines). Estimated cost of individual pack is 10,000 (10USD); we need 100 packs for 100 elderly persons.

3. Donate Medications ((antimalarials, antihypertensives, multivitamins, hypoglycemics, antibiotics, etc)

4. Donate towards purchase of food and transportation for volunteers.


If you’d like to donate any of the items listed above, we can make arrangements to pick up (within Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria).

If you wish to support financially, please follow this link to donate 


You can do a bank transfer as follows:

Account Name: Grace Obomanu Foundation

Account Number: 0691163847 (NGN),   0691217843 (USD)

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank Nigeria


As is our practice a breakdown of donations and expenditure will be shared with our sponsors after the outreach.

Please join me Let’s Go Feed Jesus Together this Christmas (Matthew 25:34-40).

Thank you for your prayers towards a successful outreach.


God bless and Love Always,

Dr. Grace Obomanu (Founder)

Christian Living

There Is A Lazarus At Your Gate (republished)

In this season of Thanksgiving, let us remember the poor in our midst; in our workplaces, neighbourhoods, communities, etc..

For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.”
Deuteronomy 15:11 NKJV

There Is A Lazarus At Your Gate was published midyear 2016. I trust that it will bless you.


A Good Nigerian felt empathy for a beggar she saw on her way to work each morning. She thought to herself that this guy is not exactly handicapped in anyway, he had complete and functional limbs. The only obvious limitation was that he limped on crutches on one leg….”He could at least operate a sewing a machine’, she thought.

So one day, she stopped by this beggar and offered to buy him a sewing machine as well as sponsor him to learn sewing at a Tailoring Outfit. But to her surprise, the guy turned down the offer, preferring his begging job to gaining tailoring skills!

That is not the beggar described in Luke 16: 19-21

There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table.” (The Maxwell Leadership Bible).

That portion of scripture does NOT also refer to the beggar I saw on my way to work one morning fully engrossed in straightening out and counting notes of money most likely accrued from the previous day’s ‘job’. Like a male lizard, he has defined his begging territory and all other beggars in the neighborhood knew the boundary! I could see no obvious limiting deformity on him to necessitate his chosen career.

It is a bad thing to be unable to provide for your basic needs and resort to begging, nobody wants to be in that state. But it is worse to be the beggar with generalized body sores that are obviously open and have become nesting spots for flies.

I can admire dogs from afar but please don’t give one to me as a gift! All attempts by my children to convince me to buy a puppy as pet have continuously failed. They have my blessings to build dog house(s) in their personal homes as adults and grow as many dogs as they like. Only thing is, nobody should expect me to come over for ‘Omugwo’ (babysitting) except all dogs are nicely chained out of sight! 🙂

So maybe you can appreciate my difficulty with understanding how one can be so poor, sick and disabled to the point that dogs licked his sores. If Lazarus had a phobia for dogs like I do, then he must have been further tortured with each lick…..

I have not seen a beggar in such deplorable state of health as Lazarus in my entire life. Oh! but I have certainly seen poor widows struggling with 2 kids without a husband around to help and they celebrate a $10 gift as though they won a lottery.

I have come across a young lady with 2 preteens and a toddler, who helps working mums with grocery shopping for a small fee, just to make ends meet because her husband has just suffered a temporary setback at work. Any additional money she receives just lightens her mood.

I have been in a group where a sick, homeless, and sexually abused teenage boy is picked off the streets and given hope, improved health and better outlook on life.

I have come across young women almost walking naked to Church either because they cannot afford or would not buy decent clothing to cover up properly and find that they can actually dress decently if someone provides decent clothing for them. I have met the brother whose wife is about to go in for a surgery and they have no money. He becomes more confident in his faith in God to provide when a surprising credit alert hits his bank account from a brethren.

I have met the woman whose baby died in-utero and as if that was not bad enough, the doctors tell her she needs to have a C-Section to deliver the fetus! Not only does she not have the money for the surgery, she is at the brink of becoming depressed just thinking about her ordeal. Her faith is encouraged when someone stands in the gap for her in prayer to expel the dead fetus without surgery and also help clear her hospital bill.

I have also met the father of 2 who is looking for assistance with his children’s fees, only for me to realize that the fees for the 2 kids is more than $20.

I have met some young men, fully dedicated to church activities and growing daily in their knowledge of God, but who sometimes have a little challenge paying their transport fares to church. They need to continue hearing God’s word to properly apply their faith for a more secured future!

There is a Lazarus at your gate!! Have you located him/her?

If every rich or ‘comfortable’ member of a Church can identify (by God’s spirit and leading) 5-10 ‘Lazarus” in their sphere or circle, the Church will make more impact. You don’t really have to write a letter to your leader or Pastor indicating your interest to support a family except it is absolutely necessary. Identify a family (or persons) to support and over time you build confidence in them that they can come to you for help or assistance.

Do you really need an addition to the fleet of car parked in your garage? Do you really need to buy another shade of yellow purse when the one you have can still pass?

A lady sent utter shock down my spine one day when she shamelessly mentioned in a salon that the weavon on her hair cost nothing less than $1000!! Only $5 from that money can turn someone’s life around for good.

The reason Lazarus was located at the rich man’s gate was because those that dropped him there knew the rich man had the required resources to help him.

You can help someone today and that someone is located at your gate (around you).

I have some very ‘uncommon’ friends in church. They are not in the very rich and affluent class. And no, they are not ‘the designer bags carrying crew’ neither are they ‘the SUV display group’. They are the people that are always excited to see me because last month or last 2 months, they received a heart warming gift from me and their gratitude have not expired.  I love to see this group always!!!     Infact, one time the devil missed his bus stop and stopped in my neigbourhood with some strange sickness. This group automatically became a prayer team for me. They called, they prayed and they prayed. Again I say, I love this group!!

Reminds me of the story of Dorcas in Acts 9:36-40.

“At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was FULL of good works and CHARITABLE deeds which she did. But it happened in those days that she became sick and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. And since Lydda was near Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent two men to him, imploring him not to delay in coming to them. When he had come, they brought him to the upper room. And all the WIDOWs stood by him weeping, showing the tunics and garments which Dorcas had made while she was with them. But Peter put them all out, and knelt down and prayed . And turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise”. And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up”  (New King James Version).

Do you not want the fame and experience of Dorcas?

I love it.

May God help us all.

Except otherwise stated, all Bible quotations are from The Maxwell Leadership Bible. And N199 corresponds to $1 as at the time of publishing. 

Christian Living

My Little Scent Leaf Shrub Turned Into A Farm

Scent leaves! They’re found almost in every home garden in my part of the world. Botanical name-Ocimum gratissimum, scent leaf is an aromatic shrub used extensively across tropical and subtropical regions, including Nigeria.

Scent leaves are sweet-smelling spicy leaves commonly used in soups, stew and a few other kinds of foods. While studies have suggested some medicinal benefits of scent leaves, my love for this shrub lies in its aromatic side, a love that goes way back to my childhood.

I grew up in the coastal parts of Nigeria, precisely in Rivers State. One of the memorable things about growing up in this area is the early exposure to seafoods and the different delicacies that can emerge from them.

I grew up eating seafood based foods, notable among which are the Rivers Native Soup, Fisherman Soup, Onunu & Freshfish Pepper Soup. These are really deliciously yummy meals and scent leaves add great flavours to some of these dishes. There is hardly anytime you’ll eat any of these delicacies and not proclaim; ‘The Lord Brought My Soup!’

I particularly plant scent leaves in every new home I move to. My family recently moved home, and along came my little scent leaf shrub. As it turned out, I wasn’t the only one in my neighbourhood who spices up soups with scent leaves. In my short time here, my once luscious little scent leaf shrub, starting looking dry and bare. The shrub was struggling to meet the demands from more than one user.

Did I become grumpy? Yes and sorry! It might just help if people would just stick little scent leaf plants in the soil in their backyards…what do you think? Shhh, I didn’t say that to them. Sadly, I found myself having to buy scent leaves from the market. Not very nice. And each time the now bare shrub in my small garden stared at me, a little sadness filled my soul. Well until recently…

I decided to take a walk around the house to see how well my flowers were blossoming; very well I must say, and I love them. That was when I noticed the fine spread of little shrubs around the area of my little scent leaf shrub, a spread that extended well beyond the location of the original plant. A closer look confirmed these were new scent leaf shrubs sprouting all over the place. Amazing! This is almost too good to be true…..

Immediately Proverbs 11:24 came to mind…

There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty.”
Proverbs 11:24 NKJV

Oh! If only my sprouting little shrubs were gold…. 🙂

And no, I am not grumpy any longer… infact, you are welcome to have some of my scent leaf.

Don’t stop giving, never stop sowing. Whether you sow sparingly or bountifully, keep sowing. Remember though that there’s more reward for the bountiful sower….

“..but this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
II Corinthians 9:6 NKJV

“..and let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Galatians 6:9 NKJV

Happy Monday!

I hope you enjoy the recipes..?


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You can order the kindle and paperback copies of Grace’s book on healing ‘When The Doctor Says No’ from your local Amazon store, and a subsidized pdf copy here.

And remember you can now publish on our blog under the Christian Lifesaving Skill category. Kids also have an opportunity to share their best Bible stories under the Kiddies Eyeview category. Pastors’ Corner is available for any Pastor to publish a brief exhortation. You can get more information on these from our monthly newsletters.

Blessings & Love Always.

Christian Living

Divine Opportunities for Increase: Blogpost 2

Welcome back!
In “Divine opportunities for Increase: blogpost1” I’d said we would look at Christian Virtues that help make divine opportunities come our way. I apologize that we will not be doing that today. Instead, we’ll go through and complete the ways God brings divine increase our way first.

In part 1, we looked at SERVICE, as a springboard to success and increase. The kind of service that is self-less, outstanding and done in the fear of the Lord.

The opportunities for Increase that God sends us can also be through;

2. Receiving and Acting on an Unusual instruction from God.

Unusual instructions here refers to uncommon, remarkable, extraordinary, significant instructions. A different or strange instruction that attracts attention.

When God gives you an instruction to sacrifice your long-awaited precious only son and you summon up the courage to obey, be prepared to receive a ram for sacrifice and also get ready to become the father of many nations (Genesis 17:4-5, Genesis 22).

When God sends His prophet to you, a poor wretched Widow, with no human support system and tells you to release your last piece of bread, meant for you and your son, to this prophet, who is a fully grown able-bodied man, and you look beyond this prophet’s seeming callousness to obey and act as directed, then get ready for the jar of flour that will not be used up and the jug of oil that will not run dry until the famine is over (1 Kings 17).

When God speaks to you to relocate to another land, where you know no one at all, where you have no contacts at all, when you have made no reservations or preparations for a place to sleep or stay even for the first night, and you act in faith, get ready for a bumper harvest.

When God tells you to give a huge offering, amounting to most or all of your annual income and you muster the courage to act as directed, you have just taken advantage of an opportunity for divine increase. Your increase will come! (this is good prosperity gospel).

Unusual instructions that will bring divine increase are often difficult instructions. They don’t usually add up mathematically. They are not logical. They may not make sense. But they test your trust and faith in God and are pregnant with your next level of increase.

Again, do you know how GOD speaks to you? Can you hear Him when He speaks to you?

The unusual instruction that will bring you divine increase should come to you from God directly, through His Word or through His prophet.

Are you looking to make a big leap in your finances, career, ministry etc. God may just send you an unusual instruction.

Seize your opportunity for divine increase. Don’t let it slip ?