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Category: Christian Living

Christian Living

Answering 6 Revealing Questions about Witchcraft from the Bible

In this very long but interesting blog post, I throw some light on the act and practice of witchcraft, attempting to expose the spirit behind witchcraft, what it seeks to achieve, how God (Jehovah) expects Christians to handle ‘witches et al’ and how to recognize people with a semblance to the spirit of witchcraft.

The aim is not to create fear or torment, but like in one of my past posts; ‘Satan Demystified’, I sincerely hope that Christians would become liberated, fearless and equipped to recognize and tackle the spirit of witchcraft in whatever form it may want to present itself. More importantly, it is my fervent prayer, that people already immersed in sorcery and witchcraft (by choice or by birth) would seek The Only Light (Jesus Christ), who is able to liberate and set them free so they don’t burn in Hell.

The Bible asks us in 2 Corinthians 10:7;

Do you look at things according to the outward appearance?”

And my response is; everything is first spiritual then physical!

Believe it or not witchcraft, mediums, spiritists, soothsayers, sorcerers exist.I found a very thrilling and hilarious encounter between a dead Samuel and Saul in 1 Samuel 28:3-20. A greatly frightened and troubled Saul had contacted a medium to talk to dead Samuel because The Lord wouldn’t talk to Saul either through dreams, the Urim or the prophets. Even in death, Samuel gave only the word of The Lord!

How should one born and filled with the Spirit of God handle witchery? Should a Christian be concerned about them or just ignore them? Is it okay to be intimidated and oppressed by these spirits?

By providing answers to these questions from God’s word, I believe that the eyes of our understanding on the subject of this blog post, would become enlightened. Praise God!

Let God’s people not perish because of ignorance. Amen.


  1. What is witchcraft?

For many young inquisitive story-lovers and TV-watchers, the word ‘witchcraft’ brings to mind some of Harry Potter’s books, TV movies such as Charmed, Bewitched, etc.

While I am personally not a fan of witch-laden movies and the likes, witchcraft can mean a lot more than the nicely scripted acts we see in movies.

I am a strong believer in the notion that our thoughts (and sometimes dreams) are greatly influenced by what we expose our minds to. So I must conscientiously choose the pictures created in my mind (and those of my children), remembering at all times to guard our fragile hearts with all diligence (Bible verse) and to carefully test and name every spirit as either good or evil.   For instance, what spiritual edification is there in a film on witchcraft?  Selah.

Witchcraft is understood by many as having pact with Satan to secure power to do evil and hurt people. While some persons refute description of witchcraft, preferring instead to argue that membership into Wicca (a duotheistic worship of the ‘Moon Goddess’ and the ‘Horned God’) gives personal protective cover, a little dig however into the history of witchcraft reveals its strong connection and roots to magic.

Magic was discovered in the period of chaos, scarcity, sickness, bad weather. At such times, witches and sorcerers would cast spells and carry out rituals to draw the powers of the gods. By harnessing such powers, witches could groom, nurture or destroy,  thus breeding fear among people. In fact, the Roman law, distinguished between good and bad magic. Jail, fine and banishment were possible punishments for bad magic. Good magic on the other hand, resulted in healing and hopeful divination and was therefore sanctioned.

Before we go too far, I’d like to give you  definitions of witchcraft from the dictionary. So for all logical thinking persons, the dictionary recognizes witchcraft!! 🙂

Because witchcraft operates within cultural beliefs and practices, it can be pretty difficult to offer a uniform, precise definition. However, witchery cover a religious, divinatory and medicinal role and operates from a magical standpoint in every context.

Witchcraft (also called witchery or spellcraft) broadly means the practice of, and belief in magical skills and abilities that are exercised by individuals and certain social groups.” -Wikipidia

the use of sorcery or magic; communication with the devil or with a familiar spirit. An irresistible influence or fascination” -Merriam-Webster.

the practice of magic, especially black magic; the use of spells and invocation of spirits

The dictionary therefore suggests a strong link between witchcraft and magic. Magic means;

the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. *magic rites or incantations. *an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source. *something that seems to cast a spell;  *enchantment.” -Merriam Webster.

Scientifically, magical powers and witchcraft have no credence as they have remained unsupported by experimental testing and have generally lacked scientific explanation. So again, for the very logical and scientific thinkers, magic (and witchcraft) can very well be a joke.

Does the Bible consider magic and witchery as jokes? 

Accounts of acts and practice of magic are replete throughout the Bible. Both the New and Old Testament strongly condemn witchcraft, magic, sorcery and all forms of divination and soothsaying.

Magic is an illusion, its unreal and it cannot be substantiated. Sometimes, people experience very strange feelings of ill-health that defies all known medical explanations.  A Godly intervention may be all that is required.

We have some descriptions of witchcraft in the Bible.

a. Witchcraft is sin.

..rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, …” (1Samuel 15:23). So witchcraft is defiance, resists authority, loves control, insubordinate and nonconforming.

b. Witchcraft steals peace. 

“...what peace, as long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so many?..”     (2 Kings 9:22)

c. Witchcraft does evil and never good. 

…practiced witchcraft and soothsaying, and sold themselves to do evil..” (2 Kings 17:17; & 21: 6, 2 Chronicles 33:6).

d. Witchcraft provokes God to anger.

“…and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger.”    (2 Kings 17:17 & 21:6, 2 Chronicles 33:6).

e. Witchcraft et al (witchcraft, sorcery, occultism, and all forms of divination) defile.

Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”   (Leviticus 19:31)

f. Witchcraft is cowardly.  Mediums make low speeches (lacking in authority). They mutter and whisper out of the dust. (Revelation 21:8;   Isaiah 8:19; 29:4).


2. Why do people indulge in witchcraft?

Just put a handful of toddlers in a small play room with the best toys in the world and in no time you’ll notice teams and team leads naturally emerge among them. Man seems to have misconstrued God’s command in Genesis to subdue the earth and dominate it to mean dominance over every other human! 🙂

There is a strong desire for power and dominance in every man which if uncontrolled and unchecked pushes one to search for aids to dominance. Occultism and all forms of evil divinations (including witchcraft) are primarily birthed this way. Most times, people who indulge in these ungodly associations start off seeking personal gratification and powers that can safeguard them from others. But just like other gifts from Satan, acts and practice of divination ultimately kills, steals and destroys (John 10:10).


3. How do witchcraft et al work?

*By ‘witchcraft et al’ I mean; witchcraft, sorcery, occultism, and all forms of divination.

(a). Witches use means to hunt after souls by influencing natural forces through supernatural powers or by invocation of spirits . Some of the means used in witchcraft include;

  • Spells (Acts 19:19;  ). These include; love spells, money spells, white magic spells, doll spell, chants, spells for flying, spells with candles, spells with cats, spells for protection, etc                 **Witches generally cast their spells when they get angry and they have spells in books.
  • Enchantments (Acts 8:11, Revelations 18:23; Exodus 8:7 ). This simply means operating under a spell, being astonished or attracted to something or greatly fascinated without good reason.
  • Charms (Ezekiel 13:18-20; ). Means to become fascinated, delighted, pleased, attracted, captivated, dazzled, hypnotized, bewitched, seduced spellbound etc.
  • Poisons
  • Gifts   (Ezekiel  13:18,
  • Invocations (Isaiah 8:19).  Witchcraft and all forms of divination invoke the dead.

(b). Initiation into witchcraft involves a passing through fire (2 Kings 17:17; 2 Kings 21:6, 2 Chronicles 33:6, ).

(c). Individuals can be initiated at birth or become enchanted or charmed using any of the means listed above (2 Kings 17:17; 2 Kings 21:6, 2 Chronicles 33:6).

I believe that a witch once entered my home in the guise of a nanny; I’d just had one of my babies. On this particular Sunday morning, I just suddenly felt feverish and literally passed out. Of course I didn’t make it to church that day. Waking up, I felt something was wrong, I immediately asked for my few weeks old baby who was brought, and she looked okay physically. The discomfort I felt made me start thinking and praying. The next Sunday, the same feverish feeling started again, this time, I got up carried my baby and the nanny to church! The nanny was very uncomfortable and restless throughout the service and a few days later she insisted she must leave my home.

My next meeting with her was at an immunization session, she’d found another victim; a harmless innocent new mum.  She almost jumped out of her skin when she saw me and tried very hard to avoid any close contact with me. But I managed to get close to her and asked her; ‘what are you up to now?’ She didn’t want her new boss to hear our discussion and so preferred we spoke a distance from her. 

I believe she’s on an assignment to initiate newborn babies. She didn’t succeed with mine! My subsequent calls to her agency to bring me another help wasn’t fruitful as the manager muttered something about my home which I can’t remember clearly.


4. What does God think about witches?

a. Witchcraft et al is delusional,  full of lies and does not bring comfort.  Zechariah 10:2 tells us that;

..The idols speak delusion, the diviners envision lies and tell false dreams; they comfort in vain. Therefore the people wend their way like sheep…”

The sheep without The Shepherd (Jesus Christ) is the one most prone to following after the falsehood of divination. For the Bible records that the sheep of Jesus Christ is sensitive enough not to follow the voice of a stranger (John 10: 14, 27).

b. God does not want His children seeking after mediums. In Leviticus 19:31 God commands us;

Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits, do not seek after them: I am the Lord your God.”

c. God turns his face away from anyone who practices witchery and consults medium.  Leviticus 20:6 reads;

And the person who turns to mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people

d. God’s penalty for a witch is death.

You shall not permit a sorcerer to live”.   (Exodus 22:18, Deuteronomy 18:10,

And Leviticus 20:27 reads;

“A man or woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death; they shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them”.

e. Witchcraft et al will be destroyed in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone in the Second Death;

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone,..


5. So until the Second Death comes, how should Christians handle witches? 

How many witches should we kill and how would we kill them?  🙂 . Ephesians 6 answers these questions for us;

Finally my brethren, be strong in The Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. stand therefore, having girded your with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; and praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all saints, and for me, that utterance may be given to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,..” Ephesians 6:13-19.

This scripture tells us how to handle all forms of principalities and powers (including witchcraft).

  • We need to be strong in The Lord
  • We need to be strong in the power of the Lord’s might
  • We need to pray always in the Spirit
  • We need to be watchful and cultivate perseverance
  • We must wear (as clothing) the full amour of God and take a stand against the devil’s schemesWearing the full armour of God entails putting on  the Helmet of salvation, the Breastplate of righteousness, girding our waist with the truth, covering our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, carrying the Shield of faith and holding strongly in our hands the Sword of the Spirit. It is with the sword of the Spirit (the weapon of our warfare), that we pull down strong holds, cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We bring into captivity every thought(certainly not of good) to the obedience of Christ and we punish every disobedience and rebellion (2 Corinthians 10: 4-6). 

We must also remember that Christ disarmed all principalities and powers, making a public spectacle of them and triumphing over them in victory (Colossians 2:15). After gaining that feat, Christ received all authority  in Heaven and on Earth which He handed over  to us-Christians (Matthew 28:20) and God the Father made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

Friends, fear not for Christ has conquered the devil and all his agents. Christ is in us (John 16: 20) and He is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4, Exodus:18:11). 

Can you imagine the devil walking up to Jesus Christ and saying to Him; ‘look Jesus, whatever You did at Calvary was nothing, I am here to oppress and suppress You‘. If you cannot imagine that happening with Christ, you shouldn’t accept it happening to you.

Some months ago when I got really sick without a satisfactory medical explanation, some elderly Christian friends of mine became very worried that I might die. They suggested I go inquire (from a medium) what the problem could be.  My response to them never changed; “if I was bewitched or poisoned, then that for me is much easier than being labelled with a disease. Jesus already settled all principalities and powers”.

Truth is, both the bewitching and the known disease emanate from the same source (John 10:10). And it is aimed at killing, stealing from and ultimately destroying the destiny of Christians without knowledge. Christians who have been given all authority and don’t know it.

Brethren, Fret not about witches and all kinds of principalities and powers. Apostle Paul  in Acts 13:6-12 being led by the Holy Spirit, demonstrates to us how to handle a sorcerer or witch acting under guise of a prophet.

Bar-Jesus, like many sorcerers and false prophets today, knew his trade and didn’t pretend about his intention to make money. He recognized a need in Proconsul Sergius Paulus, who though described by the Bible as an intelligent man, was very lacking in Godly wisdom. Bar-Jesus sucked up to Sergius Paulus and continuously fed him with false prophecies.

Interesting thing about Bar-Jesus, which Christians must not miss is that he knew he was a false prophet 🙂 because when Paul and Barnabas showed up, Bar-Jesus recognized that his trickery was over! Paul only made his sure exit less traumatic by simply cursing him with temporary blindness first.  Oh! I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit like Paul was in this narration such that no stinking deceitful, fraudulent, son of the devil and an enemy of righteousness like Bar-Jesus misses a taste of God’s fury.


In sub-theme 6, I discuss my little concern about witchery and the Church…

   6. Can a Christian be under the influence of witchcraft and not know It?

My answer to this question is a resounding ‘Yes’.

And this is where things around witchery gets a bit confusing. Sometimes the people we have very high regard for may actually be exhibiting features of witchcraft and because of the respect we have for them, we only realize after a lot of harm has been done, or we still carry on without knowing what’s up!

As a young Christian, I remember my Pastor frequently mentioning 3 main attributes of witchcraft; Manipulation, Seduction & Control (MSC).

All 3 features may not be present in one person at the same time, but the presence of any them in strong uncontrollable measure should make us begin to consider operation of a spirit other than the spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is evident in the Spirit-filled life (Galatians 5:22-23).

So as I end this very extended blog-post, we must remember  as 1 John 4:1 commands;

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

Many false prophets are presently in the world, leading churches, teaching the bible, calling ‘Jesus’, ‘Jesus’ everywhere.  The Bible admonishes us to Test every spirit to ascertain whether they are of God.

Where you find Manipulation, Seduction and/or Control ruling in a church, pause, stop, look again, then conduct the litmus test;…….whose spirit is at work here? If it is Not the Spirit of God, then it must be the spirit of the devil.

Your ‘prophet’ may actually need help and the earlier you start praying in the Spirit for him, the safer it will be for you, the church and your leader/prophet.

May God help us all.

We are victories through Christ. And it doesn’t matter how the devil wants to come after us, he’ll come in one way but disperse in several directions because the Greater One lives in us.

Halleluyah to Jesus Christ.

Christian Living

10 Things about Peter that made for a Net-Breaking Miracle

Peter (birth name Simon), is one of my favorite disciples of Jesus Christ. Understanding his transformation from an unstable, talkative fisherman to a reliable leader of the Church of Jesus Christ, reveals God’s magnificence in making a masterpiece and a rock out of an unusual vessel.

The early verses of Luke chapter 5 does more than show a miracle of provision and abundance. Those verses of scripture portrays Peter in a light that helps us appreciate why Christ chose him to lead his team despite his obvious human imperfections. They reveal the personality of Peter and how this contributed to him experiencing a net-breaking miracle.

The Master’s instruction was simple;

Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch”. Luke 5:4b NKJV.

For many months, the Spirit of God stayed me on Luke 5 in response to my desire to experience God’s wealth and riches. I am still learning by that scripture 🙂 And in addition to some attributes of Peter elaborated in one of my past blog posts; ‘Men after God’s Heart‘ , I discuss here 10 things about Peter that I believe made his net-breaking miracle experience possible.

  1. Peter was skillful and hardworking. Peter was not only a professional fisherman, he was also very hardworking and resilient. Why spend a whole night searching for fish? With Peter’s proficiency with fishing, he would know better that the tides were unfavorable that particular night and pull the boat to the shoreline. But Peter didn’t do that, he stayed on all night searching for any catch of fish at all. Peter was surely a man dedicated to and passionate about his trade.
  2. Peter had a generous attitude. Looking at the display of generosity by Peter in the above verses of scripture, I have to say that, my husband, Arnold, is much more generous than I am. I have vivid examples of times Arnold have cancelled people’s debt following a not-so-profitable business deal. Sometimes, I am not sure how I’d react in such circumstances. Peter’s generous nature is revealed in the ease with which he released his boat to Christ for a preaching session. A bad night of fishing without fish is enough to make anyone cranky and not nice…. So it would not be completely inappropriate for Peter to have been offended by Christ’s ‘insensitivity’. If Jesus could teach about God’s Kingdom from his boat, He could as well command fishes into Peter’s boat rather than ask for a boat to preach!
  3. Peter was teachable. I had to use my imagination a bit to answer the question of where Peter was after letting Christ have his boat for a sermon? Was he washing his nets or getting a well deserved rest? I want to believe that Peter sat down with the crowd and listened to Jesus teach. What Peter didn’t realize though was that by bringing himself to listen to Jesus Christ, he was building his faith in preparation for his forthcoming miraculous catch of fish. Peter’s faith was stirred by Jesus’ teaching, his expectation was aroused and I daresay Peter was greatly mesmerized and astonish with the words of wisdom that proceeded from Jesus’ lips.
  4. Peter acknowledged the limits of his skill. As a Medical doctor, it will be a hideous task for an Engineer to try to tell me what drugs cure malaria, for example. Such volunteer of unsolicited teaching is only likely to be acceptable to me if my encounters with this Engineer suggests a superior ability or prowess for thinking critically across different spheres of life such that I buy-in and respect his views on issues other than engineering. When Jesus directed Peter (a professional fisherman) to exactly where he needed to let down the nets for a good catch, it was easy for Peter to obey Christ because having listened to Him, he appreciated a superior knowledge/wisdom in display, probably a supernatural gifting, that surely flawed his skills and fishing expertise. When we come to our wits end, may we be humble enough to seek God’s directive.
  5. Peter respected authority. When a seasoned fisherman tells you he has toiled all night without a catch, he must be pretty sure of himself. But again, having listened to Christ, Peter recognized Jesus’ authority and if Christ could teach with such wisdom, He must have God’s authority. Maybe more important is the fact that Peter placed Jesus’ authority above his experience. He must have adjudged Jesus’ audacity and confidence as not natural, and also worth respecting.
  6. Peter recognized and acknowledged a miracle when he saw one. There are many people that would come up with logical explanations about why their second round of fishing yielded great catch rather than ‘fall down at Jesus feet’. Peter recognized that only a supernatural intervention would give the kind of catch they experienced and he was not going to take the praise to himself.
  7. Peter cared about other people. When Peter called his partners in the other boat to come help gather miracle, I believe that he called them to come share of his abundance and not to come help him carry his blessings and give it back to him at the shore. These same guys had toiled all night with Peter and once again, we see Peter’s generous nature show up. There are people who would rather struggle to get all the fish to the shoreline (and probably drown in the process), instead of share them with others.
  8. Peter prioritized Godly wisdom over earthly strengths. By ‘strengths’ here I mean all of man’s skills, knowledge, proficiency etc. How do you toil all night without success, and be magnanimously given what you toiled for in an overwhelming measure, only to abandon same and walk away? You must have seen something of greater value! Whatever Peter heard Christ teach, combined with his experience of the miraculous catch of fish, made nonsense of Peter’s technical know-how, knowledge and experience. He hungered for Christ’ wisdom.
  9. Peter prioritized Godly wisdom over wealth. People are constantly making efforts to enhance their skills, to make them marketable and possibly meet their needs comfortably. You don’t seek for a promotion, get one and then refuse the salary increment or benefits of your promotion. Peter needed fish to make money/wealth. It doesn’t make sense that he’d walk away from it when he got it. Can you just imagine how much money 2 almost-sinking-boats laden with fishes would bring? But Peter suddenly ignored all that to become a fisher of men; a concept he knew nothing about.
  10. Peter trusted Christ. By abandoning his fishes, boats and nets and following Christ, Peter was walking into the unknown. That is only possible where trust has been built. Yes, Peter was generally unstable in his reaction to things, but to abandon his only source of livelihood without thinking was a bit overboard. I believe Peter’s encounter with Jesus helped his decision no matter how irrational it looks. If Jesus can teach with such unearthly wisdom and miraculously provide what he toiled for all night, then Jesus can be trusted absolutely to take care of him.

Peter gave up all (wealth, proficiency etc) for a higher calling.

Would you be ready to give up all for the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Personally there are attributes of Peter I need to imbibe to prepare for the overflow and abundance God has in store for me. I hope you find something to work on yourself too 🙂 And when the wealth comes, may we still recognize that ‘fishing for men’ supercedes all.


Thank You Father.

You are at work in us to will and to do of Your good pleasures. And we give You praise forever in Jesus name. Amen. Help us to heed your instruction to “launch out into the deep and let down our nets for a catch”. For only in full obedience and unwavering trust is our miracle guaranteed. Amen.


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Blessings & Love Always.

Grace Obomanu

Christian Living

Things that Do Not Satisfy

The Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well needed more than a natural bucket of water to quench her thirst (John 4). In fact, her fundamental problem wasn’t about physical water at all. This woman thirsted for love. Five husbands have failed to satisfy her desire. She needed a love that would satisfy and never fail. What she didn’t know was that no man could possibly give that kind of love, because every man desires same!

Isaiah 55:1 calls us;

Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;….”

This write-up focuses on things that do not satisfy. I promise to do another in the near future on the bible-recommended thirst quenchers;  the waters, wine, milk and bread as expressed in Isaiah 55: 1-2.  🙂

So, what are the things that do not satisfy as mentioned in Isaiah 55?

Verse 2 of Isaiah 55 sheds a little more light on what these may be..

.”why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy?”.

Maybe we should start by listing some possible items we spend our hard earned wages on; houses, cars, gold, silver, clothes, bags, food, vacations/holidays, school fees, and so much more.

A few days ago, I brought out a clutch purse bought not too long ago, which i hadn’t used in a long time, and behold! the leather just  wouldn’t stop peeling off.

A colleague narrated to me some days ago, how her newly bought metallic gold shoe came out of the box covered in molds that completely discolored the pair, rendering them unusable.

Let’s not even talk about our so called designer clothes that start loosening the first day we wear them.

And before we make this into a lady’s talk, did Mercedes not release a much fuller option model of your car this year? And you bought yours just last year. Or which is more trendy on buildings now? Paints or bricks? What do you think it’ll be in the next 2 years? Maybe paint again!! 🙂

You shouldn’t even be too quick to judge others until you have been exposed to some level of wealth and you chose different! The temptation to want more never really goes away. What matters is how we respond. Selah.

While nursing my mum 2 years ago before her demise, I lost my gold bracelet. Apart from being very busy taking care of my sick mum, I was also not very well myself.  You can imagine that searching for that piece of jewelry was the least of my problems at the time. This suggests to me that no matter the worth of our most priced possessions, LIFE remains invaluable and life means much more than all our riches.       Selah!

Things that do not satisfy are constantly before us, begging for us to spend our money and wages on them. But it doesn’t matter how expensive or costly they  are, and regardless of the waranty placed on them, they rot, they decay, they tarnish and most importantly, they keep luring and attracting us without quenching our thirst/desire for them.

There will always be a more attractive Range Rover, Mercedes, House, Bag, Shoe, Gold, Dress, etc. And we’ll continue to be attracted to them!

So does this mean we shouldn’t eat again?  ☺Shouldn’t we ride good cars again? Are jewelry and beautiful clothes out of bounds now? Should we demolish our state-of-the-art buildings and move into huts to prove our spirituality?

For me, I think moderation, simplicity and a focus on Kingdom business remain good guides. God will continue to cause His children to have SUFFICIENCY in all things so as to meet their needs and the need of others. Our role is to constantly put ‘under’ control our desires and always allow God’s word illuminate as well as guide our choices and decisions.

God WANTS to take care of us Himself. Enough of too much hussling and chasing after perishables.

The waters, wine, milk and bread are supernatural. Understanding what they represent will help us continually access God’s supernatural provision of health, wholeness and prosperity!

I want to heed God’s call in Isaiah 55: 1, of buying without money and I hope you’d join me  🙂

Come let’s follow the Lord and buy without money. Jesus is leading and we’re following. And as long as we remain in His presence, spending time in His word, listening to the Holy Spirit nudging to act in moderation (1 Timothy 2:9), every yoke of wasteful living will be broken and taken off layer after layer, until we’re totally liberated and restored.

Thank You Father.




Christian Living

Choose Ye this Day

One group of people, in my opinion that walk blindly without any interest in finding out what they believe in are sadly, Christians. I have to quickly add; not all of them, but very very sadly, majority of them.

They don’t go to church, they don’t read their bibles and worst still, they don’t even want others to. They’re ashamed of the gospel and they wish others didn’t stand up for it. Reason?  It’s too archaic and mundane!!! They steal, kill, lie, indulge in all kinds of sexual sin without a shudder but are swift to pen down ‘Christianity’ as their religion.

Let me ask; who told you you’re a Christian? How did you become a Christian? Were you coerced? Did you do it to please anyone? Did you do it to feel accepted? Or maybe you were born into Christianity…?

However you got in, if you think the doctrines are still foolish, too unreal, or you’re absolutely not satisfied continuing in it, hear this; You have a CHOICE to walk away. That’s probably why God made the earth into an open space before dropping Adam into it. Apart from man-made boundaries and distinguishing landmarks, there are no doors and windows on planet earth. It’s an open space. SELAH.   One thing God never took away from man is man’s will. Right from the Garden of Eden, God gave man a choice.

It took more than a lily-livered God to send His only begotten son down to earth to be mocked and killed. And it wasn’t an undecided, confused, not focused, slimy Jesus Christ that sacrificed His life on the Cross of Calvary.

Why did you become a Christian? Why have you remained a Christian? These are simple questions you probably need to ask yourself.  Even if for the sole reason of not continuing on a blind course with no interest in finding the right direction. You are much smarter than that! 🙂

One of the reasons you became a Christian is to help others understand who God is and choose Him. If you think that’s too much a responsibility, you are not being forced or pressurized to do it. Just leave. Otherwise get off your butts and let’s do kingdom business! You don’t have to be among the folks Jesus Christ would surely say to: ‘get away from me, for I know you not’.

You are not gonna win any soul when you are ashamed of the gospel of Christ.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to Salvation for everyone who believes…”     Romans 1:16   NKJV.

Salvation/Faith comes through hearing the word of God.

In case you’re reading this and you think it’s a stinker, praise God…I captured the right audience!

It’s TIME to stand up for what you say you believe in. No more sitting on the fence. The one sure way to grow your faith as a Christian, is to hunger and thirst for the living waters and the living bread. The answers to all your questions are in the Word. But I don’t know how you’re going to find them when you abhor your Bible, you hate Bible Study sessions and you’d rather sleep or hang out with unholy friends than go to Church.

Choose ye this day whom you’ll serve.

You can choose to stay or you can walk away.

If you choose to stay, then take up your cross and follow Christ.



Christian Living

Higher Things..

Torat Moshe, also known as the Torah, is traditionally believed by the Hebrews to have been written by Moses. The Torah refers to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. These books are replete with God’s laws handed down to Moses and Moses’ teachings based on them. Generally, adultery was considered a hideous offense throughout the Torah.

Much as every adult knows how impossible it is to have an accusation of adultery solely laid on one individual, the punishment meted out to an adulterous woman going by the Torah came nothing close to what the male counterpart received.  The society did more than frown at it, she must be stoned to death.

In John 8:11, Jesus seemed to have reacted differently and contrary to expectations, to an adulterous woman.

….neither do I, said Jesus, ‘Go on your way. From now on, don’t sin.” 

Jesus discharged and acquitted a woman condemned by law to death!

Let us not rewrite the Bible in a hurry just yet. Is adultery an offense?  YES it is,  before man and God!   So did Jesus not act contrary to God’s laws in John 8:3-11? Were the people not right in their accusations?

It may be true that your wife deeply indulged in adultery to the point that she offered her body generously to men at no good price. And that your boss has decided to keep you ‘under’ because he is intimidated and threatened by God’s glory o’re you. It may have also happened that your husband recently threw you and you 6 months old baby out of the house, preferring a younger woman.  Or your parents really don’t give a hood where you are, what you do or how you do it.

In all of this , what does God expect of you…..and I?

This article was informed by one of my recently discovered near favorite scriptures in the Bible, 🙂  Colossians 3:2;

And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.”   (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition-AMPC).

Look at that scripture one more time; is it any obvious that Believers have a choice to act differently in situations were they can legitimately apply the law?

Is it possible to be like Jesus Christ before Pontius Pilate and be given opportunity to exonerate ourselves from false accusations and yet choose not to, because of a secondary gain to another?  (Selah).

What are the ‘Higher things’ being referred to in Colossians 3:2?

Am sorry to say it is not Tithing & Offering, as we’ve all been taught in recent times. Jesus classed Mercy, Justice and Faith as the Weightier Matters (Matthew 23:23). The Tithe is a Command from God, you just do it. And your offering is expected as a sign of gratitude. God expects it. However, mercy, justice and faith to me are reflections of a believer’s spiritual growth and maturity. And Agape Love envelopes these 3 attributes!

Now if you think the story of the adulterous woman in John 8 is too archaic to be true, then please patiently read through the following brief real life issue:

A man’s wife was neck-deep in adultery to the point that she didn’t need any man to chase her, she personally made advances at men without struggle and offered her body freely without requesting any form of compensation or payment.

Did I hear you say demonic influence?  Well, demonic influence or personal choice, the humbling and yet liberating part for me remains that this woman’s husband chose to forgive her and take her in as though nothing happened in the first place! I mean Matthew 19:9, offers this man an opportunity to separate from his wife if he chooses to even if only to protect himself from contracting sexually transmitted diseases or gaining a personal gratification having been treated badly or just to ensure his wife suffers for her wicked acts.

Pause please….

Could there possibly be a secondary gain of forgiving this woman assuming she is willing to change her ways? Could she like the adulterous woman in John 8, become wholly yielded to Christ, or like Mary Magdalene, never leave the Master’s side?

Isn’t it much more profitable spiritually if one wicked, mean, sinful, wife, boss, colleague, child or whosoever, submitted to God and to His ways?

These are higher thoughts and they attract higher gains. They don’t come naturally, but requires complete disconnection from the senses. They are supernatural choices that bring supernatural rewards.

Colossians 3:15 instructs us thus;

And above all these {put on} love and enfold yourselves with the bond of perfectness (which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony). And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts {deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds in that peaceful state} to which as (members of Christ’s) body you were also called (to live). And be thankful (appreciative) {giving praise to God always}.” Amplified Bible, Classic Edition.

It was an unusual kind of love that kept Jesus mute before Pilate, choosing instead to die than be acquitted of wrong doing.

Agape is the highest form of love, the kind of love that God has for man and sent Jesus to die for us while we were still sinners. agape is unconditional, does not consider acts done (positive or negative), does not rely on feelings or emotions, it transcends the natural and loves when there’s no reason to love.

We cannot continue with an ‘eye for an eye’ approach to life, neither can we continue to seek personal gratification in every situation; constantly wanting to appear smart, well learned/schooled and in control of everything and everyone at every time.

There’s a ‘yielding’ to God’s spirit necessary to execute and sustain higher things.

When the adulterous woman said to Jesus, ‘none of her accusers condemned her, she also seemed to be saying to Jesus; ‘do you Lord? Jesus did not condemn her, instead He told her and those around her how not to continue to walk in darkness (or indulge in any kind of sin, including adultery)…

Then Jesus spoke to them again saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12 NKJV.

Whether you’re in the position of the accused or accuser, following The Light (Jesus Christ) guarantees that we continue to walk in The Light of Life, so that we live life to its fullest (John 10:10). That is the only way to stay away from adultery and all forms of sin, and to continuously illuminate others with agape. In The Light, Jesus Christ!


Help us Dear Lord Jesus Christ to always recognize and prioritize kingdom gains above personal gains in Jesus Name. Amen.






Christian Living

You Can Take it

Temptations come to everyone; believers and unbelievers. However, God expects every child of His to triumph over every temptation. The believer’s victory to overcoming troubles, sin, temptations and the likes remains faith in the faithfulness of Jehovah to save, deliver and restore. Realizing that evil does not emanate from God, and that God wants us to triumph always reinforces in us a winning attitude and mindset in any situation. Shalom!

Christian Living

Pet or Companion?

You have a dog, cat, talking pigeon etc for a pet or you’re considering getting one soon?

That’s fine, God considered giving animals to man as companion from the beginning. Yes, I was as surprised as you are right now, as it popped out of my Bible 🙂

Genesis 2:18 reads

“And the Lord God said, ‘It isn’t good for a man to be alone; I will make a Companion for him, a helper suited to his needs’. So the Lord God formed from the soil every kind of animal and bird, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever he called them, that was their name”.

So Adam showed his creativity in churning out beautiful names for all the animals. Doesn’t the Lion really look lionish? 🙂 I bet you responded in the positive.  Just a thought here though, which happened first?….did Adam just throw different names at different animals and they looked the part, or did their looks suggest a name to Adam? 🙂  I want to believe both, but more importantly, the animals answered the name Adam gave them (Selah). That’s what the Bible tells us.

But notice that God was watching out carefully for what Adam would name each of the animals. God wanted to see which of the animals Adam considered a companion or a help meet, which was God’s particular interest at the time.

None qualified!

So God shook His head. ‘Oh no, this didn’t work, but let me try again’. This time, God chose to use a part of the man to make him a companion.

Look at Adam’s reaction;

“This is it! Adam exclaimed. She is part of my own bone and flesh! her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man”. Genesis 2:23

God’s job was done! Eve was acceptable to Adam as companion 🙂

Isn’t it still awesome how man has remained in the business of identifying his companion himself? God ceded that right over to man (Selah). You gotta find your companion yourself young man. And being the Father that God is, He is always available to guide you. Amen.

My grandma had a cat for many years, she shared almost all her meals and drinks with it, especially fish. One awful day, Bossy, which is what she called her cat, left home and has still not returned. My grandma passed on about 4 years ago at almost 100 years. From my little Maths, Bossy must have disappeared from home in my grandma’s 70’s. Grandma later found a companion in a human male of her age group. That was sweet to watch.

I read of people willing over millions and millions of monies to pets. My take on that? Such people most likely lived a pitiable solitary purposeless life with a myopic view. What happened to all the homeless and hungry people all over the world? Money in the wrong hands!

Do have all the pets you like recognizing that God actually created them to stay around you. But recognize that they never sufficed as companions for Adam and I doubt they’ll do for you.

Get a companion today 🙂







Christian Living


The title, ‘Forever Haven’ suggests some kind of resort or vacation site that fundamentally provides an unending, ever-enduring safety net for its inhabitants.

Sounds absolutely alluring, calming and peaceful, if you ask me, considering the present global security situation.

The ‘Global Village’ status of the world has never been given more credence than now! Many thanks to the faithfulness of media houses towards dutifully disseminating a sense of looming global danger with all urgency! From reports of painful untimely deaths, resulting from bombing and explosion of an oil well in Southern Nigeria, to the news of a bomb blast in Paris, or the murder of a law enforcement agent in Dallas…. More than ever before there is a heightened feeling of tension and uncertainty. So, a ‘Forever Haven’ totally sounds soothing and comforting.

But let me quickly ask, does any such attraction or resting place really exist? Can any President assure citizens of safety and protection from current or pending world dangers?

I took another look at my Bible, and found a Haven created by God Himself! Jerusalem was a haven; a place of safety and refuge. Good for retreat, harbor and security. The city was situated on Mount Zion and carefully surrounded by mountains.

Sounds to me, like a tedious, wearisome and laborious project! Who built Jerusalem on Mount Zion, amidst rocks and mountains?

Apart from my childhood knowledge about how God’s six (6) days of dedicated labor gave birth to the World and all we see in it, my little personal Bible Study reveals that Jerusalem was neither built nor named by the Hebrews.

Dating back to the early bronze age, there was a Canaanite town called Salem, first mentioned in Genesis 14:18, where Abraham met with Melchizedek and offered bread and wine. Melchizedek was King of Salem!

Jeru-Salem is first seen in the Bible in Joshua 10:1. Israel conquered its inhabitants but sadly abandoned it for the Jebusites.  Thus necessitating a fight from David and his army to conquer the Jebusites many years later before gaining ownership of the City that would become the capital of Israel.

The Hebrews may have retained the name Jerusalem because of its strikingly deep Hebrew meaning.

Jerusalem is actually a conjugation of two root words; Yara and Shalem and together translates Possession of Peace or Foundation of Peace. Salem or Shalem means complete, full, made ready, quiet, whole, peaceable, perfect. Yara means dual (Jerusalem sits on 2 hills). Yara also means; to cast, to point out, to teach, direct, instruct. So Jerusalem speaks of a ready-made place of peace, security and wholeness where one is pointed to, instructed or taught.

For many days the following scripture kept playing through my mind;

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so The Lord surrounds His people. From this time forth and forever” Psalm 125:2


When we backtrack a bit to verse 1 of same Bible portion, we get a broader picture;

Those who trust in The Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever”.


And Joel 3:17 tells us;

So you shall know that I am The Lord your God, dwelling in Zion My holy mountain. Then Jerusalem shall be holy, and no aliens shall ever pass through her again”.


Of course there are many other references to Jerusalem in the Bible that are absolutely exciting, but Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!, the above scriptures tells us that God situated Jerusalem on His Holy unmovable Mount Zion, surrounded by mountains.

Obviously Jerusalem exists as a place, a tangible landmark structure! Wouldn’t it be awesome if Jehovah sends forth Angel Michael to blow the trumpet to gather all His children to Jerusalem? Away from all the deafening and unpalatable ill news of misfortunes, mishaps and deaths?   I’ll personally like that 🙂

But as we see in Psalm 125:2, Jerusalem is correlated to ‘The Lord’s people’. As the mountains surround Jerusalem,….so The Lord surrounds His people!

I am yet to see any daughter or son of Zion moving around and surrounded by physical mountains though (Selah).

So, where exactly is this place of peace and instruction?

These are my thoughts (and I speak not by revelation knowledge)…

The only place of instruction and safety for the Body of Christ that I know of is in the Word of God (Selah).

Staying in the Word gives instruction and brings wisdom that guides from harm.


Proverbs 1:33 reads;

For The Lord gives wisdom, from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He stores up stores up sound wisdom for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk uprightly. He guards the paths of justice and preserves the way of His saints”.

And Psalm 91:1-2 reassures that;

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. I will say of The Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust”.

Every moment spent studying God’s word reinforces our trust in Him and boosts our faith and daily assures us of God’s ability and willingness to keep safe and secure whatever we entrust to His care.

Yes! The Lord surrounds us as the mountains surround Jerusalem when we make ourselves Jerusalem; a place of instruction and peace by staying in His word. And yes! We can enjoy this benefit of safety, security and peace forever, for as long as we stay in His word and are uncompromising in our dealings. We can then be assured of His Presence and His Power, always and Forever!

A Forever Haven is possible only in The Word, and can be enjoyed by all who has received Christ as Lord and personal Savior.

You can make that decision today. You may want to read a few of my blog posts on how to receive Christ; ‘Could it Have Been a Surrogate Birth? or ‘Dead Man Walking!’.

Love Always.


Except otherwise stated, all Bible quotations are from the New King James Version (NKJV).


Christian Living

Only in His Presence

I need to write Lord! It’s chasing a month since the last publication on the blog. My subscribers have begun to ask questions; ‘Grace, we haven’t read from you in a while’. My usual honest explanation of; I’ve been super-bee-busy has been nothing but disappointing to them, their facial expressions betray their niceties of “I understand dear”. I have picked up my notepad more than once, with the utmost urgency, wanting to help their despair, but the words won’t flow! I know there’s so much You’d want me to communicate to the audience You have graciously given me, but the words won’t just flow’

How did I get to this point?

Do our busy schedules drive Him away from us? I dare say; not necessarily…

Genesis 3:8

And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden

How does one know the sound of the Lord God walking in the Garden, even while hidden among trees and grasses? My immediate assertion is; this was a familiar walk. Adam and Eve recognized the Lord walking by, because they’ve heard it more than once before! Also note that the trees could not hide Adam and his wife from the Lord’s presence. This to me suggests, a presence that permeates barriers, walls and boundaries; certainly, not a physical presence! Permit me to call it; ‘the omnipresent presence’.

But why would the presence of a holy God, who abhors sin and everything evil, be felt by the now sin-laden Adam and Eve? Why did he Still come down this particular day after Adam and Eve willingly introduced sin to earth against the Lord’s stern warning in Genesis 2:16-17?

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die” (And die they did! You may wish to see my previous publication; “Dead Man Walking”, available @: ).

I have more than once taught that the Good Lord came down in the cool of the day to commune or fellowship with Adam and Eve. But does the scripture really tell us that?…….

We are told that Adam and Eve heard Him walking in the Garden in the cool of the day! That’s when they heard Him!!! Could He have been in the Garden all along…..all day but they couldn’t hear Him? Was The Lord always in the Garden?

This is my believe;….. that the Omnipresent One has the intrinsic ability to be everywhere at every time!

So I assert once again, that the walls or trees of the Garden did not constitute a barrier to His presence in the Garden! His presence was all over the Garden all day, all time but Adam and his wife could only hear Him in the cool of the day!

Let me tell you what happened in the Garden in the cool of the day…..

There was calm and quiet. There was no rattling of cutlasses, tractors, etc from Adam’s gardening activities. And because Adam and Eve had heard Him once at about this particular time, they expected to hear Him around this time every day.

To answer our opening question therefore; our busy schedules do not keep Him away from us, rather, they stop us from plugging into His frequency…..the Cool-of-the-day frequency.

The cool of the day is not necessarily in the evening or in the night. No! It is that period (and can be any and every time), we set aside physical, mental, emotional and all sorts of distractions and simply focus on Him (His word, glory, greatness, goodness etc).

I have heard teachings on the role of fasting (waiting on The Lord), to properly situate or locate us in The Lord presence, ensuring an undivided attention on Him. While I agree with this, I must quickly add that a fast without a conscious decision to focus on, and tune into ‘the cool of the day frequency’ seems to me like a physical exercise with little or no spiritual gain. You do not need to fast to hear Him!! But the right fasting sure does help put at bay noise and distractions thereby sharpening our hearing of Him.

So if the songs won’t come; tune in

If the sermon seems too unclear; plug in

It is only in the ‘cool of the day frequency’ that we can hear Him and therefore operate in the spiritual gifting(s) He has bestowed on us.

My Love Always…….


Except otherwise stated, all bible quotations are from the New King James Version.








Christian Living

Fig Leaves or Tunics of Skin?

As a young pretty lady, I am a strong advocate for ‘Looking good’ at all times. I believe that The Lord God sculpted the female body with careful precision and accuracy with the intent to communicate attraction to her male counterpart.

Following the fall of man in the Garden of Eden which is a result of 1. Adam’s disobedience, 2. Eve’s negative influence and 3. the Serpent’s dangerously crafty and twisted desire for power and authority, man lost tenancy of the Garden of Eden to the point that God physically guarded Eden with a Cherubim and installed a security system around the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:23-24).

The penalty for sin was spiritual death, along with which came an immediate realization of the physical body, loss of close fellowship with the Father and ceding of authority to Satan. Man’s awareness of his nudity prompted him to quickly grab fig leaves for a covering (Genesis 3: 7).

But God didn’t think fig leaves would do the job of clothing man, keeping him warm, covering his nakedness and maintaining some dignity. So instead of fig leaves, God made Tunics of Skin and clothed man before driving him out of Eden (Selah). However, recent global fashion leanings and tendencies, still seem to reveal man’s preference for fig leaves over tunics of skin. Music stars are at the brink of performing absolutely nude at big shows and events, leading young, vulnerable and pliable youthful minds to do same.

While this represents another display of the subtleness and schemes of Satan at derailing young people using what’s often considered modern and trendy music as bait, Christians must awaken to the fact that such unholy and worldly dress culture is fast becoming acceptable in the Body of Christ and is often been excused for weather conditions, traditions and fashion trends. No gainsaying, this is not God’s plan.

The Bible gives precedence to inner beauty over outward one. You can look beautiful fully covered up. You don’t need to bare at all to achieve that! Your body as a Christian remains the Temple of The Holy One of Israel. He resides in you! Whatever you won’t do at your church alter or temple, hesitate to do same to your body (Selah).

As parents, we must start with imbibing good, decent dress cultures in our children, that’s a good point to begin, trusting in the scripture that promises us that the children will not depart from our good teachings in adulthood. The following dialogue between a parent and their daughter is so true and offers good food for thought….

Mummy: I’m sorry Sophie, but that dress is rather too short. You can’t go out with me dressed in that!

Sophie: But Mum, the weather is hot, and Daizy wore a similar dress to Piano Class the other day….

Mummy: Well love, you have a choice to stay back at home or change to a more decent dressing. Who says you can’t wear leggings under a short dress?

5 years later…..

Sophie: Mummy, your dress is too short! It’s gonna jump up if you bend.

Daddy: Sophie, what’s your concern? The dress seems fine.

Sophie: Mummy please bend forward

(Mummy complies….)

Sophie: You see, people can see your thighs and panties when you bend, that’s what’s wrong.

As it is commonly said; dress the way you want to be approached.

In addition I say; dress to reflect the glory of your Heavenly Father rather than glorify Satan!

Stay Blessed & Love Always

Grace Obomanu.