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Category: Christian Living

Christian Living

Mary, The Word, The Flesh & the Spirit-God’s Timeless Mystery-1.

… ‘Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, ‘Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name JESUS.”    Luke 1: 28-31 KJV. 



How does a young virgin respond to being told by a man she’s meeting for the first time that she has found favor with God?

Michael sure didn’t look like an angel when he appeared to Mary. No! he came to her in human form; as a man.

Flip that scene to today’s realities; a good-looking man walks up to a young naïve and innocent Mary declaring that she’s found favor with God….? Chances are that Mary could smile sheepishly, blushing all over considering her naïvety and gentle nature, or she could blow her tops, wishing he never appeared anywhere in her vicinity again.

In today’s world, not many top-level women get to prestigious positions through sheer brilliance, creativity or hard work.  Not many get there because they’re innocent, naïve and gentle. If you got the  charms, use it or burn with your brains and talents.

That is not the case for a select distinct group of persons who received a blessed Jesus born by a highly favored and blessed Mary. Ask Elizabeth about how favor permeated the air to reach her from a favored Mary such that she became filled with the Holy Ghost and prophesied (Luke 1: 41-43).  Jesus Christ is no longer in Mary’s womb, no! He lives in us. We are blessed and highly favored.

Favored means to be treated or thought of with greatness, preference or partiality. Having special gifting, talents and advantages. Privileged.

Oh! I proclaim that because I received Jesus Christ as Lord and Master over my life, I am blessed, highly favored, greatly gifted and talented. God is bias in my favor and He thinks of me with greatness because I am an offspring of a Great God. He is partial towards me and so I am constantly being preferred in the things that line up with His will and plan for my life.

Thank You Faithful Father.

Mystery #1: A greatly blessed child born of a highly blessed and favored mother got me great favor and blessings! 


Christian Living

Know these 3 ethical truths about your God: Blogpost 3

Welcome back again!

First, I have to apologize for the much delay in delivering Part 3 of this blogpost series. Thank you for your pardon  🙂

We ended the Second Part discussing one of the ethical and inherent attributes of God as we have considered in this blogpost series…: “Know that the Lord Your God is Faithful.

Our reference scripture has been;

Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7: 9  NKJV.

Today, we look at another inherent attribute of Jehovah:

“Know that The Lord Your God (Jehovah) is Merciful”. 

There are so many scriptures in the Bible that speak of God as merciful. Let’s look at a few to help us understand the meaning and relevance of God being merciful.

The Lord is merciful and gracious. Slow to anger and abounding in mercy“. Psalm 103:8

for the Lord your God is a merciful God, He will not forsake you nor destroy you nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them” Deuteronomy 4:31

For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures to all generations.” Psalms 100:5

And the Lord passed him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abounding in goodness and truth“. Exodus 34:6

“….You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, One who relents from doing harm“.  Jonah 4:2b

It is of The Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassion fail not. They are new every morning: great is the faithfulness“. Lamentations 3:22-23.

From the above we see the following;

The Lord our God is merciful as an offshoot of His Goodness. Jehovah is GOOD and has no evil in Him. He is inherently good with no ability of doing evil or harm. Being merciful is a natural and expected offshoot of being good.

I wouldn’t want to boast of myself as being good, but because I have the nature of God, having being bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and because the Spirit of the Lord is actively at work in me, I believe that my heart, nature, thoughts and actions are daily being transformed to display God’s goodness. More often now, people meet me and walk away with this impression; ….’Ah! Grace, you’re such a nice person’. In fact, my boss thinks I am too good to people and he seems to be saying that a lot these days. He says I am too quick to make excuses for the people who work with us.  That sounds like good news if you ask me,  especially because I am also often described as firm.  God is definitely at work in me. Halleluyah.

You cannot be good and not be merciful (selah).

Mercy speaks pardon. Mercy means forgiveness for wrongs. Mercy means relenting from doing harm even when it’s been earned. Mercy means doing good to someone who should ordinarily get nothing like good. Mercy compels us to love.

God is good and so being merciful is His inherent nature. Ephesians 2:4 tells us that;

God, who is RICH in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us“.

Jesus Christ has eternally secured God’s mercy for us by his birth, death and resurrection. We are beneficiaries of the mercy of God because of His LOVE shown to us through Christ Jesus.

The mercy of God is EVERLASTING and it is NEW every morning. His mercy never runs dry. No!!!

So the next time you find yourself despondent from sin and wrongdoing, remember that God is Merciful and He is waiting with arms wide open to receive you the moment you forsake your wrongdoing and turn back to Him.

Jehovah is GOOD and merciful. His mercy is everlasting and brand new every morning.

Praise God.



Christian Living

Know these 3 ethical truths about Your God….: Blogpost 2

Welcome back!

We ended the first part of this blogpost series listing the 3 ethical truths about Jehovah that every Christian must know.  That;

1. The Lord Your God (Jehovah) is Faithful.

2. The Lord Your God (Jehovah) is Merciful.

3. The Lord Your God (Jehovah) keeps Covenant.

We’ll look at one of these today.

Know that The Lord Your God is Faithful. 

From our discussions in the first part, this could easily read as: ‘Know that The God whom you have a relationship with is Faithful.’

What does it mean to be faithful?

Faithful means loyal, constant, steadfast. Unswerving adherence to a person, an oath or promise.

Also means dependability, devotion.

Implies long-continued fidelity to a pledge, a duty or obligation.

Those are simple dictionary definitions/descriptions of ‘faithful’

How does the Bible describe a ‘faithful God’?

Let’s look at a few scriptures….

“But (as surely as) God is faithful and means what He says, our message to you is not ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ (at the same time).  2 Corinthians 1:18. AMP.

God is faithful (He is reliable, trustworthy and ever true to His promise-He can be depended on) and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”    1 Corinthians 1:9. AMP.

Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them, Who keeps truth and is faithful forever.” Psalm 146:6. AMP

But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you (setting you on a firm foundation) and will protect and guard you from the evil one.”                       2 Thessalonians 3:3. AMP.

Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He who is calling you (to Himself for your salvation) and He will do it (He will fulfill His call by making you holy, guarding you, watching over you and protecting you as His own).      1 Thessalonians 5:24. AMP.

For I am the LORD, I do not change (but remain faithful to My covenant with you); that is why you, O sons of Judah, have not come to an end.” Malachi 3:6 AMP.

So when the Bible says to know that The Lord your God is faithful, it means to know that;

  • He is reliable
  • He is dependable
  • He is trustworthy
  • He is compassionate
  • He means what He says
  • He keeps His promises


And He shows His faithfulness in;

  • Protecting you
  • Guarding you
  • Strengthening you
  • Setting you on a firm foundation
  • Making you holy
  • Keeping all the promises He made you. Promises of health, prosperity, protection, peace, and all His Good and excellent promises seen in Deuteronomy 28:1-13, Psalm 103, Psalm 147:3, etc..

How does He do that?

By causing ALL things to work together for your Good….

And we know (with great confidence) that God (who is deeply concerned about us) causes all things to work together (as a plan) for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.” Romans 8:28

Beloved in Christ Jesus, you can trust absolutely in Jehovah.  Be confident that He is your God, and if He is your God, then rest assured of His protection. provision, guidance, promotion,  and His commitment to making good ALL His promises to you.

Jehovah is CAUSING all things to work together for your good.

Trust Him.

Christian Living

Know these 3 ethical truths about Your God…: Blogpost 1

I woke up to a beautiful scripture this morning. A scripture with 3 profound/powerful truths about Jehovah that I thought I dare not keep to myself. If you are a Christian, then you need to know these attributes of Jehovah to maximize your experience of Him as God.

I have carefully chosen to qualify these truths as ‘Ethical’. We are probably conversant with ‘ethical’ referring to morals, principles of right or wrong, being in accordance with rules, standards or practice. In this post however, permit me to use ‘ethical’ as relating to principles, standards, and inherent characteristics. Jehovah your God thrives on these principles. They are His inherent attributes.

This is really exciting, isn’t it? that there are attributes of God that will NEVER ever change,…they are intrinsic part of who He is!

Here we go…….

Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7: 9 NKJV.

Actually, there are 4 things to take out of this scripture, the first being a prerequisite to knowing the 3 that follow.

Number 1: Know that The Lord your God is God.

Did I hear you say; ‘Grace, what does that mean? That doesn’t make sense at all. “The Lord your God” is tautology!’

You’re absolutely right. That’s the way it sounds and it doesn’t make sense. Let’s look at that scripture again from The Message Translation:

Know this: GOD, your God is God indeed, a God you can depend upon. He keeps His covenant of loyal love with those who love Him and observe His commandments for a thousand generations.

It says – God YOUR God is God Indeed!

First, He has to be YOUR God. There has to be a relationship between you and Him

Second, you need to know that He is God Indeed!

Who is a God?

Simple dictionary definition: “Supreme or ultimate reality. A Superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes. A deity.

Now, there are many kinds of God. But the God referred to in Deuteronomy 7 above is Jehovah, the Hebrew God.

Psalm 83:18 describes Him as ‘the Most High’.

Jehovah, The Most High, is ‘God Your God’ when you choose Him as your One and Only God, love Him with all your heart and with all you have.

The next 3 things He wants you to know about Him:

Number 2: Know that The Lord Your God (Jehovah) is Faithful

Number 3: Know that The Lord Your God (Jehovah) is Merciful

Number 4: Know that The Lord Your God (Jehovah) keeps Covenant.

Why should we know Him as Faithful, Merciful and the One that Keeps Covenant? Of what benefit is this knowledge?

I’ll do 3 other blogposts on this topic and look at one of these intrinsic attributes of God in each blogpost.

Stay with me.

Christian Living

One Eve (or more) for an Adam?: Blogpost 3

Welcome back again!

In part 2, we discussed God’s ‘1 man-1 woman plan’ for marriage. God gave Adam (AN ) Eve, not more than one woman. Eve must have therefore been built to adequately cater for Adam’s sexual needs.

Once again, I recently engaged 2 middle-aged men in a discussion to find out why men cheat on their wives. Below were their response:

  1. Wives often claim they are tired and would rather rest than indulge
  2. Wives ignore/abandon them and focus on the children
  3. Wives pay little or no attention to personal care and their physical appearances and so are unappealing.
  4. Some wives are terrible home-makers and the man only manages to sneak in, sleep and jump off as early as he cans.
  5. Some wives are really troublesome and so unpleasant companions.

Interesting! Do you notice that from the man’s perspective, the woman is the trouble. These husbands have no role to play in their sexual experience with their wives!

I wonder what kind of responses wives would give about their husbands!

I enjoyed listening to these men talk, but wasted no time in telling them they have no excuse whatsoever to commit adultery.

And that’s exactly the problem. Some christian men unlike Joseph in the Bible, lack the fear of The Lord. They do not see sex outside of marriage as sin against God (their spouse and their own bodies). Their focus is on following their desires and quenching their passions.

Secondly, these men appeared oblivious of their role as heads of their homes.

Questions: Do you quickly and swiftly acquire another child because the one you have is not satisfying your fatherly yearnings? Do you abandon your faulty car and buy another simply because you entered it, put on the ignition and it just refused to move? Do you create a new ‘You’ ( a new individual) because your attempts at becoming successful in whatever area of life, proved abortive?

Then why would a man think that the solution to not being satisfied sexually by his spouse is to seek another woman?

Is it not possible that you are simply being controlled by unbridled and uncontrolled desires and passion?

Hey! my christian brother, you may be swimming in lust and accepting the simplest meaningless excuse.  Is it possible that if you invest the time, energy and commitment you make towards chasing another woman on your wife, that your relationship with her could be better?  Did you ever consider discussing your ‘sexual challenges’ with your wife? Did you ever mention to her that you are at the brink of adultery and you needed her attention and help? Or are you also like an elderly man i met recently who thinks women should not be made to feel too important otherwise they start misbehaving? PRIDE?

Think on these things beloved. Think on them.

How well do you rely on God to run your life/home? Do you allow God the slightest chance to be at WORK in you as seen in Philippians 2:13 (AMP)

For it is (not your strength, but it is) God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work (that is, strengthening energizing and creating in you the longing and ability to fulfill your purpose) for His good pleasure.”  

A selfless love of one’s wife as admonished by the Bible in Colossians 3:19, requires a denial of some of personal desires and wants. Consider for a second what your unfaithfulness and infidelity would mean to your wife… are not alone in this world oh! married man!

Husbands love your wives (with an affectionate sympathetic, selfless love that always seeks the best for them) and do not be embittered or resentful toward them (because of the responsibilities of marriage).”

Brother, fear God, keep your marriage vows to honor your spouse, be selfless and seek mutual benefits for you and your spouse. One woman is what God gave man, and one woman is good enough.

Stay blessed and away from sin.

My love always..

Remember you can subscribe to receive every new blogpost from Graceobomanu’s blog by simply checking the box at the bottom of this article that says “Notify me of new posts by email.”  Please note: that we’ll need your email to be able to do that.  Thank you. 

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Christian Living

You CANNOT serve God and Mammon.

You cannot serve The Lord Jesus Christ and Mammon.  Mammon represents anything a Christian values more than The Lord, and may include money, fame, status, material possessions, etc.

Value system is an individualistic concept and is greatly determined by one’s virtues or vices. People’s internal conception of what is good, useful, beneficial, desirable or important is entirely their prerogative. More often than not however, values are informed by aspirations, need for relevance, desire to make meaning out of life, want of material possessions and concerns about making ends meet (having food, drink, clothing, shelter etc).

For a Christian, it is expected that the Bible should majorly influence choices made (what is right or wrong) as will be ultimately reflected in actions taken. Jesus Christ recognized the importance of value system in informing our thoughts, words and actions. Little wonder then, He categorically stated in Matthew 6:24b; “…you CANNOT serve God and Mammon.

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon” Matthew 6:24 NKJV

It’s an all or null situation, ….and understandably so. Except of course we are dealing with the ‘christian’  described in James 1:6 as ‘a wave of the sea driven and tossed by every wind” ; a man who is unstable, unsteady and undecided about his beliefs and value system.

“…for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6b NKJV

The double-minded man described in James 1:6b has his answer from the Lord in the next verse of same scripture…he should not expect to receive anything from The Lord!

The Lord Jesus Christ admonishes us to keep worry far from us. Do not worry about food, drink, clothes and any other drivers of our decisions and choices. The Lord takes care of the jobless birds of the air, feeds and nourishes them. He clothes (most beautifully) the lilies and grass of the field.

The way I see it, worry and faith seem to be at extreme ends of a spectrum for a Christian. If you have faith in the ability and willingness of The Lord to meet all your needs, you won’t worry and your value system is unlikely to be twisted from Christ’s expectations.

So have faith in God for your daily needs!

Christian Living

Not my will but Yours

Let this cup of pain and anguish pass over me. Take it away Father. There must be another way to redeem mankind.

Oh! The thought of the nails, piercing through my flesh, the heavy cross, to be laid on my shoulders, the mockery, the spite, the thorns from the crown.
Take it away from me Father.

Not my will but Yours.

Where do I run to?
Where do I go to,?
You knew me from my mother’s womb, planned my days, charted my course.

Your will is the blueprint for my life.
That’s why I can endure my present troubles. I can stay where my flesh seeks to jump away from.
I can carry the cross, take the stripes, endure the pains.
Knowing that Your will is redemption for many lost souls, hope for the hopeless and life to the dead.

Your will is generous, encompassing and selfless.  Nothing like the transient and momentary relief I’d get if I had my way. So I say Father; let it always be Your will and not mine.

Not my will but Yours.

Christian Living

Why I sometimes SHOUT my prayers.

Why do we (Christians) sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
Do we want to put up a show?
I think not,
There’s enough drama in the world as is;
From ISIS reckless bombings and heartless killings, to North Korea’s frequent display of teenage delinquencies, to present day White House Daily Shows delivered to our living rooms by faithful CNN. 
No, the world doesn’t need anymore dramas!

Why do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
Can Jehovah not hear our whispers and mutters?
Do we need to shout to catch His attention?
That cannot be it,
Not if we know Him as Maker and Creator of the whole world.
He made it all in a blink!
He is everywhere at every time.
Moreso, He is in us and with us always.
Therefore He can hear our whispers…….Nay, He knows our thoughts.
So He already knows our request before we tender them before Him.

Why do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
To suppress our fears?
Fears that our whispers would not as much as pass over our roof?
Fears that our quietness and sober prayers may be mistaken for weakness or spiritual immaturity?
These can’t be why we sometimes shout our prayers.

Why do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
Are we subconsciously trying to shout down Satan?
Fearing that if we don’t shout down the Devil, he’d overcome us like a mighty wind?
My thoughts here are simple….
The Devil is not worth a sec of my time!
Not after what Christ did at Calvary.

Why then do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
This is my response….
To be like Jesus Christ………as He was at Lazarus grave…
“Father, I know that You hear me always. But BECAUSE of THESE ones here…” (John 11: 42).

That’s why I sometimes SHOUT my prayers,
To be heard by another who needs his faith boosted.

Make no mistake about it, I am certain and fully persuaded that when I pray, My Father (Jehovah) hears me and He answers!
But maybe someone around doesn’t yet know Him to be that way.
Maybe someone around needs a SIGN.
Just maybe, someone around needs to become Jehovah’s witness, that He hears and answers prayers (when prayed according to His Will, Plan and Purpose).
That’s why I SHOUT the times I shout my prayers.

Thank You Faithful Father!

Christian Living

One Eve (or more) for an Adam? :Blogpost 2

Welcome back!

First, my sincere apologies for changing the title of this blog-post series from “Should a Christian man have more than one woman” to “One Eve (or more) for an Adam?”. I think the first title was too specific and I try not to use very specific and direct titles for my blog-posts.  Thank you.

We ended part 1 with questions….Many questions actually.

Is God unjust in expecting a man to be joined, committed and faithfully devoted  to only one woman having created man with an insatiable sexual appetite? Why has God commanded man against adultery? Why does He expect elders and leaders in the church to be husband of one wife? (Titus 1:6, 1 Timothy 3:12).

Deacons must be husbands of only one wife and good managers of their children and their own households.”  1 Timothy 3:12

“..a man of unquestionable integrity, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of being immoral or rebellious.”  Titus 1:6

It would seem then that the integrity of God is being tested. What an unfair God? someone may say!

Is God unfair and impartial? The Bible tells me He’s not;

“But I know God to be impartial, just and good. The Rock! His work is perfect. For all His ways are just; a God of faithfulness without iniquity (injustice).  Just and upright is He”    Deuteronomy 32:4

For the Lord your God is the God of gods and The Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take bribe.”     Deuteronomy 10:17

I choose to believe that God is impartial. And I also know from the Bible that God does not give us a burden or yoke that we cannot bear.

From creation, God created Adam and made him an Eve. Could that suggest a ‘one man- one woman plan by God?’ Or how did Adam cope with his sexual urges? (his daughters?) ……. 🙂

I also see God talking about ‘One Flesh’ in Genesis 2:4

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.”  

God’s ‘One Flesh‘ idea is formed when 1 man joins himself in marriage to 1 woman. So what happens when 1 man joins himself with more than one woman? Does he form multiple “One fleshes”?  🙂   *this is really interesting!

Here’s what Paul thinks in 1 Corinthians 6:16

do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, ‘the two shall be one flesh.

Two things are coming out of this scripture for me;

  1. Every time a man joins himself to a woman, ‘one flesh’ is formed. and
  2. Sex is the connecting factor/link.      Therefore we can say that sex is not as ordinary as it would appear. Sex connects people much more than they know.  This should be advantageous in a marriage relationship, but outside of marriage…….?

My question to you then is; young man/woman, who have you been joining yourself to lately? Are you happy with the pockets of ‘One Fleshes’ you are making of yourself all around you? Would you want to be identified with them publicly? 🙂

I believe that God’s preference for marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. I believe also that God delights in ‘a One Flesh’ and not many ‘pockets of One Fleshes.’  Therefore it must be that this one person has been equipped to meet your sexual needs and you his/hers.

What are your thoughts? Remember you can email them to me if you feel any discomfort commenting directly on the blog.

In part 3 we’ll look at some reasons why men would most times choose to think their sexual desires cannot be met by one woman and what help is available to them. And in part 4, I am going to deviate a bit and talk about ‘Managing Addiction to Pornography

Remember you can subscribe to receive every new blogpost from Graceobomanu’s blog by simply checking the box at the bottom of this article that says “Notify me of new posts by email.”  Please note: that we’ll need your email to be able to do that.  Thank you. 

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Christian Living

When the Doctor says ‘No’: Blogpost 4

Welcome back to the concluding part of this blogpost series; “When the Doctor says ‘No'”. Thank you for all your messages. The truth we know, believe and hold on to remains; ‘He whom the Son of God sets free, is free indeed!’ We were healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ! That is the infallible truth.

So we started off this blogpost series appreciating what awesome impact medicine makes to continued health and wellbeing. We observed however, that sometimes medicine fails and that is expected as medicine is man-made, man himself is grass and so withers. We established from the Bible that The Word of The Lord can be trusted and depended on absolutely. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:35 that;

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will by no means pass away” .

And we find in Isaiah 40:8 that;

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the Word of our God stands forever“.

We’ve spent good time looking at some fundamental truths about our health/healing that we must know, then we ventured into some actions we must take to be plugged into God’s source of life.

So I hear you say; ‘Grace, I already have your 10 fundamental knowledge to getting a “YES” out of a Doctor’s “NOand I also practice all you said to do, but I still have symptoms. What do I do next?”

Here is what you do; choose to believe the report of The Lord above any other. And to do that successfully, you need to operate in 3 dimensions;

First Dimension: Faith.

Dictionary definition of faith reads; ‘complete confidence in something or someone’.

Bible definition of faith;

Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Interesting isn’t it? The similarity in both definitions. That’s what faith is! … Being convinced and confident of something, especially, something not yet seen.

If I am convinced and confident that Christ healed me, then I am confident and convinced that the symptoms are a mirage. The Bible admonishes us as Christians to live by faith (Hebrews 10:38, Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11). I think the Identity Number of a follower of Jesus Christ is FAITH. You get saved by faith. You access the supernatural by faith. You are sustained by faith.

Hebrews 11:6 tells us;

But without faith it is impossible to (walk with God and) please Him..”

Something my hubby and I used to find really thrilling about faith; faith is only crucial before your expectation becomes reality. As soon as your expectations manifest, faith becomes useless, except of course to build your confidence for a future expectation.

So have faith for your healing and enjoy it before its over 🙂 Hold on to your believe and convictions, and stay unwavering in your confessions. You were healed by the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross! PERIOD. Believe it and hold on to it because it is the truth. The symptoms are lies.

Second Dimension: Trust.

Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of something or someone. Firm belief in the character, strength or truth of something or someone.

Somebody asks; ‘What’s the difference between trust and faith?”

Big difference.

You can believe that God exists, you can believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for your sins, you can believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to take you to your heavenly home etc etc. All that falls under faith. You believe, you are convinced, you are confident of something or someone.

But Trust, pushes well beyond faith. Trust requires you to rely, depend and act on your convictions. A test/confirmation of your faith, if you like. Sounds like faith+works=Trust 🙂

Personally, I think sickness and disease are the ultimate test of one’s faith. You either act and confirm your believes and convictions or you die.

So your stomach is hurting badly, but you know and believe that Christ healed you. With all the conviction and faith you possess, what do you do? What do you do when the doctor shows you a test result that says your liver is terminally diseased? What do you do when the crime rates in your city is so high that night life is threatened including going for evening church services? Do you trust in God’s ability to protect and keep you safe and so go where you need to go (by His wisdom) or you ‘hide’ in your homes?

If you believe God’s word on healing and not any other report, you got to move your body. Stand up, walk around (even if baby steps), do the things that the lying symptoms suggests you can’t do.

You can only take these steps when you judge God’s word True and judge God faithful. Faithful to infuse you with strength so that from baby steps you can run. But you are NEVER gonna find that out until you launch out in faith.

Trust requires you to do something based on your faith/conviction that someone’ got your back.

I remember one of my senior citizen friends saying to me one day; ‘Grace, everything is not just physical o. Since the doctors are not seeing anything wrong with you medically, don’t you think you should try other things?’

If you are not in my part of the world, then maybe you won’t catch what is implied in that statement. Plainly put; ‘Grace, try a native doctor, visit a shrine or go to a prayer house.

Am sure that even you now know, after our discussions in the previous blogposts, that sickness and disease came from Satan. So why go visit Satan for help? Your trust in God’s ability, willingness and faithfulness is questionable.

Trust that God is watching out for you and will not let you fail.

No temptation (regardless of its source) has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience (nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance); but God is faithful (to His word-he is compassionate and trustworthy) and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability (to resist) but along with the temptation He (has in the past and is now and) will (always) provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it (without yielding, and will overcome the temptation with joy).” 1 Corinthians 10:13

Did you hear what Paul tells us in the above scripture? God’s got our back! God is for us. God is in us.

I looked up scriptures with trust in the Bible and interestingly, trust is mentioned alongside reliance on ability, strength, character or truth.

For in Him our heart rejoices, because we trust (lean on, rely on, and are confident) in His holy name.” Psalm 33:21

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him also and He will do it.” Psalm 37:5

Such is the confidence and steadfast reliance and absolute trust that we have through Christ toward God.” 2 Corinthians 3:4

Trust in The Lord with All Your Heart and lean not on your own understanding”. Proverbs 3:5

Trust in God’s faithfulness. Trust that God cannot lie.

We trust in The Lord and we are confident that He has healed us and the healing will manifest.

Third Dimension: Grace

My definition of Grace: an unmerited divine assistance for exploits. Ability to act beyond the usual. Supernatural enablement.

Since the spirit of The Lord opened my eyes to the reality of His grace in 2 Corinthians 12:9

“….but He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you (my lovingkingdness and My mercy are more than enough-always available, regardless of the situation); for My power is being perfected (and is completed and shows itself most effectively) in your weakness

Then I understand better why Paul would rather boast in his weaknesses; because in those situations and circumstances, he is more reliant on God’s grace and the power of Christ completely enfold him, moves him and sustains him.

There is nothing that can be impossible when we operate within the grace of God.

Good news: God’s grace is already resident in us. We just have to draw more from it, and it NEVER runs dry. Naaaa. The more we draw from it, the more perfect, complete and effective it our experience.

I encourage you to read one of my favorite blog posts: “It’s not about the thorns” (available online @:

A daily dependence on God’s grace is a guarantee to constantly lift the banner of victory. We can draw from God’s strength everyday. (Psalm 118:14 Isaiah 12:2 Psalm 18:2). Praise God, halleluyah!

Thank you faithful Father. Thank You for always and all times. Faith in You stabilizes us. Trusting in You propels us. And Your Grace sustains us. The symptoms do not matter. They are insignificant. They are a mirage. Your Word is Truth and Reality. And we hold on, firmly and rely solely on the life that comes from you. And through your grace, we do all that we need to do each day as we step out in faith trusting in your faithfulness.

And Now, I will not finish this blogpost without praying for you.

If you have any disease/sickness/infirmity, you believe that The Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins and sicknesses and you believe want to be healed now; simply lay one of your hands on the part of your body that is diseased and repeat after me;

I rebuke you spirit of disease and infirmity in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, leave this body right now. I speak to you {mention whatever organ or body part that is diseased-leg, hand, stomach, liver, kidney, etc} be normal and function optimally in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I declare that Jesus Christ bore all my sicknesses and disease, so I bear them not/no more. I am Healed. Jesus Christ resides in me in all of His fullness. I am free in Jesus name. Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer in faith, then it is done.

So what do you do now?

Praise God! Praise God!! Praise God!!! 🙂

Please share your testimony with me via email at:

Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

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