
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Category: Christian Living

Christian Livingtestimonies

The Lord brought my Soup!

I have shared this testimony some years back on my online talk page and I promised someone who missed it I’d share it again this morning on the blog. Like David, this testimony (and the recent testimony of how God restored my health-which is narrated in my blog post “When the Doctor says No“), stand as my own ‘I have overcome the bear and the lion, this uncircumcised Philistine wouldn’t be different’.  God’s faithfulness is sure. We can depend absolutely on His faithfulness.

Many years back as an undergraduate, I had the priviledge of having my own private accommodation outside the school hostels. I didn’t really like the campus accommodation for more than one reason; shared rooms, dirty rest/shower rooms, shared and very small cooking areas, etc etc. A personal room was private and more suiting of my personality at the time I think. Not that I could afford to rent one myself, The Lord miraculously gave me a free room most of my university days through my Uncle (God bless him). So I wasn’t really born with a silver spoon. My Uncle practically trained me through school-tuition, books, allowances, etc etc. God bless him again.  But you see, sometimes, even as would happen with a rich child, my supplies ran out-toiletries, provisions, groceries, etc etc.

Like most Nigerians, I was brought up eating mostly a Nigerian staple food- garri (processed from cassava). Many Nigerian households survive on garri, it’s filling and you only require a bowl of soup to stay full and sustained for hours.

It was Saturday morning, I was in my room and there was drought; my supplies had ran out, totally out. My beverages, cereals, biscuits, everything was gone! But not my garri, I had a handful of garri somewhere in the room.

Not that this was the first time this would happen, but for some reason, I was greatly vexed in my spirit. I was angry, not with my parents, Uncle or anyone else, I was upset that God would constantly let my supply run out!  I prayed out loud and told God, He had to send me soup that day, as I was not going to try to ask anyone for food, visit anyone (hoping they feed me), or even go home (to my Uncle’s house). I needed a miracle, period!

So the whole day, I sat at my table studying my big medical books, occasionally reminding God that I was waiting for Him to show up with my soup. And it wasn’t a small wait! I was hungry, I was fagged out and I was tired. There was temptation to just discard this miracle/faith chase and simply ‘soak’ the garri and drink it. But I didn’t. I didn’t really also know how to speak ‘faith’ words at the time, or how to give so as to receive, but I’ve been enjoying a close intimate relationship with God and I was certain He existed.

It was not until about 16.00 hours that someone knocked at my door. I delayed in answering the door, upset that the response to my request was coming too late. But then, I told myself to check who’s at the door first 🙂  To my utter surprise one of my aunt’s was standing by the door with a big bowl in her hand. Her house was about 30 minute’s drive from my room. Sorry to say that at the time, I was not particularly close to this aunt. So you understand my surprise. What was she doing here? It was after I let her into the room and welcomed her warmly, that she explained that she felt in her spirit to bring me some soup as she cooked that afternoon. I thanked her immensely and she left. That was the last time she visited.

The Lord showed up with my soup!!!

There are so many things I do not know about God, so many things I am discovering about God as I walk with Him daily. But I know for sure; that God is faithful- it is His nature, He cannot be otherwise. He is faithful, He is merciful and He is a Covenant Keeper.

 “Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7: 9  NKJV.

Many times, Christians speak about faith as if it’s some religious ceremony. What is faith?  Faith is the substance of our belief. Faith is Christian living. Faith is Evidence. Faith is Believing and Seeing. Faith is Now! (Hebrews 11:1). Faith was me fixing my eyes on my bowl of soup until it showed up (and oh! I need to take on many more faith projects to continue to enjoy the fullness of The Blessing).

You know, faith can be easy and yet difficult. It is easy to speak faith, but it can be challenging to patiently wait until the substance of it becomes evident. The beauty in it all though is that while you wait, your spiritual muscles are strengthened, you move some rungs in the ladder of your faith walk and more importantly for me, you build memorials of God’s faithfulness for your future walk as your the object of your faith becomes physical.

So I ask you today- Where is your focus? Who is your source? Where will the refill of your supply come from? If you answer “from a known man” to any of the above, then I say to you; ‘you are of all men most miserable‘. Man will fail and fade, but not God.





Christian LivingCOMMUNION

Blessed & Broken Bread

From the time Jesus served His last Passover to the disciples onward it would seem that the disciples’ understanding and practice of the Passover changed somewhat, from being a very sacred ceremonious event that took place at an appointed time, to something that needed to be done more frequently. Did that change the significance of the Passover in any way?

Christian Living

My Sincere Apologies

Good day,

It has come to my notice that a lot of articles have been erroneously emailed out from my blog. My sincere apologies. This has been brought under control. It was due to a site maintenance activity.

Thanks for your understanding.

Once again, I apologize for this inconvenience.


Love always,

Grace Obomanu

Christian Living

His Armour, Our Weapons & The Warfare: Blogpost 7

The Warfare
Welcome back to the 7th part of this blog post series. In parts 1-6 we discussed extensively on the whole armour of God taking our reference scripture from Ephesians 6:11-17.
Today, just to tidy up the "The Warfare' bit of this series...
Warfare simply means engagement in or activities involved in war or conflict. It also means combat, struggle, conflict.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us the kind of warfare we're in as Christians;
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood {contending only with physical opponents} but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this {present} darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places" Amplified Version.

And 2 Corinthians 10:3

"For though we walk in the flesh {as mortal men}, we do not war after the flesh" NKJV.

Two obvious conclusions from the above scriptures;

1. The warfare is not against humans
I remember a dream I had most of my childhood; a woman tried to kill me several times in very subtle ways,always initially pretending to be friendly and motherly but with an ultimate intent to hurt me, which wasn't initially obvious. Considering the frequency of the dream, I decided to mark her face and possibly relate it to a physical being. One day, the scales fell off my eyes and I saw her exactly for what she was -evil, Satan's agent. I rebuked her to her utter shock, that was the last time she appeared in my dream :)

We're in a spiritual warfare and it is not against humans.

So no need to move about pointing accusing fingers at mere mortal beings. Yes, the devil can work through humans who make themselves available to him, but we do not fight back at humans or physical beings else we lose. There is a spiritual strategy for spiritual combat.
This is liberating for me also in handling everyday relations- sensitivity to understand when conflicts require spiritual handling is crucial- and I believe we can win every conflict irrespective of how they present, when we adopt a spiritual combat approach. There is so much peace handling stuffs that way :)
2. The warfare is against Satan & his gang. 
Yes, the warfare is against the tricky cunning old fellow of John 10:10b-the thief and his gang! The one who came to steal, kill and destroy.
He is the ruler of this present world {to the blind and unbelieving), he commands principalities and powers of darkness of this age, the wickedness in the heavenly places and he still wields his powers among ignorant folks. But those who know know it that Jesus Christ totally DISARMED him at Calvary...Hallelujah!

"Having disarmed principalities and powers, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it".
Colossians 2:15.

For me therefore, the current status of Satan is Colossians 2:15, he seems to often forget that. As Christians we have a duty to remind him every time he pulls his old stunts.

In the concluding part, we'll look at the very interesting 'Weapons of Our Warfare'.
Till then....stay blessed :) and keep musing over Colossians 2:15.

My love always....

Christian Living

Did Jesus Have Suicidal thoughts?

A few months ago, we mourned in my country, the death of a young doctor who parked his car on the Third Mainland Bridge in Lagos Nigeria, and jumped into the lagoon.  A few days ago, I read about a Pastor who killed himself! These are not normal occurrences. 

Matthew 4:5-6 flashed through my thoughts a while ago, then I found myself thinking; ‘was that a suicidal thought Jesus had’ Can anything be done about them? what did Jesus do? 

Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is written: “He shall give His angels charge over you and in their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone”.    NKJV.

How do you think a young well educated man, drove his car to the seaside, parked it carefully, then drowned himself? Thoughts! Thoughts!! Thoughts!!! 

Despite the many insinuations that followed the death of the young doctor mentioned above, we sure cannot say for sure what his life experiences were like but it’s possible he  must have THOUGHT himself worthless, useless and somehow hoping that killing himself would free him from his misery. Or do you think that maybe just like Jesus, this young man was physically led by hand to the sea by the devil? 

When you read the temptation of Jesus Christ in Matthew 4, you may choose to believe the devil was speaking directly to Jesus as a physical being, that’s fine, but personally, it seems Jesus battled with some  devilish thoughts, among which was a suicidal thought.

In one of my recent blog posts; ‘Trading Depression‘ I shared some ways of living above depression learning from Isaiah 61:1-3, here again, we can learn some lessons about managing suicidal thoughts from Jesus as seen in Matthew 4:5-6; 

  1. Suicidal thoughts can come to anyone;  if Jesus was tempted to jump down from a pinnacle and possibly die, anyone can be tempted too. 
  2. Suicidal thoughts come with a promise of something better than currently experienced. Imagine angels holding you up in their hands….sounds heavenly, doesn’t it? 
  3. Suicidal thoughts are not from God, Jesus recognized them as coming from the devil. 
  4. You overcome suicidal thoughts by challenging them with the word of God. Have ready (at all times), an ‘it is written‘ from the bible, just as Jesus did and speak it out loud. 
  5. Suicidal thoughts always bow to an ‘it is written‘ from the word of God.  

So the next time a suicidal thought comes to you, recognize that they are not coming from God, Jesus was tempted with such thoughts too but He overcame,  you can overcome when you throw back an ‘it is written‘ from the word of God because suicidal thoughts and their source always bow to the word of God. 

Do not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy; cast them Down & Out, and subject every thought to the obedience of Christ as we are told in 2 Corinthians 10:5;

“…..casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ….”

Finally brethren, I leave you with the words of Apostle Paul;

“…whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, it there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.”   Philippians 4:8 

If it is not pure, just, noble, true, lovely, if it will not mean a good report, if it has no virtue in it and it doesn’t smell like something praiseworthy, choose not to think  or meditate on them    🙂  

My love always……….

Christian Living

Restrained By The Hour.

Probably the most terrifying kind of fear for anyone to have is the fear of death. Nobody really wants to die with unrealized dreams and ambitions. Unfortunately, we hear news about death every time and everywhere. Whether resulting from terminal health conditions or ocuuring suddenly from accidents or unknown causes, death always leaves a kind of vacuum and void that people are generally unprepared for, either for themselves or for their loved ones. 

I found it interesting that God’s own Son, Jesus Christ, faced death several times, people constantly conspired on how best to get Him off the scene and possibly control the disruptions His teachings brought to their existing belief system.  Even more interesting to me was His attitude towards death at all times.  He’d practically ignore or dismiss it, choosing instead to confess that His Time hasn’t yet come.  Such disposition and confident disregard for what many tremble at it’s thought is worth exploring in my opinion. Why did Jesus often display nonchalance to the thought of dying? 

I looked up a few scriptures that came to mind as I meditated on this blog post….

“Now some of them from Jerusalem said, “Is this not He whom they seek to kill? But look! He speaks boldly, and they say nothing to Him. Do the rulers know indeed that this is truly the Christ?”
John 7:25‭-‬26 NKJV

“Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to take Me? I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize Me. But the Scriptures must be fulfilled.”
Mark 14:48‭-‬49 NKJV

From John 7:25-26 and Mark 14:48-49, Jesus seemed to know something about His death that others didn’t know;

  1. There was an appointed time for His death.
  2. Those plotting His death were under a restraint, they were restrained by the appointed time. Jehovah had fixed the time for His ministry and death and no man could change it. 
  3. Death lost it’s grip and tormenting effect in Christ Jesus. 

But then, it was not an endless living for Christ, He came as a Man on a mission. And so when the appointed time came, He willing walked up to death and surrendered Himself. 

“Then He came the third time and said to them, ‘Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough! The hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.”
Mark 14:41 NKJV

Now brethren,  that’s a good time to die; when you’ve accomplished your mission on Earth and you know it. When you’ve fulfilled the purpose for which you were created. When you can say ‘ I have fought a good night and now I am ready for my crown’. 

Remember beloved that Jesus Christ was the first born… everyone in Christ Jesus, is a son of God sent on an heavenly mission to Earth. 

There’s an appointed time to live and die. That time was not set by Satan or Death. No! Both Death and the Thief are RESTRAINED BY THE HOUR. 

Like Jesus Christ, I’ll not go home until my work on Earth is done….in Jesus Christ name. Amen! 

Christian Living

The RAINS are Here

The Rains….the former and the latter Rains, coming in abundance. And bringing with them, growth, productivity, life & fruitfulness. The Rains will cause green vegetations all around. They’ll bring grain, oil and wine. They’ll bring seed, bread, fresh insights and anointing for great exploits and manifestations of covenant promises, outpouring of God’s goodness in overwhelming measures.

Christian Living

Trading depression

Life happens! Happens to everyone. You lose a loved one, you have a bad business experience, your spouse cheats on you, your courtship ended unceremoniously, life is too hard on you, your many efforts don’t seem to be yielding corresponding results, etc, etc, Happens to everyone. 

Problem with unsavory life experiences is not that they happen, it is the heartache, hurt, pains, dejection and depression they come with. While many people easily shake these off, bounce back to everyday living, others move from dejection to severe depression. Feelings of persistent sadness, disinterest in activities once loved, worthlessness, and not finding meaning in life. 
It is usually not long after someone starts thinking living is useless  than they start harboring suicidal thoughts. 
Thanks to science and medicine, mental health professionals now provide therapy and medication for depression. Help can be sought. Mental Health Practitioners can be reached in your neighborhood or via the internet. 

 Here I share my thoughts on trading feelings of depression for a more meaningful, productive and impactful life. 

Isaiah 61:1-3

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor, he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord……to console those who mourn in Zion, to give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness….” 

Beautiful prophecy from Isaiah about the Christ. As I read the good news in Isaiah 63, I am excited because I’ve got the Spirit of Christ in me, and so do you {if you’ve made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior}. I can therefore categorically brag that the Spirit of The Lord is upon me  🙂  And where the Spirit of the Lord dwells, the joy of the Lord flows, and where the joy of The Lord flows, there’s no room for depression. 

Trade those feelings of depression and dejection today;

  1. Be conscious, at all times, of the presence of the Holy Spirit in you. Pray always in the Spirit, make melody in your heart, sing songs and hymns in the Spirit. Enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit. 
  2. Be Purpose-Driven. It is not okay to just walk through life without discovering purpose. God created you for a specific purpose. Find it {with God’s Help}. Ask Him. 
  3. Be People-oriented. Invest time, energy, money, talents in people. Give to people, help people, comfort people, support people, console people.  Give people reasons to smile, to praise God, to enjoy their righteousness, etc, etc Move the attention from yourself to others. Don’t thrive in self-pity. Certainly do not call a pity-party for yourself. Appreciate that you can make a difference in someone’s life. That makes you ‘super-productive’.   🙂 
  4. Be thankful for little things. Appreciate the air you breathe in, marvel in it. Appreciate the sun, moon and stars, the trees of the garden, and all beautifully created things all around you. Appreciate yourself; Realize that God made you carefully, wonderfully and beautifully. 
  5. Be intentionally joyful. Choose joy over sadness, shake off the garment of heaviness. Make new friends. Indulge in new games, sports etc, Join a different department/group in Church, etc, etc. 

Reinvent yourself. For where the Spirit of The Lord is,
the joy of the Lord flows, and where the joy of The Lord flows, there’s no room for depression

I got Good news for you today….You Got the Holy Ghost! 

My love always…………..

Christian Living

When You See the Cloud….

Elijah believed the drought was over. By faith and acting on God’s command, he proclaimed that the rain was coming. Then he confidently, prayerfully, patiently and persistently awaited manifestation of his faith proclamation. The moment Elijah got news about the smallest cloud that had gathered in the cloud, he knew that the process for the miracle he’s been expecting was completed. His miracle was full.

Can you think of times when news about clouds gathering may not be exactly good news? Like being all prepped and ready to go out for a picnic with some friends, or when armed with farm tools to till the ground and start planting, or when you simply want to hang washed clothes on the line on a sunny day after many days of rain. But it wasn’t the case this time; the rains were needed and so represented good news….

Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.” Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said, “There is a cloud, as small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea!” So he said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Prepare your chariot, and go down before the rain stops you“1 Kings 18:41‭,44 NKJV.

Winning faith is the faith that believes a thing, speaks it and takes actions towards manifestation of the faith proclamation.

And this is exactly how we’ll put an end to the season of drought that has pitched tent around us for so long. We believe by faith that God has called an end to this season of drought, we accept God’s promise of rains and just like Elijah, we bow to the ground, put our face between our knees and pray, wait, remain expectant, check 7 times and over, until we see the cloud…even its smallest bit. Halleluyah!

How best can we translate the ‘cloud as small as a fist’ miracle to our present day realities? – a flicker of movement from a previously paralyzed limb. -a score of 60/100 in maths from a 4th grader who you’ve been making faith confessions to move up in her grades from 30/100 to 90/100. A 60% score and a 50% increase, is similar to ‘a cloud as small as a fist’-

when a spouse who’d not want to hear anything ‘Jesus’ let alone ‘Christ’, suddenly starts humming continuously on gospel music, rejoice and be exceedingly glad because that is ‘a cloud as small as a fist’. Oh! but it is not exactly as small as it seems, no, it is only an obvious tip of a full and complete miracle.

Elijah’s servant, saw a small cloud {at the 7th look}, but Elijah knew an abundance of rain was nigh because The Lord had spoken it.

I try to take morning walks as often as possible. One of such mornings I observed how the sun emerged from behind the clouds. The first visible sign of the rising sun are the rays which illuminate the clouds around it thereby giving the yet to be visible sun away. And then a tiny part of the sun peeps out of the clouds and gradually but steadily, the full sun emerges and shines brightly.

Question: At what point in the emergence of the sun, did the sun become fully formed? At the time the rays become visible or when we see the tiny portion that peeps out of the clouds? Or is it when the full sun emerges?

Things to know about this cloud;

1. The small visible cloud does not signify the beginning of the process of manifestation of a faith project rather it shows that the faith project is fully complete. It’s a done deal.

2. The appearance of the clouds, no matter how small, tells us it’s time to make adequate preparations for the rains,….for the full manifestation of our faith proclamation.

3. It tells us to prepare for celebration because the rains will surely pour down, our miracles are surely here. Halleluyah!

What do you do while waiting for the cloud to appear?

1. Be expectant. Be alert. Be sensitive. Don’t miss the small cloud because of it’s size. Don’t just make a faith proclamation and then go to sleep. No. Ask God for the actions to take to mix your faith with works (thereby making your faith more effective) and also for what do to stay focused, alert and expectant.

2. Persistently and patiently look out for the cloud. Elijah sent his servant 7 times! Don’t get used to the status quo or become comfortable with it. Don’t lose faith. Don’t give in to hopelessness and don’t give up.

3. Don’t ignore or overlook the small cloud when it shows up. Don’t call it irrelevant. Show no disdain over the small cloud. If you have a spouse who doesn’t think your birthday is anything special and you’re trusting God for a behavior change from him, please do not laugh at him if on your next birthday he buys you a cupcake! Realize and recognize immediately that the jinx is broken and your miracle is full and complete. Praise God and thank Him.

4. When the small cloud becomes visible to you, begin to make preparations to receive and welcome the heavy rains. Don’t be caught unprepared or unawares. Don’t suddenly feel that your once uncaring spouse is now paying too much attention to you.

Recognize that God has completed His work and own it.

Prepare for the heavy rains. Prepare to accommodate your full miracle. Praise God forever! I see the cloudsAnd I see the rains. Halleluyah!

Christian Living

The Drought is Over

Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rain leading to a shortage of water. Drought characteristically causes famine (because vegetation cannot grow, the ground is difficult to till and crops generally wither/fade). Food and power supply are in short supply during drought. The ecosystem is distorted, pollution, fires are more likely to happen and economic losses are huge. Hunger, sicknesses/diseases, deaths are also common. 

Obviously a period of drought brings untold hardship on men and women, livestock and vegetation diminish, efficiency is lost, unproductivity is paramount, the labors of ones’ hands are without reward, and there’s a constant hovering of the shadow of death. 

So when Elijah pronounced a season of drought to Ahab, it was more than just an absence of rain. Elijah knowingly or unknowingly ushered in sustained feelings  of exhaustion, desperation, despair, great suffering, desolation, feeling of helplessness and emptiness on samaria {1 Kings 17:1}.  The kind of feeling you get from laboring without wages, praying and waiting on the Lord without manifestation of expected results, from serving faithfully and yet seeming unrecognized and definitely appearing foolish, or investing resources without corresponding profit/success.

It is beautiful and quite encouraging to note that God sustained Elijah by the Brook Cherith and through the Widow of Zarephath just as we find He promised in Isaiah 58:1, but truth remains that there was massive destruction of lives and property, there was sadness, grief, and hopelessness. 

Why couldn’t Elijah call of the drought seeing its many negative impact on all, including himself? Pride? Nonchalance? Selfishness? Honestly, I know not, but I am glad God intervened, directed Elijah to return to Ahab in Samaria, and to await an end to the drought as he sends the rains. 

In this New Coming Season, in the New Coming Year, be encouraged and excited because The Lord has put an end to the drought in your life. Doesn’t matter what form it took, doesn’t matter how long it’s stayed around you, doesn’t really matter its intensity or the damages it’s caused before now.  The Word of The Lord is – The Drought is Over. The famine is gone. The Rains are here. 

Life is here. Growth is here. Productivity is here. Increase and profit are here. Healing is here. Your joy and fulfillment are here. Your wages are chasing after you. 
