I went out for Evangelism one evening, no sooner had I settled down to speak to one seemingly uninterested young lady, than a group of teenagers gathered around me. One after the other they came, some beckoning on their friends to join. Before long I was ‘swamped’ with teenagers. They said they were returning from fellowship in a nearby church.

The hunger for God from these young men and women was evident in the questions they asked, they sought answers, clarifications, explanations for different scriptures and their life experiences. Everything happened so fast, this was an experience I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.
I invited them to Church next Sunday, provided transportation for them to come. A good number of them did show up briefly, because according to them they were committed, settled and serving in their local Church, some said they were ‘youth leaders’, however they still honoured my invitation and showed up. Subsequent attempts to get them to return to Church proved abortive….they were always engaged in Church.
The next morning after my encounter, I knelt down in worship and prayer, thanking God for the experience, overwhelmed by it all. There was more to these young people, there was a void that needed to be filled. As I worshipped and prayed, I felt a leading to start an online Bible Reading Group for them.
I called up a few of them to test their interest in the group, and the response was affirmative. That’s how ‘The One Bible Verse A Day Hub’ started on WhatsApp on 11/04/22. Afterwards we pulled in some interested High School teenagers into the group.
Anyone is welcome to join the hub; kids, teens, young adults, adults.
Through this group, God has helped us to identify and quietly help persons dealing with addictions and oppressions. Such yokes are broken and the burden lifted off innocent children’s shoulders quietly without embarrassing anyone (Isaiah 10:27).
People have confessed Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We provide listening ears, guidance, and pray with those who need prayers. It’s just an awesome privilege to be ‘there’ for these young people.
Recently a young man from the group saw me somewhere, walked up to me and said: ‘Mrs. Grace, I just want to thank you for the Bible study group, I am really learning a lot”.
I have become acquainted with new parents through this group, their children excitedly introduce me to their parents…’meet Mrs. Grace..’, etc.🥰
My daughter told me a few days ago that some parents at their high school graduation ceremony, were very thankful that I pulled their teenagers closer to God.
Halleluyah, Glory to God!
Sometimes as parents we have no idea what our children are dealing with. And sometimes God just sorts them out His own way.
All the Glory belongs to Him, Halleluyah!!!
Every morning, 6am, we share *One Bible Verse* to the hub, to help these young people keep their eyes on God’s Word. That’s really all we do, Jesus just does His thing with them….
Participations are usually more during the holidays, with people asking questions on verses they don’t understand.
Some of their questions even help me understand scripture better as I respond to them…😁
What are you waiting for? 😁
Recommend to your teens to join in, and read ‘One Bible Verse A Day!’
Are you a teenager reading this? God loves you🥰. Join us to read ‘One Bible Verse A Day’.
Looking forward to seeing you at the hub.
Send a message…..
WhatsApp: +234 817 509 4217
Email: Info@graceobomanufoundation.org
Love Always,
Grace Obomanu