Thank You for Your Grace; the display of your love and kindness, the daily manifestation of your glory and power.
Thank You for Your Grace; Your graciousness and Gift of grace freely given to us. Grace bought us, grace keeps us and we glory in Your grace.
Thank You for Your Grace; washing away sins, saving lives, filling to overflow with rivers of living waters.
Thank You for Your Grace; Divine enablement by Your Spirit to do the seemingly impossible even today.
Thank You for Your Grace; Your divine ability, to physically create, build and establish your purpose.
Thank You for Your Grace; Your divine and boundless favour, bringing in overflowing measures of goodness from wherever life exists, extending same from us to wherever life exists.
Thank You for Your Grace; divine strength and sustenance to remain undaunted, unflinching, persuaded and fully committed.
Thank You for Your Grace; The force of Your power, neutralizing every opposition and contrary force.
Thank You for Your Grace; my confidence, my boldness, my assurance.
Lord, thank You for Your Grace today.