Hello there,
Our Monthly Newsletter is a rich repository of refreshing and inspirational publications on the blog from the immediate past month, praise reports and a preview of upcoming events for the coming months.
July 2020 Highlights
According to Psalm 1:1-3, a happy and blessed man is the man planted by the rivers of water. This man is productive, fruitful and prosperous because he delights in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. By staying dedicated and committed to God’s Word, he learns how to make make wisdom, knowledge and understanding work. He learns that wisdom builds a house, understanding establishes it and knowledge makes it fit for purpose. And he also learns how to lay hold on eternal life, hence he lives a life of perpetual godliness and contentment, away from all expressions of evil.
He is assured that Jesus is healing and health as well as the Shepherd and Overseer of his soul. So he does not worry about what tomorrow would bring, not for his health, shelter, clothing or food. He is confident that it is when he can share whatever little he has with those who do not have as much, that is when fragments surpasses the whole. He knows that Jesus will always cause him to have more leftover baskets than what he started off with, always more than what he gave out to others.
I pray you follow these hyperlinks to read these edifying and refreshing articles.
Praise Reports
GraceLife Conference 2020 was awesome, amazing. great, refreshing, anointed, and everything good. It was good to see varied display of grace in one conference. Andrew Wommack’s focus on the Fear of The Lord was apt, timely and well suited for a conference centred on GRACE which has a lot of emphasis on mercy, pardon, love, favor, blessings. Andrew’s teaching was simple and multi-dimensional, applying to all people from all walks of life.
Michael Smith is simply an anointed power-packed teacher of grace. His exposition on the different dispensations of the Bible was illuminating. I loved that. Pastor Creflo Dollar’s emphasis on the central place BELIEVE occupies in this age of grace was for me, a wake-up call to access all Christ has already made available for me simply through faith. And ofcourse Pastor Taffi and Gregory Dickow are both passionate people-oriented teachers who gracefully relate the Bible to people’s real life experiences. God bless you all for blessing us and may your reward be huge.
I give God praise for all that GraceLife conference accomplished, especially against the odds of the times we are in. Halleluyah! God be praised.
Upcoming Events
As stated in the last newsletter, “The Carpenter’s Church Abuja” has commenced online services. The Carpenter’s Church Port Harcourt, is my local Church, so if you are reading this from Abuja Nigeria, we would love to have you fellowship with us. Visit the site for more information.
From the 11th to 14th August, join Andrew Wommack for “Healing Is Here”. You will witness the healing power of God as you enjoy empowering teachings, targeted workshops, awesome praise and worship, prayer ministry, and more. Registration is on and it’s free, Get more information here . This is a virtual meeting and will be on Live Stream.
I will be continuing the Bible Study series ; “Bible Perspectives On Humility” on the blog. If you want anything to do with honor, riches and a long life (Proverbs 22:4), be sure to join me on this study. Let’s make it an exciting and edifying Bible Study time every Friday on the blog.
Partner With Grace
You can now publish on this blog under the Christian Lifesaving Skill category. Kids also have an opportunity to share their best Bible stories under the Kiddies Eyeview category. Pastors’ Corner is a new category available for any Pastor to publish a brief exhortation. This slot is only available for Sundays. Please note that all guest articles will be screened and published on a ‘first come, first serve basis’. Articles should be between 250-300 words with at least one Bible verse reference. Itemized content is preferable. Send as email to graceobomanu@gmail.com.
If you have already emailed an article that is yet to be published, please bear with us, as we make efforts to ensure that all submissions are published sequentially based on date of submission. You’ll be notified as soon as your article goes live. Please see our publishing schedule below….

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are open for any other blog posts.
Kindly note that contrary to what was stated in June 2020 Newsletter, the paid Ad Segment is no longer available. We will no longer be serving paid ads on our site, however, we will continue to support the spread of information on select Christian programs and activities as we deem necessary. We regret all inconveniences and thank you for your understanding.
If you have been blessed by any of our publications and would love to financially support the continued smooth running of this site, we’ve created an opportunity for you to do so here.
Talk With Grace
If you are going through a challenging situation and would love to talk with someone about it, please fill out the counselling form in the Talk With Grace page. I will reach out to both talk and pray with you.
Order My Book
Remember that you can order and receive an electronic copy (pdf) of my book “When The Doctor Says No” delivered right to your mailboxes. The Kindle version goes for $3.75 on Amazon. However we are giving this PDF copy away at $1.88 only. Get your copies here and now. Never walk alone in your healing journey.
August 2020 is already upon us, so let’s get started……?.
Don’t miss the next Monthly Newsletter. Subscribe here
Till next time, Stay Safe; In The Word and In The Covenant
Love Always❤