Hello there,
Our Monthly Newsletter is a rich repository of refreshing and inspirational publications on the blog from the immediate past month, praise reports and a preview of upcoming events for the coming months.
June 2020 Highlights
Isn’t it interesting how the Holy Spirit just impresses on our hearts an area for spiritual focus in a given period? May 2020 articles generally focused on the power, potency and profit of the Word. June 2020 seems to have focused on walking succesfully in one’s purpose.
Here are the highlights….
You Knew Me Lord, You knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. You planned and fashioned out the number of days from the beginning. No single day or experience of my life comes as a surprise to you. You knew all my strengths and weaknesses. For every weakness You say to me Christ Is in You and so you have Grace for Every Weakness.
And again You say to me Grace, Be Settled in Your Purpose, relax, take a look at the 5 Signs You Are Ready for Your Purpose. Are you ready, Grace? Be of Good Cheer, and if anyone asks; ‘how do you hope to accomplish this purpose?’ Look them straight in the eye, smile and say; The Lord God Will Do it. Indeed, No Curse Shall Stand Where God Has Blessed. Poverty is a curse, lack of direction is not of God. Oh! Thank God Jesus Came and took away every curse. The blessing is here. The blessing is the source of all riches, True Riches, How To Get It, Where To Find It …it’s all in the blessing. And truly, you are Built To Last, built on the sure foundation of the Word of God. Nothing shall be impossible for you.
Then I respond; ‘What a mighty God we serve!. In The Day of His Power, things turn around for good‘. I know it, I am confident of it. Therefore, my prayer will always remain; All of You in Me. All of Your grace and glory so that I will always be A Vessel of Honour and Grace. Thank You Lord. Halleluyah!!!
I pray you follow the hyperlinks to read these articles. They will bless you.
Praise Reports
June 30th 2020 brings us to mid-year of this very blessed year. I am thankful to God for preserving us all.
Special thanks to all my readers from across the globe. Our top 10 countries on viewership this first half of 2020 include; Nigeria, Egypt, United States, Turkey, United Kingdom, Guatemala, Algeria, India, Afghanistan, Iraq. Thank you everyone.
At the end of June 2020, we are 26% over the total view for the whole of 2019. That is good news. Halleluyah!!
Partner With Grace
You can now publish on this blog under the Christian Lifesaving Skill category. Kids also have an opportunity to share their best Bible stories under the Kiddies Eyeview category. Articles should be between 250-300 words with at least one Bible verse reference. Itemized content is preferable. Send as email to graceobomanu@gmail.com.
If you have already emailed an article that is yet to be published, please bear with us, as we make efforts to ensure that all submissions are published sequentially based on date of submission. You’ll be notified as soon as your article goes live.
If you are going through a challenging situation and would love to talk with someone about it, please fill out the counselling form in the Talk With Grace page. I will reach out to both talk and pray with you. You don’t have to go through that situation alone ❤
If you have been blessed by any of our publications and would love to financially support the continued smooth running of this site, we’ve created an opportunity for you to do so here.
Upcoming Events
This July, my local Church, The Carpenter’s Church Port Harcourt, Nigeria (TCCPH) celebrates her 30th Anniversary. The primary vision of TCCPH is “Maturing the saints through the systematic teaching of the Word so that the saints can do the work of the ministry. ” I’ve been under this tutelage for the past 23 years, and I can tell you that TCCPH has raised numerous saints scattered all over the face of the earth doing the work of the kingdom.
This year, we plant TCC in a new city in Nigeria….. Abuja. So if you are reading this from Abuja Nigeria, we would love to have you fellowship with us. Get monthly updates on the “The Carpenter’s Church Abuja” on this site. Have you seen this? ? TCCAbuja
GRACE LIFE CONFERENCE 2020 with Pastor Creflo Dollar starts in a few days; July 6th to 10th 2020. I hope you’ve been able to secure a ticket to the virtual meeting, I have. Speakers include: Creflo Dollar, Taffi Dollar, Andrew Wommack, Gregory Dickow, Michael Smith. Please find more detail here Hope to see you online.
From the 11th to 14th, you can plan to join Andrew Wommack for “Healing Is Here”. You will witness the healing power of God as you enjoy empowering teachings, targeted workshops, awesome praise and worship, prayer ministry, and more. Registration is on and it’s free, Get more information here . The main sessions will be live-streamed.
I will be starting a new study series for July; “Bible Perspectives On Humility” If you want anything to do with honor and riches (Proverbs 22:4), be sure to join me on this study. Also this July, I’ll be concluding the study series “Vessel of Honor and Grace”. Let’s make it an exciting and edifying Bible Study time every Friday on the blog.
It has become necessary to have a publishing schedule for the blog especially because of the piling submissions of guest articles from Christian Lifesaving Skills category. Once again, my apologies for the delay in publishing your articles. Kindly find the publishing schedule below…

Note that Pastors’ Corner is a new category available for any Pastor to publish a brief exhortation. This slot is only available for Sundays. Articles will be screened and published on a ‘first come, first serve basis’. Kindly note that only articles that pass our screening process will be published. Thank you.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are open for any other blog posts.
I am also glad to introduce an interesting addition on the blog; Ads Segment. Woohoo!! You can now advertise your Christian programs/events on this site and we’ll ensure it reaches your preferred audience any where in the world. In addition to being on permanent display on the Homepage, your ad will go alongside every single article published on the blog for a token of $20 monthly. Contact us for more information.
Remember that you can order and receive an electronic copy (pdf) of my book “When The Doctor Says No” delivered right to your mailboxes. Yes, you heard right. The Kindle version of this book is going for $3.75 on Amazon. However we are giving this PDF copy away at $1.88 only. That’s a 50% slash. So get your copies here and now. Never walk alone in your healing journey.
July 2020 is already upon us, so let’s get started……?.
Don’t miss the next Monthly Newsletter. Subscribe here
Till next time, Stay Safe; In The Word and In The Covenant
Love Always❤
Grace Obomanu