Welcome, this is the 4th and final part of this blogpost series. Our scripture reference has been Psalm 126:6
“He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” Psalms 126:6 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/psa.126.6.NKJV
In Parts 1 & 2 we listed some salient points from Psalm 126: 6; https://graceobomanu.com/time-to-bring-in-the-sheaves-blogpost-2/
- To ‘bring in sheaves’ sounds like an instruction requiring an action.
- To bring in sheaves, there must have been a field on which seeds were sown.
- Bringing in sheaves involves a process
- Bringing in sheaves involves work; of carrying a seed bag and planting same.
- Gathering, binding and pulling-in are involved also.
- Harvest and rejoicing occur in the time of bringing in sheaves.
I believe that we have pretty much touched on all these points in previous parts. Today, there are 3 areas I want to highlight a bit more.
‘Bring In Sheaves’, As an instruction/Command
Again, remember the title of this series; ‘Time to Bring In The Sheaves‘. Depending on how you choose to read it, this title can be understood as a command ‘hey, go bring in sheaves’ and it can also sound like an announcement ‘hey y’all, It is Time to Bring In Sheaves, so everyone come on get on it‘. Looking at both scenarios, one indisputable point would be that there are sheaves ready to be brought in. A second safe assumption would be that the announcer or the instructor knows where the sheaves are stationed or located.
For me, this word is both an instruction and an announcement. And I am confident that God knows where the sheaves are, and He’ll guide me through the path and process of locating them. Just like he knew exactly where Peter would find coin to pay for their taxes…..
“Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.”
Matthew 17:27 NKJV
‘Time to Bring In Sheaves’ Is the Time for Harvest
Harvest is the process or period of gathering crops. Harvest is the time when you reap what you sow. It also means a period of the year when crops are ripe and ready to be gathered. I tell you, ‘It is time for harvest’ and all these descriptions of harvest apply. With God, harvest is assured as long as there has been a preceding seed time. In that sense, harvest is determined by seed time. As soon as seed time sets in, unavoidably, harvest will follow (as long as sowing was done on a good soil). Meaning that the trigger for harvest is seed time. See 2 scriptures below;
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:22 NKJV
“He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.“
Psalms 126:6 NKJV
If I want to be selfish with reading Genesis 8:22 right now, I’ll let it read like this..…
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and Harvest shall not cease“.
That is so strong and powerful a statement. It is an assurance from God of Harvest following seedtime. This means, that in this time of bringing in sheaves, we can confidently follow the voice and leading of The Lord to our place of harvest if we have sown. Because surely harvest comes.
‘Time to Bring In Sheaves’ is a time of rejoicing
Certainly rejoicing is an antonym of weeping for where weeping means to moan, howl, cry, etc, rejoicing means great expressions of joy and jubilation. Rejoicing, yes, because we have our barns filled with sheaves from our labor and we have more than enough to give to others.
So get ready you sower. Get ready you dedicated and hardworking laborer in the Lord’s vineyard. Get ready beloved, for certainly, surely, unfailingly, it is time to bring in the sheaves. It is time for harvest. And it is time for rejoicing.
Thank You Lord.