
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: vision

Not By Might
Christian Living

Not By Might: By My Spirit

if you are feeling overwhelmed by a vision, ambition or project, as long as God gave that idea to you, and as long as you prayed, consulted with God before embarking on that project, rest assured, it will be done.

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (4)

In pursuing your God-inspired dreams and visions, you will make mistakes along the way but don’t let mistakes define you. Because God is waiting patiently for you to recover, retrace your steps and get back on course.

Victory Walk

The REASON for every God-given Dream

Do you believe that God has given you a big great dream?

Is your dream really great?

Join me in this study as we find out what makes a dream or vision really great…

Christian Lifesaving Skills

Financial Management That Works by Arnold Obomanu

A budget is a guide. Start with what you can come up with and refine it over time. A poor budget is better than no budget at all. So don’t wait for a perfect one.