
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Victory

Christian Living

Built To Last

Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.
Luke 6:47‭-‬48 NKJV

God had a purpose in mind before creating you (Jeremiah 1:5). And you will accomplish your purpose only in and with God (John 15:5).

When discovered and accepted a purpose influences life decisions, offers a sense of direction and gives meaning to life. Unlike purpose, a dream often originates from an individual whereas a purpose is predetermined by a Creator or Manufacturer. And while a personal dream may not always be one’s purpose, a purpose can very much become a dream when it is discovered, accepted and committed to.

Sometimes, a purpose can be connected to a vocation or personal ambition. For example, I have colleagues who I believe are called to be doctors. I don’t see them doing anything else than giving care and hope to people through medicine. They are good at it. they enjoy it, they are settled in it. I have also become very settled in what I believe God has called me to do.

In accomplishing a dream or a purpose one needs more than head knowledge. In their book, ‘Built To Last‘ James Collins and Jerry Porras provide a blueprint for building long lasting and prosperous organizations. And in Luke 6:46-49, Jesus teaches that the way to ensure a sure foundation is to build on Him.

Building On Sure Foundation

The strength of a building is its foundation. The foundation serves to hold the structure above it and keep it upright. A building without a solid foundation is most likely to collapse in adverse circumstances. In our present world, there is always a temptation to hurriedly get to the top, become the recognized owner of a building or an enterprise, to establish a presence, make a name, become known. There is really nothing wrong with that if we are moving at God’s speed and if we have a solid foundation (in God). But you know, going through the proper process that leads to the top prepares someone to be comfortably seated at the top and well equipped to withstand challenging times. Don’t jump the process, build on a sure foundation; build on the Word, follow the leading of the Spirit.

If we find our purpose in God, we will also become established in it, in God. We know we are building on a sure foundation when we pattern our lives and drive our dreams and purposes in line with the principles of the Word of God.

Christian Living

Thank You for Your Grace

Thank You for Your Grace; Your graciousness and Gift of grace freely given to us. Grace bought us, grace keeps us and we glory in Your grace.
Thank You for Your Grace; divine strength and sustenance to remain undaunted, unflinching, persuaded and fully committed.

Christian Livingtestimonies

What is a Miracle? (6)

Crossroads can come to you even when you don’t create them (like this brother). Crossroads don’t have to be so difficult to handle, if we are led by the Spirit of God. Crossroads should be opportunities to enjoy sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit as we walk with Him to lead us safely to our destination in God.

Christian Living

What Is A Miracle? (5)

Anita grew up admiring her mother. Her mom was pretty, smart, industrious and most importantly served God. She never missed weekdays or Sunday service days. And she made sure Anita and her 3 siblings attended all services as well.

As a young girl, Anita hoped to be exactly like her mom when she has her own home. Not until she watched her parents’ marriage crumble for simple misunderstandings she thought her mom could have contained. Why couldn’t her mother forgive her dad? Why was it her mom that moved out of the home? What happened with all the Bible she carried and taught them to live by? Didn’t she remember anything about forgiveness at all?

Anger, bitterness and resentment grew in Anita. As far as she was concerned, there was no point carrying on with this Christianity talk. If a devoted Christian like her mom couldn’t forgive, it was pointless continuing to profess being a Follower of Christ.

Anita wasn’t going to fool herself and other people like her mother did. She decided she was done with everything Church, so she tossed her Bible aside.

The Lord directed Anita to one of Talk with Grace Obomanu’s Counsellors. Talking and counselling with Anita made her see why she cannot put her Christianity and love for God in ‘parking’ simply because her mother slipped. With a few sessions of talking with the TWGO Team, Anita once more appreciated the importance of a personal relationship with God.

Today, Anita is glad that she had someone to talk to, she’s fast rebuilding her relationship with God. And more importantly, she’s excited that things are going to be different this time because she’s going to know God for herself.

Praise God!

First published on ‘Grace Obomanu Blog’ 12/12/2018.

Christian Living

Merry Christmas

That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:8‭-‬11 NLT

Christian Living

3 Growth Dimensions of Child Jesus Every Believer Can Experience

Jesus enjoyed Favor with God and Man. He had unreserved access to the Father and the men that needed to favor Him and move Him towards His destiny were in His corner. When you have Jesus, you already have Favor with God, you can approach God anytime. You can ask and receive anything in the name of Jesus. You are loved with an everlasting love.

Christian Living

What Is A Miracle? (4)

When a young man is ready to marry, he wants everything to be right, especially the relationship between his mom and his bride-to-be. Most young men are apprehensive if they sense any tension between the 2 important women in their lives. That’s exactly how Joe felt.

As an only son, his case seemed more sensitive. His mother had kept him by her side most of his childhood and teenage years. All Joe really wants now is that his bride-to-be, Lisa, can manage the strong bond between him and his mom, but he didn’t know if she could. And it’s kind of unfair to pressure her into it.

Joe needed guidance. What would be the best strategy to bring these 2 women together? God led Joe to TWGO where he got an answer of peace.

When mothers worry about their son getting married it is because they’re afraid of losing their son’s love, attention and commitment. Mothers tend to share strong bonds with their sons, more so if they have only one son. Such fear, is most times taken away if the bride-to-be makes added effort to accommodate and accept the mother-in-law to be, as she would her own mom. She would need to lavish her with love, gifts and attention, without necessarily putting too much pressure on herself. These actions are important because they assure the older woman that her son won’t be lost, rather she can gain another love …from her daughter-in-law.

Joe encouraged Lisa to go the extra mile to accommodate his mom a bit. Thankfully, this strategy worked for them. A few months later, Joe and Lisa were successfully married. Joe’s testimonies and joy have been awesome. His mom and his fiancee, now wife, have become best friends to the point that they sometimes forget Joe is around the house as they indulge in their ‘womanly gists’ His mom also gave his wife a special pet name.

Praise God!

Sometimes mothers refuse to accept that their sons would become closely bonded to another woman. So they consciously or subconsciously struggle with letting go. At other times, a mother may be genuinely concerned about the kind of woman her son is trying to bond with. Whatever the case, it’s helpful when both mother-inlaw to be and wife-to be are aware of the possible impact a decision to tie the knots can have on the emotional and psychological wellbeing of a mom, especially when her son is an only child or an only son. Where there’s a sincere desire for peace and harmony, this awareness will help those involved to make little adjustments to accommodate one another.

First published on ‘Grace Obomanu Blog’ on 11/12/2018.

Foundation news

Badamia Home Outreach

One of the key functions of Grace Obomanu Foundation is to conduct outreaches to Communities, Charities and Groups of needy people. Our outreach to Badamia Home was both inspiring and rewarding.

Badamia is home to about 20 boys (and young men) who were picked off the street as orphans. The Home, a non-governmental organization located in the city of Port Harcourt Nigeria has been housing and rehabilitating vulnerable children providing not just accommodation but also education, social support, and vocational trainings. In partnership with other groups, the Home has helped several young men become detoxified, educated, working in paid employment, while others make a living from skills acquired from the Home.

On the 17th of October 2021, Grace Obomanu Foundation visited Badamia Home for an outreach.

During our visit, we taught and discussed the Word of God with the young men. We gave every child a bible and an evangelistic tract. We shared cooked food to everyone (staff and children), and we dropped some foodstuffs for the Home. It was a very rewarding experience.

We found Badamia boys and young men to be brilliant and intellectually sound. They were bold, confident and well-mannered. They nicely shared their views on some scriptures as well.

The young men took turns to thank us not only for the gifts that we brought them but with emphasis on the fact that we considered them important enough to come and spend time talking and listening to them. This left us with deep appreciation for the work that the administration is doing. The staff were warm, welcoming and courteous.

I am looking forward to future visits to this Home when we can find time to engage the boys on their future plans and aspirations.

If you have ever considered mentoring or supporting a child through school or some form of skills acquisition, I strongly recommend Badamia Home boys. Please reach me using information on my contact page.

I am deeply THANKFUL to all those that supported this Outreach financially and otherwise. May God bless and reward you abundantly. And I am thankful to the Foundation Team for their hardwork and commitment towards the success of this Outreach.

‘And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’’ Matthew 25:40 NKJV


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Christian Living

What Is A Miracle? (2)

As Erica listened to Hope narrate a horrifying experience of how a neighbour’s dog attacked and wounded an innocent child who was playing around their home, it dawned on her what great deliverance she’d experienced few weeks ago.

Dogs are not Erica’s favorite pet. She can barely stand them. On this blessed morning as she took a walk, she suddenly came face to face with 3 giant dogs who’d sighted her from a distance and ran towards her. Play or fight, these dogs didn’t look friendly. And she’s stranger to them. What does she do now? Run, shout or stand still? If she tried to run from them, they’d outrun her and possibly harm her. She stood still as they reached her. God must have this under control, she thought.

Erica lived in a quiet serene neighborhood. It was still too early for anyone to be outside by 6.30am. Dogs don’t stroll casually and unattended within the estate, these ones must of sneaked out without their guards knowing. She started talking to the dogs, stroking their bodies. Was this the best reaction? Judging by the dogs incessant growling around her m, probably not. Running away wouldn’t be a right choice either. Erica started shouting for help. But none came. She tried chasing the dogs away but they looked even more angry and dangerous. One, two, three, five minutes and more, the dogs were still around her, just moving around her and making angry sounds, also jumping around her. For some strange reasons, they didn’t bark, maybe that would have drawn some attention. But not today, these angry looking creatures refused to back today.

As Erica thought about how this could end up, fear took hold of her. She suddenly heard herself shout ‘JESUS’ and in that instant the 3 dogs walked away from her.

What a deliverance!!! Not even a scratch on her body.

Praise God!

The Name of Jesus did it!


First published on ‘Grace Obomanu Blog’ 09/12/2018.

Christian Living

Your Faithfulness is a Shield

“[Then] He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler.”
Psalm 91:4 AMPC