
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Victory


Make Jesus Known (Day 9)

Only Jesus truly satisfies. His  Word is the unending source of hope. 

Come to Jesus, let Him fill and satisfy the longings of your heart. Believe His Word, let it renew your mind; giving you hope for each new day. 


Make Jesus Known (Day 8)

Put an end to your search for God today: follow Jesus the only Way to the God, the only Truth and the real essense of Life.

Christian Living

Love Forgets

I was in a couples’ meeting not too long ago where the following question was asked; ‘what will you do if your spouse forgets your birthday?’ ……   My response was; ‘It’s complicated!!?

Let me quickly say that, that is not the kind of ‘forgetting’ this write-up is about? . Staying committed to celebrating one another, especially our loved ones, is one of the ways we express our love for them.

I hear people sometimes say….”I forgive you, but I cannot forget”. Well, I personally used to think that it is difficult to easily get rid of bad memories (not that I am harbouring any hurt) but to just forget?….hmm..?

First Corinthians 13:5 has been popping up on my mind of late and this verse of scripture says (referring to LOVE)….

…. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
1 Corinthians 13:5 NLT

It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured.
1 Corinthians 13:5 AMP

If love keeps no record of evil or wrong done, it means love forgets such things.

Here is the thing, if people close to us never hurt us, chances are that they’re not being their best selves while around us. Meaning also that we don’t know such people so well, and so, we are not enjoying the best possible relationship with them?. Trust me, you don’t want total clones all around you….(kind of boring) 

There is no doubt that our encounters with people is what helps us understand them better. Becoming offended or hurt is still part of the process (we’re getting to know people). My thought is that First Corinthians 13:5 is not necessarily saying we should not remember past experiences from relationships, if that were the case we would be making same mistakes over and over again and hurting people over and over again of same issues (selah). We will never learn how best to relate with different people and enjoy the best of relationships with them.

I believe that this portion of scripture is saying….. we are not to make a habit of recounting  or rehashing negative experiences either to ourselves or to those who hurt us. We should not dwell on them because such practice could stir up impure thoughts, strife and hatred in us.

Love forgets. Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love is not overly-sensitive. Love is not easily hurt.

Brethren, we are of God (Galatians 3:26). God is love (I John 4:8), we should also declare same of ourselves.

Romans 5:5 says God’s love has been lavishly poured in our hearts… .it’s there, within us, let’s draw from it. …

“….. God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
Romans 5:5 AMP

God forgives and forgets….and so should we.

bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive.”
Colossians 3:13 AMP

Help us Lord!


Make Jesus Known (Day 7)

Have you been seeking to know who God is? When you receive Jesus into your heart, you begin a journey of a sweet and intimate relationship with the Father.


Make Jesus Known (Day 6)

Jesus paid the ultimate price to save you. Reciprocate His love; confess Him as your Lord and Personal Saviour today.

Christian Living

How Do You Love?

Do you feel resentment at someone else’s achievement, possession, or qualities? Do you sometimes think you’re best suited for certain things except that perhaps the other person is more fortunate? Would you sometimes feel better if you were recognized as contributing to these achievements, possessions or qualities? (happens!). Worst still, do you quickly arrange and project your own achievements, possessions and qualities instead of recognizing and rejoicing with the other person?  Well these sound more like envy than in love?


Make Jesus Known (Day 4)

Receive LIFE today; when you receive Jesus. Make Him your Lord and personal saviour.


Make Jesus Known (Day 3)

When you have Jesus, you have life to its fullness and untill it overflows.

Christian Living

When You Find The Lost Coin

I heard about a young man who was said to have committed such hideous crimes that has made him almost like a fugitive in his own land. Everyone that narrated the story blamed him as being solely responsible for his current plight which they attributed to his insatiable desire for wealth and meaning in life. Every time I heard about this story, all I could think about was how he was coping wherever he found to hide.

Heaven blessed me on this beautiful day, when my phone buzzed and it was him. My excitement knew no bounds. All I kept saying to him was how much I’d missed seeing him, missed talking with him, etc. I wanted to know about his health and general wellbeing. I asked about his mental health and health numbers. I was so happy to connect with him that there was no time to play blame games. Even though I’d heard about his story many times, I didn’t still have the full details of his crimes, I needn’t know, I wasn’t interested in him rehashing it either. There must be a way out. God must have a way out for him. So I assured him of how much God loved him and that I was confident that God would extricate him from his present woes if he let Him.

Throughout the entire length of my talk with this person, all he did was weep, and weep and weep. These were tears of relief and gratitude that at least one person didn’t scold or condemn him like everyone else had.

Jesus said when a woman loses one of ten pieces of silver coins, she doesn’t go ranting or become uncontrollably distraught. No, she calms down, puts herself together, lights a candle, picks up a broom, looks, searches, looks again, searches in every possible nook and cranny, until she finds it. And when she finds it, she rejoices greatly, calling on her friends and neighbours to come celebrate with her (Luke 15:8-9).

The Kingdom of Heaven is not about blame or condemnation, but about love, faith, and hope. It is about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Do you feel lost, unwanted, ignored, condemned or hopeless? Jesus is waiting with arms open wide to receive you, and love you and make you NEW.

Would You Like To Make Jesus The Lord Of Your Life? If Yes, Please Say This Prayer….

Dear God, today, I believe in my heart that Jesus is your Son. I believe that He died and rose up from the dead for my just to save me. Lord Jesus, please come into my life right now, I confess you as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You Father for saving me, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Congratulations & Welcome to the Family of God!

I’d Personally Love To Follow You Up On Your New Faith…

You can also send an email to

Love Always ?


Make Jesus Known (Day 2)

Let the PEACE that Jesus gives fill your heart and give you rest.