
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Victory

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (12)

Opposition to a Godly dream or vision is engineered by the devil and it aims to thwart the vision. 

In this study, Grace shares 4 Main presentations of Nehemiah’s Opposition (Nehemiah chapters 1-6). 

1. Mockery: which is a deliberate attempt to undermine and weaken someone’s focus. 

2. Direct Confrontation: the devil can attack your health, peace, family, etc. 

These confrontations also come to weaken your focus and strength. 

3. FEAR: the enemy sends fear in order to weaken your strength, cripple you and STOP your God-inspired dreams. 

4. Deception and False Prophecies. 

In this Part of the Study series “Becoming Your Greatest Dream”, you will learn how Nehemiah handled these attempts at distractions so that you too will be well positioned to Recognize and Tackle Oppositions to your God-inspired dreams when they present.

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-Blessings, and thank you for your love gift.

Christian Living

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (8)

Join me in this Study series to learn more about Authority, Its Use and Benefits.

Authorities are established by God. Authorities are established as leadership structures to coordinate people, guide them to do what’s right, and to maintain orderliness.

And God established authorities to do man good.

Jesus was a person of Authority, and He exercised His Authority to teach people to do right, to liberate people and help them enjoy freedom, to help people follow God’s order for doing things.

As a person in position of Authority understanding the Purpose of Authority ensures its rightly Used.

As a person Under Authority, understanding the Benefits of Authority will help you maximize it.

God wants us submitted to the Authorities He established.

Christian Living

I Stand By The Blood of Jesus!

And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. 

Revelation 12:11

Victory Walk

Victory Walk

Hello there,

I am driving awareness for my YouTube channel and program…VICTORY WALK…

VICTORY WALK is a gospel teaching program premised on 1 John 5:4. …

"Whatsoever is Born of God overcomes the world. And the VICTORY that overcomes the world is our faith."

VICTORY WALK is designed to inspire, edify and help you walk in victory every day while doing exploits in your world and for the Kingdom of God.

My target this week is at least 20 subscribers.

Your subscription will put me way past my target.

I am counting on you…???

Let’s do Jesus’s WORK Together…… ???. Click on the link below to Subscribe to VICTORY WALK ……

Please SHARE with friends, family and followers..

Bible Study

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

No, you don’t have to carry a physical 110pound wood just like Jesus did, however, whether you like it or not, if you are going to accomplish anything meaningful in/for God, you have a cross to bear. Apostle Paul had thorns in his flesh- annoying and irritating people who worked under satan’s influence to taunt him. Identify your own cross and like Paul, deal with it by grace (2 Corinthians 12:9).

There is no Grace without a Cross/Thorn and there is no Cross/Thorn without Grace! If you believe that you are graced, then there’s a cross you must bear.

Christian Living

Are You A True Child of The Father?

True children of the Father are just as kind, forgiving, generous, good, just as He is.

Christian Living

The Broken Gates of Brass

The Broken Gates of Brass

The Gates of Brass are Broken

The prison of addiction has been destroyed.

The bondage of poverty was taken away

The cage of fear was removed. 

Walk right on

You’re a free man. 

Seize your victory through your thanksgiving 


Christian Living

Lord of The Sabbath

Work any time and rest when you need to. Work when there’s a NEED to work and rest when you need to. Seize every opportunity to do good to those who need it.

Christian Living

Put on The Whole Armor of God (II)

Despite all of Sanballat’s attempt to break Nehemiah’s focus and stop the work of God (as recorded in the book of Nehemiah), he failed woefully. Nehemiah kept his focus on the vision, drew his strength from God and wouldn’t rest until the glory of the temple in Jerusalem was restored. In spite of strong oppositions, Nehemiah delivered the vision. You too can do same.

Christian Living

A Vessel for Honor

The main problem with being like Hymenaeus and Philetus who were identified as ‘babblers’ and ‘chatters’ is not just that it limits an individual’s usefulness for God’s purpose, but this thing has the potency to spread fast (like cancer) through a section of the body.