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Tag: the name of Jesus Christ

Christian Living

More than 1,000 Burnt Offerings…

King Solomon’s golden request for wisdom from God, instead of worldly gifts and blessings, often made rounds of sermons in the small local church of my childhood years. And even though the church changed clergymen frequently, sermons based on Second Chronicles Chapter one, remained a regular feature.

Reading through this scripture now, one cannot help but appreciate the depth of Solomon’s gratitude to God and why this passage of scripture was considered suitable for sermons on selfless giving. Solomon was grateful for God’s kindness and goodness to his father David. He was grateful for the kingdom God gave him to be king over;  ‘a nation as full of people as the earth is full of dust‘ (Verse 9). This was Solomon’s greatest desire.

A grateful Solomon wanted so desperately to boast of The Lord’s goodness and display His magnanimous doings towards him and his household. Therefore he assembled all the army officers and judges of Gibeon and all political/religious leaders of Israel at the Old Tabernacle for a showdown!

Did Solomon already plan how many sacrifices would sufficiently convey his gratitude? Probably….      One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, …..100,  …200, ….300, ……500, and  1,000 burnt offerings sacrificed!  Boom, boom, boom.

The bronze altar, Bezaleel built may not have been of the best quality, but on this particular day, it was good enough to hold 1,000 sacrifices. One thousand burnt offerings at once!

This outpouring of gratitude and appreciation was too good for God to keep calm. There was no point waiting for Solomon to present his request (if he had any), and even if Solomon simply wanted to love on God (without any additional motive), God decided Solomon’s 1000 sacrifices earned him more than a gift.  So,that same night, whether Solomon expected a response from God or not, God gave one!  One thousand burnt offerings from a deeply grateful heart attracted a blank cheque. Oh ho!!!

Solomon could ask for ‘anything’ and receive it instantly. Again, Solomon exhibited an unusual request behavior that flawed God’s usual experience with requests from man.  ‘Wisdom!! ???   What happened to the usual request for personal wealth and riches, personal honor, request for an extended/long life and a prayer to curse one’s enemies (2 Chronicles 1:11) …??

Solomon’s desire for wisdom and knowledge to rule God’s  people was an expression of his ultimate ambition as evident in his response in verse 9; “this is all I want!”. No king wants to waste a blank cheque on some flimsy, tactless request. There are wars to fight and win, there are empires to dominate and lands to cease.  So an opportunity to ask for anything called for the most strategic response. Anything‘ for Solomon meant a continuation of God’s faithfulness to him and to his father David (verse 9-10). 

Let’s pause here for a bit ……..

Pretend for a second, that God stretched out His hands and offered you a blank cheque…..ahaaaa……

First question….; What  would your ‘anything‘ be?  Would it conveniently fit into man’s regular request pattern which is often selfish and personal, or would it demonstrate a yearning to help others?

Second question…..;  How many burnt offerings do you think would buy your request?’   1, 2,  ….1,000, …..2,000 or much more?

Third question……; Would you be willing to give 1000 burnt offerings just like Solomon?

And fourth question….; Do you really need 1,000 burnt offerings to receive a blank cheque from God today?

Hebrews 9:13a gives some credence to the value of the blood of animals as used in the old testament for thanksgiving, purification and cleansing of the flesh….

“…..the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh….”

But was that really enough? Did animal sacrifices successfully atone for man’s sins and shortcomings?

Hebrews 10: 4 tells us it didn’t;

For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins“.

And in Isaiah 1:11, God says He’s had enough of burnt offerings of rams, fat cattle, bulls, lambs, goats, fowl, etc. So, people,  stop wasting animals in ‘sacrifices’! SELAH.

A much more potent, powerful and effective sacrifice is described in Hebrews 9:13;

“….how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

A sacrifice so powerful to buy us eternal (everlasting) redemption (Hebrews 9: 12) and give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10b). Just in case you didn’t know, ‘life more abundantly’ speaks of immeasurable wealth and affluence that overflows to others. YES! YES!! YES!!!

We can ask the Father for ‘anythingin the name of Jesus Christ (John 14:14, John 16:23) and receive our request (in line with His will) because  God the Father gave JESUS a name above every other name (Philippians 2: 5-10) and a name that guarantees ‘anything’. Halleluyah

1,000 burnt sacrifices from a deeply grateful heart was great and awesome enough for God to stretch out a blank cheque. But as we find, we don’t need 1,000 burnt sacrifices to access a blank cheque from The Father anymore. One (1) precious, costly sacrifice sufficed.

He bore our sorrows, pains and griefs. He was smitten, humiliated  and wounded for our transgressions. Bruised and crushed for our iniquities and wickedness. He was punished and chastised so we can have peace. And He hung on the cross to take away every curse (Isaiah 53:4-5, Galatians 3:13).

One precious sacrifice did it all. One sacrifice more than 1,000 burnt offerings was all we needed to earn a blank cheque from God the Father. Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary so you and I can have ‘anything’ through Him.

Take it!

Happy Easter!

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for your sacrifice.