
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Shout

Christian Living

Why I sometimes SHOUT my prayers.

Why do we (Christians) sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
Do we want to put up a show?
I think not,
There’s enough drama in the world as is;
From ISIS reckless bombings and heartless killings, to North Korea’s frequent display of teenage delinquencies, to present day White House Daily Shows delivered to our living rooms by faithful CNN. 
No, the world doesn’t need anymore dramas!

Why do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
Can Jehovah not hear our whispers and mutters?
Do we need to shout to catch His attention?
That cannot be it,
Not if we know Him as Maker and Creator of the whole world.
He made it all in a blink!
He is everywhere at every time.
Moreso, He is in us and with us always.
Therefore He can hear our whispers…….Nay, He knows our thoughts.
So He already knows our request before we tender them before Him.

Why do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
To suppress our fears?
Fears that our whispers would not as much as pass over our roof?
Fears that our quietness and sober prayers may be mistaken for weakness or spiritual immaturity?
These can’t be why we sometimes shout our prayers.

Why do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
Are we subconsciously trying to shout down Satan?
Fearing that if we don’t shout down the Devil, he’d overcome us like a mighty wind?
My thoughts here are simple….
The Devil is not worth a sec of my time!
Not after what Christ did at Calvary.

Why then do we sometimes SHOUT when we pray?
This is my response….
To be like Jesus Christ………as He was at Lazarus grave…
“Father, I know that You hear me always. But BECAUSE of THESE ones here…” (John 11: 42).

That’s why I sometimes SHOUT my prayers,
To be heard by another who needs his faith boosted.

Make no mistake about it, I am certain and fully persuaded that when I pray, My Father (Jehovah) hears me and He answers!
But maybe someone around doesn’t yet know Him to be that way.
Maybe someone around needs a SIGN.
Just maybe, someone around needs to become Jehovah’s witness, that He hears and answers prayers (when prayed according to His Will, Plan and Purpose).
That’s why I SHOUT the times I shout my prayers.

Thank You Faithful Father!