
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: seed

Bible Study

Good Seed Sown On Good Soil

See, all 4 kinds of soil were exposed to the Word. The Seed located a soil as soon as it left the Sower’ hand. Thus giving every soil type an opportunity to do something with the Seed it received. The Word dropped in each heart, say, as a gift. They all heard the Word. Apart from the Wayside heart, the Word seemed promising and full of potential to the other soil types. However, the only soil type (heart) that valued the Word enough and therefore guided it, kept it, protected it (from unbelief, temptations and distractions) was the Good Soil. In addition to protecting the seed-gift, the Good Soil believed the Word, put the Word to work (acting upon it and confessing it) continuously and patiently until the Seed yielded the expected outcome.

Christian Living

God’s Word Is Seed.

The parable of The Sower in Luke 8, as narrated by Jesus Christ, was to teach His disciples how possible it is for the word of God to be preached by one man (the Sower) to a group of persons at the same time and yet have different impact depending on the state of the heart of the recipient (the soil).
So, Jesus described 4 kinds of recipients; a rock, thorns, ‘way side’ soil and good ground.

Is it okay to assume that the Sower went out on a particular day as usual, with some seeds in his hands which he dropped as he walked along? So the seeds dropped on different kinds of soil as he walked along….right?

I believe a similar thing occurs when we all sit under a bible teaching in church; different people walk away with different revelations determined by the current state of their minds!

In this write-up, I want to draw attention to what Jesus said in Luke 8:11;

Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God”.

Jesus clearly described God’s word as seed.

I got some dictionary definitions of ‘seed’…

  • “the fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo and capable normally of germination to produce a new plant”.
  • “an embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering known as the seed coat”.

A striking and not to be missed commonality between these different definitions is the ability of a seed to reproduce independently.  That is to say that a seed has an intrinsic ability to transform into a full plant of its own kind (given the right soil).

Some people still grapple with the fact that Jesus derived no genetic contribution from an earthly being (man or woman) as a zygote, like I posited in an earlier article; ‘Could it Have Been A surrogate Birth?’

But today, we learn differently.

The word of God as seed has the ability to reproduce and intrinsically grow (on its own) when founded on a good receiving soil.

Considering Jesus’ birth again, I believe Mary’s heart was a good soil, and from the moment she said; “…let it be to me according to your word…” (Luke 1:38),  she became conceived by the Holy Spirit, which took the form of flesh and grew in her (1 John 1:14).

Jesus is the word of God in human form, sent down from Heaven (John 1; 1 Corinthians 15:47).

John 1:3 reads;

…all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made…”.

If God made all things through the word, does that not suggest that as God’s children, even we can make anything we want through His word? 🙂
Except otherwise stated, all Bible quotations are from the New King James Version (NKJV).