
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Scarlet Woman

Christian Living

Revealing Revelations 12 to 20: Blog Post 3

The first 2 parts of this blogpost series were published on the site in February, 2017.

Follow this link to the Part 1 ;

If you just read through Part 1, we described key characters in the Book of Revelations, like, Beast, Woman, Horn, Diadem, etc.

Specifically, we said that ‘BEAST’ most likely referred to an alliance or coalition (of countries).  Three Beasts are mentioned in the Book of Revelations; First Beast, Second Beast and Scarlet Beast. We discussed to some extent, the First Beast, in Part 2 with a promise to do the Second Beast in Part 3. But please permit me to discuss THE SCARLET BEAST today, thanks.

Revelations 17 dwells on The Scarlet Woman and The Scarlet Beast.

The Scarlet Woman here refers to great nation with ruler-ship powers over other nations. This Woman is dressed in purple and scarlet denoting royalty mixed with immorality, particularly sexual immorality (adultery and fornication) and idolatry. This great nation is mother to other relatively smaller nations under it’s ruler-ship.

The Scarlet Woman sits on a Scarlet Beast. Meaning that this great nation is supported on an alliance.
So the Scarlet Woman is not a definite country but an alliance of nations. The Scarlet Woman is supported by this alliance and without this alliance the Scarlet Woman ceases to exist.

Now, this coalition (Scarlet Beast) has some characteristics;
It’s a very wealthy alliance having gold, precious stones and pearls. It upholds sexual sin (adultery and fornication) as a lifestyle. It has a blasphemous identity. It is formed from 7 kingdoms (mountains) having 7 Kings (heads). There’s an 8th King which would emerge from the 7th. This 8th King existed before but will not have a Kingdom at some point. However, it will return later and rule for a short time.

Then the Scarlet Beast has 10 horns; representing 10 kings. But these only hold a statutory position as kings, they have no kingdoms. These 10 kingdom-less kings are powerful, they are totally committed to the alliance of 7 nations which is the Scarlet Beast. Their power and authority is important to the Beast because he needs it to make war against Christ. But Jesus Christ overcame him for He is the Lord of Lords and the King of kings.

At some point however, the 10 horns (10 kingdom-less kings) will be used by God to fight the great harlot, referring that religion that has deceived many people from many nations.