
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: prophecy

Christian Living

When You See The Cloud

Winning faith is the faith that believes a thing, speaks it and takes actions towards manifestation of the faith proclamation. This is a way to put an end to the season of drought that has pitched tent around us for so long. We believe by faith that an end has come to the period of drought, we proclaim that the rains are here, and just like Elijah, we bow to the ground, put our face between our knees and pray, wait, remain expectant, check 7 times and over, until we see the cloud…even its smallest bit. Halleluyah!

Christian Living

I Am Love!

Yes, I am born of God, God is love, and so I am love. The love of God has been poured abundantly in my heart, and pour from it to others.

Monthly Newsletter

October 2020 Newsletter

I am so thankful to God for the continuous outpouring of inspirations that makes it possible for me to keep writing on His Word. This is such an honor and a great privilege. People often ask; ‘Grace, how do you come about these thoughts?’ ‘how are you able to do all that you do and still look calm?’. First, these are not just mere thoughts and praise God for His commitment towards shining more lights on gray areas with each new day. My faith and love walk are deepened daily with every new revelation I receive from God’s Word

Christian Living

The Pattern of the Truth, False Prophets & False Doctrines.

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.