
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: People

Victory Walk

Becoming Your Greatest Dream (Part 13)

What role do other people play in your Dream/Vision?

Join me in this study as learn on this topic from scriptures

Christian Living

Be More

This scripture suggests a progressive work and walk towards attainment of the exemplary Christian personality. It starts with the foundation of faith towards a purposeful and progressive addition of other virtues

Christian Living

For Such a TIME and a PEOPLE as this.

I spend at least an hour on week days to get from office to home. Take away the occasional break down of heavy-duty vehicles that may disrupt free flow of traffic, the ride home has become woven into my daily routine that it fleets swiftly away almost without notice.

A few days ago as I rode home my thoughts wandered to how incredibly I’d risen from a very lowly and pitiable childhood to an unfolding enviable future. I seldom talk about my childhood, not that I am ashamed of it, no, but it’s usually too much hassle trying to convince people of my before and now. They constantly struggle to make sense of it. I remember narrating some aspects of my growing up to a senior citizen bosom friend of mine, bewilderment spread all over her. She couldn’t help but ask: “Grace, how did you turn out so right?” My response to her will probably shock you too; “I turned my life over to Jesus Christ at a pretty young age“.  Yeah, a few mistakes here and there just like anybody else (as I think about them now though, all have been certainly part of the building up process), but choosing Christ changed my story and my life   -and He isn’t done with me yet!

Esther was an anonymous Jewish girl, never heard of, never known. She ‘happened’ to have been raised by Mordecai. She ‘happened’ to be among other girls cleansed, pampered, beautified and brought into the King’s harem following Queen Vashti’s ‘dishonor’ of the King’s call (Esther Chapters 1-3). Esther also ‘happened’ to have met the King’s specifications and preferences for a queen. Yes, Esther was chosen and became Queen.

Was Esther’s whole life really a chain of coincidences?

Mordecai vested time and energy getting Esther grounded in the faith. And when the Jews were faced with a life-threatening situation, Mordecai immediately recognized that Esther’s whole life hasn’t been a coincidence but a play out of a master plan.

Esther has been raised for ‘a Time and a People as this’.

So back to this day that I rode home and reminisced on how favored and blessed I am. I also remembered siblings, relations, acquaintances that have been on this life’s journey with me. Of course I have been weighing in on their needs every now and then to help and bring some relief and meaning, but the reality hit me so deeply that I must do more, as led by God’s Spirit.

It is not a coincidence that you’re seated next to a rude, disrespectful, self-centred and highly competitive colleague at work, or that you are living next door to a difficult busy-body individual as a neighbour.

Is it possible that you have an impact to make in that life?

Like Mordecai said to Esther;

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise fro the Jews from another place but you and your father’s house will perish.”  Esther 4: 14.

Give it your best shot. Don’t be replaced.