
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: one woman

Christian Living

One Eve (or more) for an Adam?: Blogpost 3

Welcome back again!

In part 2, we discussed God’s ‘1 man-1 woman plan’ for marriage. God gave Adam (AN ) Eve, not more than one woman. Eve must have therefore been built to adequately cater for Adam’s sexual needs.

Once again, I recently engaged 2 middle-aged men in a discussion to find out why men cheat on their wives. Below were their response:

  1. Wives often claim they are tired and would rather rest than indulge
  2. Wives ignore/abandon them and focus on the children
  3. Wives pay little or no attention to personal care and their physical appearances and so are unappealing.
  4. Some wives are terrible home-makers and the man only manages to sneak in, sleep and jump off as early as he cans.
  5. Some wives are really troublesome and so unpleasant companions.

Interesting! Do you notice that from the man’s perspective, the woman is the trouble. These husbands have no role to play in their sexual experience with their wives!

I wonder what kind of responses wives would give about their husbands!

I enjoyed listening to these men talk, but wasted no time in telling them they have no excuse whatsoever to commit adultery.

And that’s exactly the problem. Some christian men unlike Joseph in the Bible, lack the fear of The Lord. They do not see sex outside of marriage as sin against God (their spouse and their own bodies). Their focus is on following their desires and quenching their passions.

Secondly, these men appeared oblivious of their role as heads of their homes.

Questions: Do you quickly and swiftly acquire another child because the one you have is not satisfying your fatherly yearnings? Do you abandon your faulty car and buy another simply because you entered it, put on the ignition and it just refused to move? Do you create a new ‘You’ ( a new individual) because your attempts at becoming successful in whatever area of life, proved abortive?

Then why would a man think that the solution to not being satisfied sexually by his spouse is to seek another woman?

Is it not possible that you are simply being controlled by unbridled and uncontrolled desires and passion?

Hey! my christian brother, you may be swimming in lust and accepting the simplest meaningless excuse.  Is it possible that if you invest the time, energy and commitment you make towards chasing another woman on your wife, that your relationship with her could be better?  Did you ever consider discussing your ‘sexual challenges’ with your wife? Did you ever mention to her that you are at the brink of adultery and you needed her attention and help? Or are you also like an elderly man i met recently who thinks women should not be made to feel too important otherwise they start misbehaving? PRIDE?

Think on these things beloved. Think on them.

How well do you rely on God to run your life/home? Do you allow God the slightest chance to be at WORK in you as seen in Philippians 2:13 (AMP)

For it is (not your strength, but it is) God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work (that is, strengthening energizing and creating in you the longing and ability to fulfill your purpose) for His good pleasure.”  

A selfless love of one’s wife as admonished by the Bible in Colossians 3:19, requires a denial of some of personal desires and wants. Consider for a second what your unfaithfulness and infidelity would mean to your wife… are not alone in this world oh! married man!

Husbands love your wives (with an affectionate sympathetic, selfless love that always seeks the best for them) and do not be embittered or resentful toward them (because of the responsibilities of marriage).”

Brother, fear God, keep your marriage vows to honor your spouse, be selfless and seek mutual benefits for you and your spouse. One woman is what God gave man, and one woman is good enough.

Stay blessed and away from sin.

My love always..

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