
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: net breaking miracle

Christian Living

Launch Out Into the Deep

 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” Luke 5:4

Dictionary definition of ‘launch out‘ is;

…. “to make a start on a new and challenging enterprise, to throw or propel with force, to hurl, to set or thrust, a self-propelled craft or projectile

Generally Deep means;

extending far down from the top or surface, very intense, very extreme, far down in

To quickly give a short background; Peter and his fellow fishermen had toiled all night without any catch of fish. They pulled their boats to shore in despair and disappointment. It was a difficult, tough, challenging and seemingly unproductive night of fishing without fish. Then Jesus says; … put the boat out a bit from land, move towards the deep end

In this new season, if you hear the Lord saying to you; ‘launch out into the deep’, do not hesitate. Make a fresh start on that challenging enterprise, thrust forward against any resistance or opposition, propel yourself forward to reach well beyond the top or surface. Leave the simple things, take on the seemingly challenging or difficult ones.

Your net-breaking miracle could be in that challenging, seemingly difficult task. When you find yourself on the road less traveled, you’re unlikely to find many people there. Most people would prefer the shallow end, but you launch out a bit more into the deep. Hold on to the vision, do not lose passion. Reach deep and by faith press hard against all odds. Move beyond your feelings, your past experience, the strength of your natural knowledge, reach deeper into God. Pray a little more, just a little longer. Linger on the Word a little more, just a little longer. Go the extra mile as led by the Spirit of God.

Like Peter you can also say today; ‘nevertheless Lord, at thy word’. Inspite of what I see, feel or think, nevertheless, at Your Word Lord. Because Your Word says to launch out, I believe it and I launch out.

Sometimes, an experience of a heavy, weighty and overflowing miracle like Peter’s comes when you can look beyond apparent difficulties, challenges and oppositions. When you determine to reach deep, well beyond the top or surface.

When you have launched out into the deep, ‘let down your nets for a catch‘. Nets for a fisherman represents the tool of his trade. What is yours? What tools do you need for that God-given vision, business, trade or project. And how many do you need to use to become extremely and overwhelmingly successful? Are there new skills to acquire? New certifications? New walk of wisdom with the Holy Spirit?

As you launch out into the deep and aim to let down the nets, be certain that you heard Jesus clearly. He always gives specific instructions about the exact place to let down the net. Jesus knows exactly where your miracle lies, walk closely with Him.

When you can hear the Master say ‘launch out into the deep‘, be fearless, confident, trusting, believing and by faith, let down the nets. Great miracles follow when you hear and yield to the Master’s instructions and directions.

Praise God!


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Blessings & Love Always!

Christian Living

Net Breaking Miracle: 10 Things About Peter

The early verses of Luke chapter 5 does more than show a miracle of provision and abundance. Those verses of scripture portrays Peter in a light that helps us appreciate why Christ chose him as the rock upon which to build his church despite his human imperfections and why it was possible for Peter to experience a net-breaking catch of fish.