
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: miracle

Christian Living

Net Breaking Miracle: 10 Things About Peter

The early verses of Luke chapter 5 does more than show a miracle of provision and abundance. Those verses of scripture portrays Peter in a light that helps us appreciate why Christ chose him as the rock upon which to build his church despite his human imperfections and why it was possible for Peter to experience a net-breaking catch of fish.

Christian Living

365 Days Gone: My Best Moment

I wanted to weep again. Tears welled up in my eyes, I could barely contain myself enough to pick up my child before racing towards David. As I got to the car, there he was; and yes, he raised his hands and waved me again. Oh! That was the day I got my best ‘hi five’

Christian Living

365 Days Gone: My Best Moment

I wanted to weep again. Tears welled up in my eyes, I could barely contain myself enough to pick up my child before racing towards David. As I got to the car, there he was; and yes, he raised his hands and waved me again. Oh! That was the day I got my best ‘hi five’