
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: men

Christian Living

Men After God’s Heart

12 disciples, thousands and thousands of followers, but only 1 rock!

Every time I read the accounts of the apostles of how Jesus chose His disciples, one thing always stands out; …….The Master’s selection of Peter as ‘the rock’.

Why did Jesus choose Peter as head over the other apostles? Why not John, Matthew, and the rest of the disciples? What characteristics qualified Peter for his leadership role?

Luke’s account (Luke Chapter 5) of how professional fishermen were outwitted by a seemingly ordinary Teacher/ Preacher remains one of my favorite portions of the Bible. But a very interesting and not-to-be- missed moral of that story is Peter’s acknowledgment of the supremacy of Jesus! As a professional Fisherman, Peter immediately recognized that only a miraculous intervention would have given them a net-breaking catch of fish after all their failed attempts.

When Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying; ‘depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” Luke 5:8

Peter’s reaction reveals a deep reverence for God and his teachable nature.

But Peter did not only deny Jesus 1, 2, 3 times post crucifixion (Matthew 26:69-74), he disowned and abandoned Jesus, embraced his fishing profession once more, pulling the other disciples along with him! (John 21:1-3).

God does not always judge us by our actions, I believe that sometimes He looks at the heart and motive.

Peter could only weep bitterly following the crow from the rooster, a reminder of Jesus’ prediction of his denial, because not only was Peter sincerely sorry for his actions, but most importantly Peter recognized he’d sinned against Christ.  Reminds me of David and his adultery withBeth- Sheba, and God’s unwavering choice of David as a man after His heart….It’s the same reason Joseph would not sleep with Potiphar’s wife nor Daniel bow to an unknown god!

I mean Jesus already saw through Peter as a courageous, passionate, yet vulnerable fellow with great leadership potentials. His vulnerable nature was a gap in personality that could only be filled by the fear of The Lord which is the only sure guarantee to doing what is fair, just and right at all times and in all circumstance.

Peter had the fear of The Lord and that enabled him see sin as evil against God.

Jesus probably chose Peter to shepherd his sheep from the first time He set eyes on him or even before his birth! Jesus had invested so much grooming Peter for several months that He was not about to give him up so fast. The Master’s plan was simply to make a Fisher of souls out of a Fisherman! Peter didn’t yet catch it….So The Lord came to Peter again post resurrection, caught him in the act; fishing for fish instead of souls (John 21:7-14).

Now I imagine The Lord saying to me; ‘Grace, do you love me more than your profession, wealth, food, etc?’ just as He prodded into Peter! Wow!! That was just disarming.

Jesus was saying to Peter, I chose you as shepherd over my sheep, don’t let this sheep scatter, keep them together.

It was only at that point that Peter finally understood his mission to lead the other disciples even though his follow up question to Jesus reveals his utter surprise and shock. Why would The Lord choose him over John (the disciple he loved so much)? This suggests a possibility that while The Lord was waiting on Peter to pick up the mantle of leadership and roll, Peter was waiting for John to lead!

However, on the day of Pentecost, Peter was a different man! Halleluyah!

He was charismatic and a total display of passion, conviction, and connection to/for God. He spoke with poise, optimism, conviction, mixed with a Christ-like compassion that exuded warmth and love!! I love the Peter of the Pentecost and thereafter!!

The word of God had been buried in Peter all along (probably why he had such deep reverence for God), and it was spilling out of his mouth, nostrils, ears and every part of his being. I can only describe the Peter of the Pentecost as a man ‘totally possessed and consumed by the Spirit of God’. He did not speak with the gifting of flesh or from knowledge gained through education.

So, just like David, Peter hid God’s word deeply in his heart and he knew it.

My question to you today, would you describe yourself as a man after God’s heart? Do you qualify as such? Do you think imbibing and developing some or all of Peter’s attributes could inch you forward towards gaining that mark?

It’s your decision and it’s your choice….

To do what is fair, right and just is only borne out of a deep reverence for God. Selah!