
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: keys

Christian Living

The Keys of The Kingdom

A kingdom is a territory, domain or realm ruled by a king or queen who is the highest authority and who may choose to delegate same as he/she wishes. The day you made Jesus Lord and Saviour of your life, you were translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God and of His dear son Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:13). You are a member of the Kingdom of God. You are royalty (1 Peter 2:9).Kings reign and rule kingdoms through words. Their decrees become established and they govern their domains through words. Kings issue commands and processes are immediately set in motion for actualization of such commands. Jesus spoke extensively about the Kingdom of God, making reference to it many times in His teachings and parables. In Matthew 16:19, Jesus reveals the Keys of the Kingdom of God to His disciples…

    “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19

Words have power. Words are seeds. Decrees and Judgements are passed through words. 

Little wonder Jesus marvelled at the Centurion’s words in Luke 7:7-9. This man understood Ecclesiastes 8:4-5 all too well….there is power in the Words of a king (Ecclesiastes 8:4‭-‬5).

The keys to unlocking every blessing in the Kingdom of God is in our words/decrees, and the keys to condemning/refuting every consequence of the curse is in our words/judgement.

Wisdom and discernment help proper use and application of  decrees or judgment (Ecclesiastes 8:5).  Thi is how an empty and voidless space became home to plants, animals, man (Genesis chapter 1). And how a seed of words becomes a big company/organisation offering employment and source of livelihood to many (Luke 13:18-19). 

The keys of the Kingdom of God …..decrees…..judgements…. communicated through words. Loose/unlock your blessings, judge/bind every curse or a semblance of the curse.

You are royalty; your words have power. Your words are the keys to unlocking every blessing in the Kingdom of God. And words are the keys to condemning/refuting everything with semblance to the curse.


Christian Living

The Keys of the Kingdom

Kings reign and rule through words. Their decrees become established and they govern their domains through them. Kings give commands and processes are immediately set in place for actualization of such commands. Kings rule through words.