
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: joy

Qualities for overcoming trials
Christian Living

Put on The Whole Armor of God (II)

Despite all of Sanballat’s attempt to break Nehemiah’s focus and stop the work of God (as recorded in the book of Nehemiah), he failed woefully. Nehemiah kept his focus on the vision, drew his strength from God and wouldn’t rest until the glory of the temple in Jerusalem was restored. In spite of strong oppositions, Nehemiah delivered the vision. You too can do same.

Bible Study

Your Local Church: Why You Should Leave

Some people don’t feel very welcome, accepted or loved in one Church, so they pack up and leave to another Church (in search of love and warmth). Some say they’ve not been able to fit into the ‘cliques’ that exist in their local Church. Others are uncomfortable with a new Church leadership style (usually following a change in Church government).  For some, the Pastor and/or Church members are not ‘nice’ or caring enough (or at all). I heard it been said once, that a couple walked away from a Church because an usher was rude to them.

Christian Living

From Captivity to Greatness

What a transformation! What a Change! What a Suddenness of reversal of circumstances! My Father (and your Father) did it. He doesn’t change. That’s just the way He is!