
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Jesus

Christian Living

The Broken Gates of Brass

Let me Ask you, if a prison gate is broken down, can the prisoners not safely walk out of the prison? YES THEY CAN. But yet, the Psalmist says, God broke down the Gates, and He cut the Bars, Asunder. Halleluyah! What does this tell us? The entire Prison was brought down! Halleluyah! It does not exist anymore. He removed the Gates, He cut down the bars of Iron. The Prison don’t exist anymore. Halleluyah!

Qualities for overcoming trials
Christian Living

Put on The Whole Armor of God (II)

Despite all of Sanballat’s attempt to break Nehemiah’s focus and stop the work of God (as recorded in the book of Nehemiah), he failed woefully. Nehemiah kept his focus on the vision, drew his strength from God and wouldn’t rest until the glory of the temple in Jerusalem was restored. In spite of strong oppositions, Nehemiah delivered the vision. You too can do same.

Qualities for overcoming trials
Christian Living

Put on The Whole Armor of God (I)

to ‘Put on The Whole Armor of God’ is to be totally, completely, fully dressed (and protected) with God’s spiritual covering.
How do we do this?

Christian Living

The Father Sent My Needs

You have to be careful how you respond to people’s interpretation of events happening around you. When God sends the things/people you need, it may not always look right or appropriate to onlookers, however it is your understanding of what is happening that matters. Because your understanding will determine your response.

Bible Study

3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living (XXII)

Israel lacked spiritual sensitivity and understanding as to the exact description and role of the Messiah. They missed the who, when and how of their expectation. Hence they didn’t recognize the time of their visitation, and so couldn’t engage their faith to seize and embrace their long awaited Messianic Hope. Thankfully it wasn’t all of Israel that was spiritually insensitive at the time. The Bible speaks of  Simeone’s relationship with the Holy Spirit and how this sharpened his spiritual sensitivity, helping him recognize the Messiah even at A Baby, INFANTILE stage….

Christian Living

Agree with God

God will do all He can to reach you, however He needs your faith (and cooperation) to save, deliver, prosper and heal you.

Bible Study

The Boldness of Righteousness

Child of God, you are the righteous, you are as bold as the lion. You are courageous, confident, fierce in spirit, not easily intimidated, in-charge, in control, strong (in the power of the Holy Ghost).

Christian Living

Meekness: An Ornament of Great Price

a gentle and quiet spirit is of great worth to God


Call for Testimonials

We have testimonials volunteered by people like yourself who have continuously been blessed and impacted by our publications and ministry streaming daily on our site. These serve as reminders to our visitors that the Word of God is true and reliable. It also presents them with an opportunity to enjoy victory in their own lives as they become exposed to and imbibe the wisdom, counsel and revelation that flows freely from God’s Word that we share.

Bible Study


Anyone who does not know how to love, does not know God; does not look like God, is not identifying with God! Because God is ALL Love. God is Love and Love is of God.