
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Jesus

Bible Study

3 Essential Elements of Victorious Christian Living (XXII)

Israel lacked spiritual sensitivity and understanding as to the exact description and role of the Messiah. They missed the who, when and how of their expectation. Hence they didn’t recognize the time of their visitation, and so couldn’t engage their faith to seize and embrace their long awaited Messianic Hope. Thankfully it wasn’t all of Israel that was spiritually insensitive at the time. The Bible speaks of  Simeone’s relationship with the Holy Spirit and how this sharpened his spiritual sensitivity, helping him recognize the Messiah even at A Baby, INFANTILE stage….

Christian Living

Agree with God

God will do all He can to reach you, however He needs your faith (and cooperation) to save, deliver, prosper and heal you.

Bible Study

The Boldness of Righteousness

Child of God, you are the righteous, you are as bold as the lion. You are courageous, confident, fierce in spirit, not easily intimidated, in-charge, in control, strong (in the power of the Holy Ghost).

Christian Living

Meekness: An Ornament of Great Price

a gentle and quiet spirit is of great worth to God


Call for Testimonials

We have testimonials volunteered by people like yourself who have continuously been blessed and impacted by our publications and ministry streaming daily on our site. These serve as reminders to our visitors that the Word of God is true and reliable. It also presents them with an opportunity to enjoy victory in their own lives as they become exposed to and imbibe the wisdom, counsel and revelation that flows freely from God’s Word that we share.

Bible Study


Anyone who does not know how to love, does not know God; does not look like God, is not identifying with God! Because God is ALL Love. God is Love and Love is of God.

Christian Living

I Am liGHT

Which is how even I (Grace Obomanu) became light. I Am liGHT!
And you too are light (having been born of God).
A city set on a hill that brings illumination to the world around. A light that cannot be hidden nor put under a basket nor extinguished by darkness (John 1:5, Luke 11:33). No!
You bring hope to your environment and beyond. You are an embodiment of knowledge, wisdom, counsel, might, and understanding. You have the Spirit of God, imputed and imparted in you by the life of light.

Christian Living

The Nature of God’s Love

We are born of God, God is love and so we are love. Love is an enduring attribute of God (1 John 4:7-8). We are made of love! and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can love as God loves. We are born of God, we have His nature and Spirit within us and so we can express love as God does.

Christian Living

Love Forgets

I was in a couples’ meeting not too long ago where the following question was asked; ‘what will you do if your spouse forgets your birthday?’ ……   My response was; ‘It’s complicated!!?

Let me quickly say that, that is not the kind of ‘forgetting’ this write-up is about? . Staying committed to celebrating one another, especially our loved ones, is one of the ways we express our love for them.

I hear people sometimes say….”I forgive you, but I cannot forget”. Well, I personally used to think that it is difficult to easily get rid of bad memories (not that I am harbouring any hurt) but to just forget?….hmm..?

First Corinthians 13:5 has been popping up on my mind of late and this verse of scripture says (referring to LOVE)….

…. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
1 Corinthians 13:5 NLT

It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured.
1 Corinthians 13:5 AMP

If love keeps no record of evil or wrong done, it means love forgets such things.

Here is the thing, if people close to us never hurt us, chances are that they’re not being their best selves while around us. Meaning also that we don’t know such people so well, and so, we are not enjoying the best possible relationship with them?. Trust me, you don’t want total clones all around you….(kind of boring) 

There is no doubt that our encounters with people is what helps us understand them better. Becoming offended or hurt is still part of the process (we’re getting to know people). My thought is that First Corinthians 13:5 is not necessarily saying we should not remember past experiences from relationships, if that were the case we would be making same mistakes over and over again and hurting people over and over again of same issues (selah). We will never learn how best to relate with different people and enjoy the best of relationships with them.

I believe that this portion of scripture is saying….. we are not to make a habit of recounting  or rehashing negative experiences either to ourselves or to those who hurt us. We should not dwell on them because such practice could stir up impure thoughts, strife and hatred in us.

Love forgets. Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love is not overly-sensitive. Love is not easily hurt.

Brethren, we are of God (Galatians 3:26). God is love (I John 4:8), we should also declare same of ourselves.

Romans 5:5 says God’s love has been lavishly poured in our hearts… .it’s there, within us, let’s draw from it. …

“….. God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
Romans 5:5 AMP

God forgives and forgets….and so should we.

bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive.”
Colossians 3:13 AMP

Help us Lord!

Christian Living

By The Blood of Jesus!

Stand by the blood of Jesus