
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: graceobomanu

Christian Living

I Stand By The Blood of Jesus!

And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. 

Revelation 12:11

Bible Study

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

No, you don’t have to carry a physical 110pound wood just like Jesus did, however, whether you like it or not, if you are going to accomplish anything meaningful in/for God, you have a cross to bear. Apostle Paul had thorns in his flesh- annoying and irritating people who worked under satan’s influence to taunt him. Identify your own cross and like Paul, deal with it by grace (2 Corinthians 12:9).

There is no Grace without a Cross/Thorn and there is no Cross/Thorn without Grace! If you believe that you are graced, then there’s a cross you must bear.

Christian Living

Are You A True Child of The Father?

True children of the Father are just as kind, forgiving, generous, good, just as He is.

Christian Living

The Broken Gates of Brass

The Broken Gates of Brass

The Gates of Brass are Broken

The prison of addiction has been destroyed.

The bondage of poverty was taken away

The cage of fear was removed. 

Walk right on

You’re a free man. 

Seize your victory through your thanksgiving 


Christian Living

The Broken Gates of Brass

Let me Ask you, if a prison gate is broken down, can the prisoners not safely walk out of the prison? YES THEY CAN. But yet, the Psalmist says, God broke down the Gates, and He cut the Bars, Asunder. Halleluyah! What does this tell us? The entire Prison was brought down! Halleluyah! It does not exist anymore. He removed the Gates, He cut down the bars of Iron. The Prison don’t exist anymore. Halleluyah!

Christian Living

God Doesn’t Make Rash Promises

The young lady’s dance before the king and his guests had pleased the king so much that he hurriedly committed to giving her WHATEVER she asked for; upto half of his Kingdom. Acting on her mother’s advice, the lady asked for John the Baptist’ head on a platter. The king had no choice but to oblige her.

Christian Living

Compassion Over Norms

In Christ Jesus, there is no limit to God’s goodness, no limits to His mercy, no shadow ban over His love, no fluttering to His faithfulness. The possibilities of the New Covenant wrought in the blood of Jesus is beyond human reasoning and understanding.

Christian Living

True Children of The Father

True children of the Father are just as kind, forgiving, generous, good, just as He is.

Christian Living

Ask In The Name of Jesus

Is there a right way of asking and receiving in the name of Jesus?

Christian Living

What Is My Purpose In Life?

It doesn’t really matter the circumstance of your birth- whether you were born in or out of wedlock, or you were the product of a rape or any such mistakes, whether you were born with a silver or wooden spoon, ….friend, you were made for a purpose, you are an answer to a need in your world.