
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Godly vision. hearing God. stay focused.

Christian Living

When God Gives a Vision..


Having managed my Facebook page for almost a year now, and finally starting my personal blog, its been an absolutely enlightening journey and experience, many thanks to the generation of social media users who would rather have nothing to do with a God-laden blog or post! (Hahaha..).

A few lessons anyone with a God-given vision may want to learn;

  1. Hear Him clearly. This marks the beginning of your ‘adventure’ and ‘discovery’ walking with God. Because very few God-given visions are spectacular or fascinating, inevitable thoughts of the acuteness and authenticity of your spiritual hearing may become questionable even to you. The level or depth of development of your ability to hear God and be certain of it, sure comes to play here. Because things may not be moving at your expected pace, one thing that can keep you going  (apart from God intervening supernaturally to keep you focused), is the assurance that you know you heard Him right!
  2. Do it exactly as He says to. This is so important because God-given visions may not just make sense at all to the human mind (and sometimes even spiritually!), so the temptation to ‘help’ God package and deliver it in a more likely to be acceptable way is always there. But if it’s a God-given vision, then the only way to go, is the God-given way!
  3. Recognize that you are only a steward or custodian of a Godly vision. It is not your vision, and as is commonly said; ‘don’t cry more than the bereaved’.  Stay committed to the God-given plan and present every difficulty you encounter before Him. He’ll fix it.
  4. Recognize that Godly visions unfold. So don’t plug your spiritual ears and continue in a unidirectional manner like a train without stops! Although God is unlikely to change the purpose of a vision, Godly visions can broaden and unfold. It is important therefore to stay sensitive and focused on God. People will always offer suggestions on how to improve delivery or achievement of a vision, ensure to spend time in prayer before God until He gives directives on these. God will always respond. Sometimes, it may just require a couple more days of waiting.
  5. Recognize that God specifically gave YOU the vision. It can be pretty difficult to convince folks, very close friends, etc to buy into your God-given vision. And there is always the temptation to tag them as ‘unreliable’ or ‘not loyal’. But God didn’t give a corporate or collective vision, why are you expecting a concerted drive and passion from others?  Ask God, like Jesus did to; ‘send the harvesters/labourers’. And if you ever consider expanding the scope of delivery of a God-given vision, identify and run with the folks (or strangers) that have bought into it, than your most trusted friend, otherwise you’d be casting pearls at swines who’d innocently trample it under foot.
  6. Statistics don’t always count with God. There are satanic churches with very high attendance but without a Godly presence! Jesus only had 12 disciples (Selah).
  7. There is a lesson to learn every step of the way. Do not jump process (es) and cheat yourself. God will build you up as you follow His leading.

Hope these words are encouraging to you as you walk with God towards actualization of His purpose in and through you.


Stay Blessed and Love Always.

Grace Obomanu.