
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: God is love

Christian Living

John 3:16

When a young man wants to propose to a young lady, he might choose to package the engagement ring in a beautiful attractive and alluring box. The box, inspire of how beautiful it looks, is not the main gift, his target is to deliver the contents of the box to the lady he loves.

Qualities for overcoming trials
Christian Living

You Can Dine with Sinners

In today’s world, we may not be able to limit our interactions to only believers, however as Christians, in order to remain relevant in upholding Heaven’s mandate and fulfill kingdom business, it’s important to be purpose-driven and distinguishable from the world around us.

Christian Living

True Children of The Father

True children of the Father are just as kind, forgiving, generous, good, just as He is.

Christian Living

Tough Love Saved Us

It is a good thing to express pity, but really sometimes tough love may be what is needed to save someone.

Christian Living

I Am Love!

Yes, I am born of God, God is love, and so I am love. The love of God has been poured abundantly in my heart, and pour from it to others.

Christian Living

How Do You Love?

A lot of Christians haven’t really understood love. A few others talk about love in the light of something they expect to receive from others. But can you imagine if every Christian thought about themselves every time 1 Corinthians 13 flashes through their mind? Christianity will be truly defined. How do you love?

Christian Living

How Do You Love?

A lot of Christians haven’t really understood love. A few others talk about love in the light of something they expect to receive from others. But can you imagine if every Christian thought about themselves every time 1 Corinthians 13 flashes through their mind? Christianity will be truly defined. How do you love?