
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: God is God

Christian Living

Know these 3 ethical truths about Your God…: Blogpost 1

I woke up to a beautiful scripture this morning. A scripture with 3 profound/powerful truths about Jehovah that I thought I dare not keep to myself. If you are a Christian, then you need to know these attributes of Jehovah to maximize your experience of Him as God.

I have carefully chosen to qualify these truths as ‘Ethical’. We are probably conversant with ‘ethical’ referring to morals, principles of right or wrong, being in accordance with rules, standards or practice. In this post however, permit me to use ‘ethical’ as relating to principles, standards, and inherent characteristics. Jehovah your God thrives on these principles. They are His inherent attributes.

This is really exciting, isn’t it? that there are attributes of God that will NEVER ever change,…they are intrinsic part of who He is!

Here we go…….

Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7: 9 NKJV.

Actually, there are 4 things to take out of this scripture, the first being a prerequisite to knowing the 3 that follow.

Number 1: Know that The Lord your God is God.

Did I hear you say; ‘Grace, what does that mean? That doesn’t make sense at all. “The Lord your God” is tautology!’

You’re absolutely right. That’s the way it sounds and it doesn’t make sense. Let’s look at that scripture again from The Message Translation:

Know this: GOD, your God is God indeed, a God you can depend upon. He keeps His covenant of loyal love with those who love Him and observe His commandments for a thousand generations.

It says – God YOUR God is God Indeed!

First, He has to be YOUR God. There has to be a relationship between you and Him

Second, you need to know that He is God Indeed!

Who is a God?

Simple dictionary definition: “Supreme or ultimate reality. A Superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes. A deity.

Now, there are many kinds of God. But the God referred to in Deuteronomy 7 above is Jehovah, the Hebrew God.

Psalm 83:18 describes Him as ‘the Most High’.

Jehovah, The Most High, is ‘God Your God’ when you choose Him as your One and Only God, love Him with all your heart and with all you have.

The next 3 things He wants you to know about Him:

Number 2: Know that The Lord Your God (Jehovah) is Faithful

Number 3: Know that The Lord Your God (Jehovah) is Merciful

Number 4: Know that The Lord Your God (Jehovah) keeps Covenant.

Why should we know Him as Faithful, Merciful and the One that Keeps Covenant? Of what benefit is this knowledge?

I’ll do 3 other blogposts on this topic and look at one of these intrinsic attributes of God in each blogpost.

Stay with me.