
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: dog

Christian Living

Pet or Companion?

You have a dog, cat, talking pigeon etc for a pet or you’re considering getting one soon?

That’s fine, God considered giving animals to man as companion from the beginning. Yes, I was as surprised as you are right now, as it popped out of my Bible 🙂

Genesis 2:18 reads

“And the Lord God said, ‘It isn’t good for a man to be alone; I will make a Companion for him, a helper suited to his needs’. So the Lord God formed from the soil every kind of animal and bird, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever he called them, that was their name”.

So Adam showed his creativity in churning out beautiful names for all the animals. Doesn’t the Lion really look lionish? 🙂 I bet you responded in the positive.  Just a thought here though, which happened first?….did Adam just throw different names at different animals and they looked the part, or did their looks suggest a name to Adam? 🙂  I want to believe both, but more importantly, the animals answered the name Adam gave them (Selah). That’s what the Bible tells us.

But notice that God was watching out carefully for what Adam would name each of the animals. God wanted to see which of the animals Adam considered a companion or a help meet, which was God’s particular interest at the time.

None qualified!

So God shook His head. ‘Oh no, this didn’t work, but let me try again’. This time, God chose to use a part of the man to make him a companion.

Look at Adam’s reaction;

“This is it! Adam exclaimed. She is part of my own bone and flesh! her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man”. Genesis 2:23

God’s job was done! Eve was acceptable to Adam as companion 🙂

Isn’t it still awesome how man has remained in the business of identifying his companion himself? God ceded that right over to man (Selah). You gotta find your companion yourself young man. And being the Father that God is, He is always available to guide you. Amen.

My grandma had a cat for many years, she shared almost all her meals and drinks with it, especially fish. One awful day, Bossy, which is what she called her cat, left home and has still not returned. My grandma passed on about 4 years ago at almost 100 years. From my little Maths, Bossy must have disappeared from home in my grandma’s 70’s. Grandma later found a companion in a human male of her age group. That was sweet to watch.

I read of people willing over millions and millions of monies to pets. My take on that? Such people most likely lived a pitiable solitary purposeless life with a myopic view. What happened to all the homeless and hungry people all over the world? Money in the wrong hands!

Do have all the pets you like recognizing that God actually created them to stay around you. But recognize that they never sufficed as companions for Adam and I doubt they’ll do for you.

Get a companion today 🙂