
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: direction

Christian Living

God Leads His Sons

Have you received Jesus Christ into your heart? You are a son of God! And God leads His sons.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14 NKJV

You Have The Spirit Of Christ

That day you confessed Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, that was the day you became a son of God! (John 1:12). On that very day, your old sinful nature was done away with, your spirit was recreated and you became a brand new creature (Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17). You have the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9). Your spirit serves as a lamp or candle to God; He sees your innermost being. He knows your thoughts, concerns, worries and even motives. (Proverbs 20:27).

Our recreated human spirits is the direct link between us and God.

According to Romans 8:14, if you are a son of God, you should never lack direction, never be confused, never be unsure of the will of God for any situation, because God leads His sons.

Are you at crossroads? Do you need to make a critical life decision about where to live, who to marry, what schools to send your kids to, your next steps, your purpose in life? You have the Spirit of Christ. You are God’s son. And God leads His sons.

You Have The Holy Spirit Of Promise

The Holy Spirit of promise was given as a guarantee that we will indeed possess all our inheritance in Christ. He is God’s seal on us (Ephesians 1:13-14). When we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, a new dimension of power is made available to us to do the work of the kingdom (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit is our Paraclete- Counsellor, Advocate, Helper, Strengthener, Intercessor and Standby (John 14:16). He is in us as our Guide (Isaiah 58:11John 16:13). He guides us, not only in the truth of God’s Word, He is also available to provide guidance in all our life affairs if we let Him. We should never lack direction.

Two ways to be confidently led by God are; to recognize God’s voice and to know God’s Word (John 10:4‭-‬5). When we train ourselves to recognize God’s voice, just the way a little baby by repeated interactions recognizes the mother’s voice, we will not be misled by the contrary voice of a ‘stranger’. Therefore developing an intimate relationship with God is one sure way of getting familiar with His voice. And like any other relationship, such intimacy is developed by spending time with God; in prayer and in His Word.

Praying in the Holy Ghost is one sure way to gain clarity about God’s leading. When we pray in the Holy Ghost our spirit become charged, strengthened, more alert and sensitive to God’s leading (Jude 20, Ephesians 3:16). The Holy Spirit knows the mind of God and intercedes for us according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27). So if we engage the Holy Spirit as we should, we should never be out of God’s will, plans and purposes for our lives.

You Have The Word Of Life

God’s leading never contradicts His Word. God will never lead us outside of His Word. The Word also serves as our spiritual compass for the present and future; His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

Never lack direction, because God leads His sons. You have the Spirit of Christ, you have the Holy Spirit and you have the Word of life.

Monthly Newsletter

October 2020 Newsletter

I am so thankful to God for the continuous outpouring of inspirations that makes it possible for me to keep writing on His Word. This is such an honor and a great privilege. People often ask; ‘Grace, how do you come about these thoughts?’ ‘how are you able to do all that you do and still look calm?’. First, these are not just mere thoughts and praise God for His commitment towards shining more lights on gray areas with each new day. My faith and love walk are deepened daily with every new revelation I receive from God’s Word

Christian Living

At Crossroads…:Blogpost 1

A young man called me some day. Someone I knew from way back. We belonged to same fellowship sometime ago and I was priviledge to be fellowship head at the time. He left us after a while; proceeded on a divinely provided internship training to Europe. A few years later he returned to Nigeria and was employed by a multinational company.

We kept in touch, but only when he called or buzzed. We’d talk a little about his faith which he always said was fine. But you know how it is now; social media readily give people away! His pictures on Facebook didn’t suggest a spiritually healthy brother to me. So when he called me, sounding rather too desperate to hold a discussion with me; I knew everything wasn’t right, he needed help!

He was at a crossroad! He’d gotten himself entangled with 2 young women. He must marry only one and I have to help him decide!

In my earlier blogpost; “Pet or Companion“, I narrate how Adam single-handedly  identified his life partner, chose her and named her.  So ‘hello’ young man, ‘go catch your bride yourself’!!

No!, you’re wrong; I didn’t tell him that.  🙂  Neither did I choose a wife for him. So what did I do? I spent about 30-45 minutes listening to his stories. I scolded him for sinning against our Father 🙂  (He was truly sorry). And then told him I’d get back to him in tops, 48 hours.

Ofcourse I wasn’t in any way confused about which of the ladies would make a good wife. But it wasn’t my place to tell him.  The thing is, I believe he also knew the right decision. But his passions and feelings were trying to misguide him. Happens!   🙂

When I called him 48 hours later, having prayed about his issue and also prayed for him, I simply listed out to him, the attributes of a wife, making a clear contrast between his 2 women without calling names. Next, we agreed it was best to end both relationships and start over {Solomon’s wisdom  }. I expect the rightful owner of the husband not to give up 🙂 and she didn’t.

Some months later, I received another call from my brother; he was ready to marry. He’s made a decision! Halleluyah. Please believe me when I tell you that all these time, I never asked him which of the ladies he decided on. I didn’t ask him. Facebook didn’t help me either. No pictures and besides, I couldn’t even differentiate the women physically. I trusted the Holy Spirit to sort him out and He did.

Life happens. Crossroads happens. Crossroads are not necessarily death traps. Crossroads don’t have to be negative. Crossroads should be opportunities. Crossroads should bring good change. Crossroads should lead us as Christians to a better place; God destined place.

Some well-meaning secular authors try to tell us how to manage crossroads;  (i) accept uncertainties. (ii) watch out for possibilities. (iii) Pray the Serenity prayer. (iv)  Pick a rising tide.  (v) Be open-minded; not having a goal is a goal.   (vi) Practice solitude.  etc

But should a Christian go on accepting uncertainties? Should he/She not have a goal; being tossed back and forth by every wind/doctrine? It’s great to expect and watch out for possibilities, but possibilities are everywhere! Which of the many possibilities that stare us in the face as Christians should we accept?

This is where crossroads can seem a challenge or a hard nut to crack because at the intersection of two or more roads, we must make a decision, most times, a crucial decision with far-reaching consequences.

What should a Christian do at crossroads? How do you know which way to turn? How do you know God’s will?

We’ll answer these and more questions in “At Crossroads…: Blogpost 2″. 

Stay blessed.

My love always.