
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: crossroads

Qualities for overcoming trials
Christian Living

God Leads His Sons

According to Romans 8:14, if you are a son of God, you should never lack direction, never be confused, never be unsure of the will of God for any situation, because God leads His sons. Are you at crossroads? Do you need to make a critical life decision about where to live, who to marry, what schools to send your kids to, your next steps, your purpose in life? You have the Spirit of Christ. You are God’s son. And God leads His sons.

Christian Living

At Crossroads..:Blogpost 2

Welcome back!

In “At Crossroads.. :Blogpost 1“, we established that crossroads are a part of life. Crossroads are not bad in themselves but because we often would need to make crucial life-changing decisions at such points, crossroads must be managed carefully and delicately.

But how delicate is good enough? How do you delicately handle the decision of who to marry for instance? Are there guidelines for a Christian in making life decisions?

A portion of my children’s daily confession reads; “I have the spirit of the Lord; the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, might and the spirit of the fear of the Lord

And honestly, they already astound me with some of their decisions and outlook on issues that impact on their young life.

I was recently at a crossroad and needed to make a life-changing decision. So I prayed and waited for a response from The Lord, but got none. Then I started trying to work things out for myself. Again, nothing worked. I knelt down another morning and prayed again; and The Lord gave me an answer of peace which am gonna share here.

We did not drop down to earth from nowhere. I am certainly not an outcome of some evolutionary process. I am made by Jehovah, in His image and according to His likeness. I am fearfully and wonderfully made to fulfill a specific purpose in a specific space and location (Psalm 139: 14-16).

So if I am made by Jehovah, who has my plan and purpose completely figured out from when I was in my mother’s womb, if I ever get to a point in life where I do not know which direction to turn, who should I turn to?

Jesus boasts of Himself as ‘The Good Shepherd’. A shepherd with an awesome sense of responsibility. A shepherd who is committed to leading us in the path of life and righteousness (Psalm 23, John…) .

Additionally, the Lord Jesus Christ promised and sent us the Holy Spirit; the Teacher of all truths, to guide and lead us according to God’s will, plan and purpose.

So beloved when at Crossroads realize:

  1. That you have a Good Shepherd (John 10: 11-15, Psalm 23).
  2. That you have a dependable Teacher (The Holy Spirit) {John 16:7}
  3. That you have the Word of Life, which is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:105)
  4. That you have the Spirit of The Lord (of counsel, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, might and fear of The Lord) {Isaiah 11:2}. So you are fully equipped to know what to do, how to do it, when to do it and do it well. Halleluyah.

Quickly, I share with you a scripture The Good Lord gave to me at my recent crossroad; Hebrews 10: 36

For you have need of patient endurance {to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising}, so that when you have carried out the Will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised.”

So imagine being in a difficult situation where the only thing that makes sense is to RUN and The Lord sends you Hebrews 10:36 or 1 Peter 2:19!!

“For this finds favor, if a person endures the sorrow of suffering unjustly because of an awareness of the will of God.” 1 Peter 2:19

Look at Hebrews 10:36 again, what do you see? I see 3 important things;

(i) The Will of God

(ii) The Promise

(iii) Patient endurance.

And I can tell you, this part isn’t interesting! Naaa. But then, what I find with patient endurance is Maturity and great resilience. And I truly love those 2 attributes.

Who knows the Will of God? Can anyone know the Will of The Lord? How do I know if am doing the Will of God?

Let me show you how to know the Will of God….

For whoever does the will of God (by believing in Me and following Me), he is My brother and Sister and Mother.” Mark 3:35

So as a Christian, if you believe in the Lord Jesus and follow His teachings, you are unlikely to be out of God’s will. And again, you have the spirit of The Lord and His Word always. So Always, you can know the Will of God if you just seek it.

The question then is not ‘can anyone know the Will of The Lord?’ The question should be; ‘Do I accept and do the Will of God?’

I can tell you that the Will of God may not always seem glamorous, nice, attractive or trendy. For so many months, I held discussions with The Lord arguing about how I wouldn’t marry my hubby many years ago. My reasons? He wasn’t good-looking enough! {By the way, my hubby brags himself as very handsome 🙂 }. But I can tell you now, that we are the best pair God ever put together! And someone recently stopped both of us and innocently remarked that my hubby is now good-looking than I 🙂

So the Will of God may not make sense to us, but remember, no one is Wiser than God is. So trust and Obey. 🙂

Matthew 13;43 tells us;

Then the Righteous (those who seek the will of God) will Shine Forth (radiating the new life) like the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father.

My prayer for you today is that you would seek God’s Will at the Crossroads of your life. For only then will you truly experience peace and be fulfilled.

Remember that God created you for purpose, find His Will and trust Him to accomplish it. He is committed to it. He is a Good Shepherd. Follow Him, practice patient endurance and you will not miss the Promise.

My love always…..

Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

Christian Living

At Crossroads…:Blogpost 1

A young man called me some day. Someone I knew from way back. We belonged to same fellowship sometime ago and I was priviledge to be fellowship head at the time. He left us after a while; proceeded on a divinely provided internship training to Europe. A few years later he returned to Nigeria and was employed by a multinational company.

We kept in touch, but only when he called or buzzed. We’d talk a little about his faith which he always said was fine. But you know how it is now; social media readily give people away! His pictures on Facebook didn’t suggest a spiritually healthy brother to me. So when he called me, sounding rather too desperate to hold a discussion with me; I knew everything wasn’t right, he needed help!

He was at a crossroad! He’d gotten himself entangled with 2 young women. He must marry only one and I have to help him decide!

In my earlier blogpost; “Pet or Companion“, I narrate how Adam single-handedly  identified his life partner, chose her and named her.  So ‘hello’ young man, ‘go catch your bride yourself’!!

No!, you’re wrong; I didn’t tell him that.  🙂  Neither did I choose a wife for him. So what did I do? I spent about 30-45 minutes listening to his stories. I scolded him for sinning against our Father 🙂  (He was truly sorry). And then told him I’d get back to him in tops, 48 hours.

Ofcourse I wasn’t in any way confused about which of the ladies would make a good wife. But it wasn’t my place to tell him.  The thing is, I believe he also knew the right decision. But his passions and feelings were trying to misguide him. Happens!   🙂

When I called him 48 hours later, having prayed about his issue and also prayed for him, I simply listed out to him, the attributes of a wife, making a clear contrast between his 2 women without calling names. Next, we agreed it was best to end both relationships and start over {Solomon’s wisdom  }. I expect the rightful owner of the husband not to give up 🙂 and she didn’t.

Some months later, I received another call from my brother; he was ready to marry. He’s made a decision! Halleluyah. Please believe me when I tell you that all these time, I never asked him which of the ladies he decided on. I didn’t ask him. Facebook didn’t help me either. No pictures and besides, I couldn’t even differentiate the women physically. I trusted the Holy Spirit to sort him out and He did.

Life happens. Crossroads happens. Crossroads are not necessarily death traps. Crossroads don’t have to be negative. Crossroads should be opportunities. Crossroads should bring good change. Crossroads should lead us as Christians to a better place; God destined place.

Some well-meaning secular authors try to tell us how to manage crossroads;  (i) accept uncertainties. (ii) watch out for possibilities. (iii) Pray the Serenity prayer. (iv)  Pick a rising tide.  (v) Be open-minded; not having a goal is a goal.   (vi) Practice solitude.  etc

But should a Christian go on accepting uncertainties? Should he/She not have a goal; being tossed back and forth by every wind/doctrine? It’s great to expect and watch out for possibilities, but possibilities are everywhere! Which of the many possibilities that stare us in the face as Christians should we accept?

This is where crossroads can seem a challenge or a hard nut to crack because at the intersection of two or more roads, we must make a decision, most times, a crucial decision with far-reaching consequences.

What should a Christian do at crossroads? How do you know which way to turn? How do you know God’s will?

We’ll answer these and more questions in “At Crossroads…: Blogpost 2″. 

Stay blessed.

My love always.