
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: compassion

Christian Living

Compassion Over Norms

In Christ Jesus, there is no limit to God’s goodness, no limits to His mercy, no shadow ban over His love, no fluttering to His faithfulness. The possibilities of the New Covenant wrought in the blood of Jesus is beyond human reasoning and understanding.

Christian Living

When His Mercy & Compassion Meet…

The resultant effect of the mercies and compassions of God is His goodness. When His mercies and compassions meet, His Goodness is inevitable. Halleluyah! So if His mercies and compassions follow me everyday, if they fail not, if God is steadfast, committed at sending mercies and compassions towards man, surely, goodness must be an everyday experience with God too.

Christian Living

The Evil of Empathy

Empathy is a good thing when it helps someone understand and provide an appropriate response in a given situation. However, empathy may leave someone feeling alone, unloved and uncared for.