
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: christianliving

Christian Livingtestimonies

The Lord brought my Soup!

I have shared this testimony some years back on my online talk page and I promised someone who missed it I’d share it again this morning on the blog. Like David, this testimony (and the recent testimony of how God restored my health-which is narrated in my blog post “When the Doctor says No“), stand as my own ‘I have overcome the bear and the lion, this uncircumcised Philistine wouldn’t be different’.  God’s faithfulness is sure. We can depend absolutely on His faithfulness.

Many years back as an undergraduate, I had the priviledge of having my own private accommodation outside the school hostels. I didn’t really like the campus accommodation for more than one reason; shared rooms, dirty rest/shower rooms, shared and very small cooking areas, etc etc. A personal room was private and more suiting of my personality at the time I think. Not that I could afford to rent one myself, The Lord miraculously gave me a free room most of my university days through my Uncle (God bless him). So I wasn’t really born with a silver spoon. My Uncle practically trained me through school-tuition, books, allowances, etc etc. God bless him again.  But you see, sometimes, even as would happen with a rich child, my supplies ran out-toiletries, provisions, groceries, etc etc.

Like most Nigerians, I was brought up eating mostly a Nigerian staple food- garri (processed from cassava). Many Nigerian households survive on garri, it’s filling and you only require a bowl of soup to stay full and sustained for hours.

It was Saturday morning, I was in my room and there was drought; my supplies had ran out, totally out. My beverages, cereals, biscuits, everything was gone! But not my garri, I had a handful of garri somewhere in the room.

Not that this was the first time this would happen, but for some reason, I was greatly vexed in my spirit. I was angry, not with my parents, Uncle or anyone else, I was upset that God would constantly let my supply run out!  I prayed out loud and told God, He had to send me soup that day, as I was not going to try to ask anyone for food, visit anyone (hoping they feed me), or even go home (to my Uncle’s house). I needed a miracle, period!

So the whole day, I sat at my table studying my big medical books, occasionally reminding God that I was waiting for Him to show up with my soup. And it wasn’t a small wait! I was hungry, I was fagged out and I was tired. There was temptation to just discard this miracle/faith chase and simply ‘soak’ the garri and drink it. But I didn’t. I didn’t really also know how to speak ‘faith’ words at the time, or how to give so as to receive, but I’ve been enjoying a close intimate relationship with God and I was certain He existed.

It was not until about 16.00 hours that someone knocked at my door. I delayed in answering the door, upset that the response to my request was coming too late. But then, I told myself to check who’s at the door first 🙂  To my utter surprise one of my aunt’s was standing by the door with a big bowl in her hand. Her house was about 30 minute’s drive from my room. Sorry to say that at the time, I was not particularly close to this aunt. So you understand my surprise. What was she doing here? It was after I let her into the room and welcomed her warmly, that she explained that she felt in her spirit to bring me some soup as she cooked that afternoon. I thanked her immensely and she left. That was the last time she visited.

The Lord showed up with my soup!!!

There are so many things I do not know about God, so many things I am discovering about God as I walk with Him daily. But I know for sure; that God is faithful- it is His nature, He cannot be otherwise. He is faithful, He is merciful and He is a Covenant Keeper.

 “Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7: 9  NKJV.

Many times, Christians speak about faith as if it’s some religious ceremony. What is faith?  Faith is the substance of our belief. Faith is Christian living. Faith is Evidence. Faith is Believing and Seeing. Faith is Now! (Hebrews 11:1). Faith was me fixing my eyes on my bowl of soup until it showed up (and oh! I need to take on many more faith projects to continue to enjoy the fullness of The Blessing).

You know, faith can be easy and yet difficult. It is easy to speak faith, but it can be challenging to patiently wait until the substance of it becomes evident. The beauty in it all though is that while you wait, your spiritual muscles are strengthened, you move some rungs in the ladder of your faith walk and more importantly for me, you build memorials of God’s faithfulness for your future walk as your the object of your faith becomes physical.

So I ask you today- Where is your focus? Who is your source? Where will the refill of your supply come from? If you answer “from a known man” to any of the above, then I say to you; ‘you are of all men most miserable‘. Man will fail and fade, but not God.





Christian Living

When God Gives a Vision..


Having managed my Facebook page for almost a year now, and finally starting my personal blog, its been an absolutely enlightening journey and experience, many thanks to the generation of social media users who would rather have nothing to do with a God-laden blog or post! (Hahaha..).

A few lessons anyone with a God-given vision may want to learn;

  1. Hear Him clearly. This marks the beginning of your ‘adventure’ and ‘discovery’ walking with God. Because very few God-given visions are spectacular or fascinating, inevitable thoughts of the acuteness and authenticity of your spiritual hearing may become questionable even to you. The level or depth of development of your ability to hear God and be certain of it, sure comes to play here. Because things may not be moving at your expected pace, one thing that can keep you going  (apart from God intervening supernaturally to keep you focused), is the assurance that you know you heard Him right!
  2. Do it exactly as He says to. This is so important because God-given visions may not just make sense at all to the human mind (and sometimes even spiritually!), so the temptation to ‘help’ God package and deliver it in a more likely to be acceptable way is always there. But if it’s a God-given vision, then the only way to go, is the God-given way!
  3. Recognize that you are only a steward or custodian of a Godly vision. It is not your vision, and as is commonly said; ‘don’t cry more than the bereaved’.  Stay committed to the God-given plan and present every difficulty you encounter before Him. He’ll fix it.
  4. Recognize that Godly visions unfold. So don’t plug your spiritual ears and continue in a unidirectional manner like a train without stops! Although God is unlikely to change the purpose of a vision, Godly visions can broaden and unfold. It is important therefore to stay sensitive and focused on God. People will always offer suggestions on how to improve delivery or achievement of a vision, ensure to spend time in prayer before God until He gives directives on these. God will always respond. Sometimes, it may just require a couple more days of waiting.
  5. Recognize that God specifically gave YOU the vision. It can be pretty difficult to convince folks, very close friends, etc to buy into your God-given vision. And there is always the temptation to tag them as ‘unreliable’ or ‘not loyal’. But God didn’t give a corporate or collective vision, why are you expecting a concerted drive and passion from others?  Ask God, like Jesus did to; ‘send the harvesters/labourers’. And if you ever consider expanding the scope of delivery of a God-given vision, identify and run with the folks (or strangers) that have bought into it, than your most trusted friend, otherwise you’d be casting pearls at swines who’d innocently trample it under foot.
  6. Statistics don’t always count with God. There are satanic churches with very high attendance but without a Godly presence! Jesus only had 12 disciples (Selah).
  7. There is a lesson to learn every step of the way. Do not jump process (es) and cheat yourself. God will build you up as you follow His leading.

Hope these words are encouraging to you as you walk with God towards actualization of His purpose in and through you.


Stay Blessed and Love Always.

Grace Obomanu.

Christian Living

Dead Man Walking

A person is certified clinically dead when the two (2) criteria for sustained living (breathing & circulation) have been lost such that the body is unable to carry out its vital functions. So, the expression ‘dead man walking’ can readily fit into an oxymoron description, because it is naturally impossible for a dead man to walk! But I refer here to a man, physically alive and moving but spiritually dead.

You ask what I mean?

Romans 5:12 reads;

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned

This verse of scripture suggests the following;

  1. That there was once a sinless world.
  2. That sin brings death.
  3. That sin and death were introduced through one man.
  4. That every man received sin and death from this man.

And 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 helps us identify this ‘one man’

For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in ADAM all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

So we confirm from the Bible that sin and death emanated from Adam!

But how did this happen?

Maybe we should start from the very beginning….

In Genesis 2:15-17 God gave Adam a clear and special instruction;

Then the Lord God took man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the Lord commanded the man, saying; ‘of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you Shall Surely Die’ “.

I want to assume that we all know the rest of the story; how that Adam disobeyed God’s commandment (Genesis 3).

Now, whether it was Eve or the Serpent that distracted Adam from keeping a commandment God originally and purposefully handed down to him, is a matter for another day’s discussion and we might consider that in the future.
But note with me that in Genesis 5:5 Adam lived well beyond the day God promised him he’d die if he disobeyed Him and ate the forbidden fruit.

so all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years..

Most times when I put these two scriptures before people I teach, (i.e Genesis 2:17 & Genesis 5:5), I push their imagination a bit, by suggesting that God may have lied! And every time I do that I see horror suddenly spread across people’s faces. Almost as if they want to scream…Blasphemy!! This always amuses me.

But you know, that simple exercise really gets them thinking and they almost always come up with another possible version of what God meant. While some say God implied man cannot live forever anymore, others suggest a ‘spiritual’ death. (this is always an interesting part of my class as everyone would usually have something to say).

So what do I think?

I doubt that God referred to man experiencing a physical death. I choose to believe that man would have died anyway as long as he’d not eaten the Tree of Life (Selah!), which was one of the reasons God gave for driving man out of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:22).

Having established therefore that Adam did not immediately drop dead after he disobeyed God, and also that, man couldn’t possibly live forever without eating of the Tree of Life, I choose to believe that when God said to Adam “ shall surely die…”, God referred to the real Adam (his spirit) not his physical body.

Adam died spiritually immediately he ate of that tree, and suddenly became aware of his physical body (Genesis 3:7);

and they knew they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings”.

And every descendant of Adam is born spiritually dead from a corrupted seed inherited from Adam (Romans 5:12 & 1 Corinthians 15:21). The Bible tells us that; ‘…in Adam all died’.

But note, that ‘all men are not actually dead physically! Or are they? 🙂

While you ponder on that, let’s quickly consider the encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus Christ (John 3).
Nicodemus was a Jewish ruler in search of ‘sanctification’ and who although perceived that Jesus could sanctify him, was however too used to gaining gratification through lobbying rather than following due process (like so many rulers are today).

Jesus immediately saw through him and said to him, ‘you stop that joke!, don’t attempt to mess around with God’s business. Your fame, position etc cannot help you now, you need to be born of the water and the Spirit. As funny as that sounds, I can appreciate Nicodemus’ confusion as expressed in his question;

How can a man be born when he is old?” (John 3:4).

This question was a follow up to Jesus’ offer of sanctification for Nicodemus in John 3: 3, 6

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. …that which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit”.

Apparently, Nicodemus came in flesh form 🙂 so if Jesus is saying he needed to be born again making reference to a spiritual birth, then one can safely assume that Jesus was saying to Nicodemus; ‘hey man, you need a spiritual rebirth’!.

A spiritual rebirth only became necessary because man died spiritually following his disobedience to God’s commandment in Eden.

So then, how does one gain spiritual rebirth?

Jesus answers this in John 3:16-18

“…..that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved“.

The ONLY way to spiritual rebirth, salvation, redemption is through Jesus Christ! You believe in your heart that Jesus came, died and saved you, and you confess your believe with your mouth!

As 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 tells us that;

For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive..”

That’s the good news! Halleluyah!!

This is the most thrilling part….

God did not take the old spiritually dead you, touch it up a little with His Holy and Pure Nature, to give you a spiritual rebirth. No!

He birthed a brand new spirit within you. Halleluyah!!

2 Corinthians 5:17, tells us that much;

Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

So the day you give your life, a brand new creation is born in the spiritual realm. The ‘old’ is completely done away with! You become born into God’s own family, where Jehovah is Father and The Lord Jesus Christ is our Big brother!

I am more than excited!!!

Satan tried to mess up God’s original plan of having a pure man in a sinless world. But God has made a way of escape for man in Christ Jesus. Yes, although you were made spiritually dead through Adam, you can be made spiritually alive today through Christ Jesus, if only you can make this simple confession;

Almighty God, I come to you today, recognizing my sinful nature. But more importantly believing that Jesus Christ came and died just to save me. I receive Jesus Christ into my life today and ask Him, dear Lord to come be the Lord and Master of my life. I believe that I am saved through Jesus Christ. Thank you Father. In Jesus name.

Congratulations to you if you said that prayer!!

You have just been moved from the kingdom of darkness and death, into the kingdom of God and His dear Son Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:13). And I join the host of Heaven to rejoice at your birth.

Just like any new born baby, you need to grow! You need to Build and develop your faith in Christ by seeking out a good Bible-believing and teaching church around you. And by continuously looking into the ‘mirror’ of God’s word (The Bible), your entire life will become Christ-like 🙂  (2 Corinthians 3:18, James 1)

We find all over the Book of ‘Acts of the Apostles’, that Water Baptism by Immersion is a crucial step in the Born Again process, as it signifies that we were buried and raised with Christ. (Mark 16:16, Acts 1:5, Acts 19:5, Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:4 etc). Jesus Christ Himself was baptized by immersion (Luke 3:21, Matthew 3:13, etc).

You need to be baptized by immersion just as Christ.

You also need to be filled with the Holy Ghost with an initial evidence of speaking loud in other tongues (Acts 2, Mark 1:8, Acts 10:47 etc). Jesus promised the Holy Ghost to teach us all truth and help us lead fruitful christian lives.


Once again, Congratulations!



Love Always

Grace Obomanu.


Except otherwise stated, all Bible quotations are from the New King James Version (NKJV).

The foundation for this particular article was mostly laid through my role as a Believer’s Class II Teach, at The Carpenter’s Church (Port Harcourt, Nigeria). 


Could it Have Been a Surrogate Birth?

A traditional surrogate is artificially inseminated with a man’s sperm. She carries the baby to term and delivers.

Although a traditional surrogate can be considered the biological mother of a child being that she (sort of) donated her eggs towards the formation of a baby, she may however have to hand over the baby postpartum to the parent (s) to raise.

A gestational surrogate on the other hand has no biological or genetic ties to a baby. What happens is; a mother’s eggs are harvested, as well as a father’s sperm, and through In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), an embryo forms, and is then placed in the uterus of a gestational surrogate to harbour till delivery.

Many times when I teach about the holy birth of Jesus Christ, arguments erupt; people cannot understand how possible it is for a woman to just ‘only’ house a baby without contributing to its genetic make-up. They’ve always known that a man and a woman must ‘meet’ for there to be a baby.

And I can understand their argument; Science is yet to transform a baby ape to a human!!! (Selah…)

But, Can Mary (mother of Jesus) easily fit into the description of a gestational surrogate? Has science somewhat shown the possibility of having a baby to parents without genetic ties? Make no mistake about it, Mary exhibited great faith believing to have a child without knowing a man! And she should be always remembered just like Abraham, and other great men of faith in the Bible. Imagine if Mary wasn’t a virgin; it would certainly be doubly difficult for many to accept the holy birth…Mary honoured God by keeping her virginity.

Just in case anyone is asking….’so Grace, whose eggs and whose sperm?’. The genetic composition of any human is determined at conception, at the point the eggs and sperm fuse into an embryo. The Bible records that “Mary was conceived by the Holy Ghost”! There was no mention of gametes…. It must mean then that if Jesus came out fully formed, then He must have been put into Mary fully formed!!

Something I learnt early in my Christian walk (Thanks to my Undershepherds, Pastor Charles Omofomah (who I believe is constantly smiling down on me, and Pastor Nkechi Ene); ‘Every human being is a spirit, lives in a body and has a soul’. My body is just a house for the real me….

Genesis tells us, that God created man from the dust of the earth, and then breathed into him, and man became a living being. Is it safe to say then that without God’s breath, man was/is just dust and not a living being? Does this explain what happens when someone dies? I mean you still see the body there, but its lost its functions completely.

I believe the Holy Spirit is God Himself!! And being that Mary was conceived by The Holy Spirit,…I can safely also say that Jesus Christ is God Himself! The book of Colossians (Bible) chapter 2 verse 9 says; “for in Him (Jesus) dwells all the Fullness of the Godhead bodily”. Little wonder Jesus said in the book of John: 14:9; “he who has seen Me has seen the Father”.

God put Himself in Mary and gave the world Himself as Jesus Christ!!

So yes, Jesus Christ is God’s son…

But see now friends…All of Christ was/is God!!!

Hang in there please…don’t stop reading yet….

John 1:12-13 says; “but to as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God….who were born, not of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God”. The day I received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, I received All of God. I am a son of God, born by His Spirit and by His Word. God lives in me!!! Halleluyah.

I am more than Excited!!

I gave this piece to someone to read through as I put it together. And the person asked a brilliant question; ‘Couldn’t God have walked down to Earth from Heaven and still save man, why did He have to come through a human?’

I believe it was necessary to have Jesus born into the human form to correct the wrongs that occurred in the Garden of Eden….The whole human race became corrupted through the seed of Adam. But God created another lineage; the lineage of God through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Firstborn.

Praise God in the highest!

Love Always,

Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

Christian Living

Satan Demystified

Let’s play a little mind game today…
Please say: John……Ada……Mercy, Grace……Your Name….STOP!
Now Say: Satan….Satan…..Satan ……..STOP!
Now please mention Jesus….Jesus….Jesus….STOP!
If I were to see you physically, I’d probably notice a reluctance and carefulness when mentioning Satan. Right……?
But did you have a similar feeling when you mentioned Jesus?
I can bet you felt; peace, hope, power, might, assurance and everything soothing and comforting when you mentioned Jesus.

Nobody wants to meet Satan. Imagine if you received a mail inviting you to dinner in some luxurious place, and the invite came from Satan…….(gasps!!!). An unquantifiable quantum of fear may immediately just flow through your entire body that you’d immediately head for the loo.

But why do people get the jitters with the name Satan?

Let’s try another game….
If you have an electronic bible, locate the ‘search’ area and just type in ‘Satan’.
What do the scriptures that pop up tell you about the personality Satan? Or maybe you were even too scared to type in that name?……hahaha…

My Bible gives a picture of Satan that suggests a Bad Guy figure….Satan appears to be all about doing some not so nice things.
He deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3),
he provoked David to number the children of Israel against God’s will (1 Chronicles 21:1),
he entered into Judas to betray Jesus (John 13:27),
he tormented Job’s flesh for days (Job 1:12),
he filled Ananias heart with lies (Acts 5:3),
he binds people with sickness and disease (Luke 13:16, 2 Corinthians 12:7),
he resists good (Zechariah 3:1, 1 Thessalonians 2:18) and so much more…..
Anywhere in the Bible Satan is mentioned, there seems to be an associated evil or not very nice occurrence…..

So who exactly is Satan?
The Bible identifies him as a specific character. He is a being. He moves, has powers, has followers/children, he knows the bible, etc. So Satan is a being unfortunately related often in the Bible with evil. Satan is the Devil (Revelations 12:9).

In John 10:10, Jesus tells of a ‘thief’ whose job is to Steal, Kill and Destroy. The 2 characters described in John 10:10 are;
a. The thief (Satan)
b. The person speaking (Jesus Christ).
Satan works through devices (2 Corinthians 2:11).

The 3 temptations of Jesus Christ as narrated in Matthew Chapter 4: 1-11; provides more insights into the traits and personality of Satan;
1. He knows the Bible and twists it into a subtle lie (verse 6, Genesis 3)
2. He comes to the Temple/Church (Job 2)
3. He is a tempter (verses 3, 6, 9) and most times tempts Believers/Christians based on a modified version of the Word of God (Genesis 3: )
4. He can tempt anyone. If Satan tempted Jesus, then no one is exempt.

Pause please:
Do you think Satan physically ‘carried’ Jesus Christ on his back or on his shoulders to the wilderness, pinnacle or high mountain?..
I think not. I believe Jesus Christ walked with His 2 legs under Satan’s influence, to all those places…
Verse 1 says; ‘then Jesus was LED up….”. The devil led Jesus to the wilderness, high mountain and pinnacle. That’s instructive for all Believers; you may not physically ‘see’ the devil when tempted…..and he may show up in familiar places (remember Jesus referring to Peter as Satan?).

5. Satan tempts with;
(i) Bread (food);
Jesus’ first temptation was to turn stone to bread. It was not a coincidence!
Eve was tempted to eat from a tree named; ‘the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’. A tree Eve thought looked good for food, pleasant to the eyes and one that can make one wise.
(ii) The ‘glory’ of the kingdoms of the world (money, wealth and power)
(iii) an Urge to ‘prove’ God (Matthew 4:6). Any day you become Really tempted to ‘show’ that you know God to anyone, recognize it as a likely spirit of Satan. And if God did not direct your actions (for His own glory and to profitably boost the faith of others), you’d only be obeying Satan and will be thoroughly messed up.

A few other characteristics of Satan I’d like to highlight here:
6. He has followers (1 Timothy 5:15; “for some are already turned aside after Satan”).
7. He is a father to some (John 8:44 “ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do).
Sometime ago, I lost my Ipad and was really sad because of all my notes stored up in it. I hoped and hoped that I’d find it, but didn’t. One day, the Spirit of God opened my eyes to see that Satan and his children also come to church!! (Selah).
8. Satan’s is a murderer and CANNOT tell the truth. (John 8: 44 “…..he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because THERE IS NO TRUTH IN him….”

We see that Satan has powers (Acts 26:18, 2 Thessalonians 2:9) with which he DECEIVES the whole world (Revelations 12:9) and he has a synagogue of liars, murderers, and everything evil (Revelations2:9, Matthew 12:26, 1 Timothy 5:15).
So if you find yourself in any ungodly gathering where you are promised ‘heaven and earth’, it can only be a lie with an ultimate aim to kill and destroy you as well as steal you away from the Kingdom of God.

Little wonder then people get quite anxious and jittery when they hear ‘Satan’. Poor guy with so much mess around him…..

Now, what are some of the important things a Believer must know about Satan?
1. Jesus saw him fall as lightening from Heaven (Luke 10: 18) and he transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
2. Satan is the present lord of the world/age, an authority Adam handed over to him in the Garden of Eden. And he is roaming about the earth causing a lot of havoc as is his nature. He does not know how to be any different!
3. But he has no power over a child of God that has not been allowed him by God (Job 1:12, 2 Corinthians 12:7). Importantly, though we live in this world, we are not of this world. Our citizenship is of Heaven. We are Not under Satan’s Kingdom and should always know that.
4. Satan’s works are TIMED (Revelations 12:9).

5. And although Satan fell down from Heaven to Steal, Kill and Destroy, Jesus Christ CAME that we may have life and have it More Abundantly. It’s like saying, yes o, somebody came down to earth before me and spoilt things a bit, but take heart, fear not, don’t be dismayed or worried, BECAUSE I (Jesus), I have come to render his works null, void and of no significance!
Oh my goodness, Jesus Christ HAS COME and resides in me, so Satan has absolutely no powers over me. He may try a few tricks, but the TRUTH still remains that Jesus Christ Came and nullified all his works and gimmicks.
This is a REALITY that every Child of God must walk in.
6. Everyone born of God overcomes the world and its lord through believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. (1 John 1:5). That singular act changes your citizenship and destiny. You become Translated into another Kingdom, not of this world, but of God. The Kingdom of God.
And you MUSt live on earth with a full consciousness of your Heavenly citizenship. There is no sickness in Heaven, the streets of Heaven are paved with gold (doesn’t sound like a poor place), so resist poverty and sickness.
7. If Satan (in all his roamimgs) misses his way and comes around your neighbourhood, simply Rebuke and Resist him and he will flee (Zechariah 3:2, Psalms 68:1, James 4:7).

Recognize that every GOOD and PERFECT gift comes down from the Father of Light (JEHOVAH), in whom there is No darkness, no evil, and no badness of any form!!!
Jehovah CANNOT be bad. He is All good!
Even if God wanted to punish man for any wrong doing, I believe that Jesus Christ will not allow Him. As our Advocate, Jesus is Constantly saying to The Father; “they are not guilty of any sin, because I paid the ETERNAL price with my precious blood”.
Did you notice in the scriptures above, all the time Satan would come and meet God, to sort of ‘take permission’ to inflict a child of God?

If it looks evil, bad and destructive, I believe you know the culprit…..
My Father is ALL GOOD. I Believe so. …..


Have a victorious day and walk in the reality of who you are in Christ Jesus.

Love Always

Grace Obomanu.

Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

Christian Living

Hey You Soldier, Cover Up!

Sometime, not too long ago, my body was challenged with some strange illness and that got me wondering what on earth the problem could possibly be.

One day, as I pondered on the myriad of symptoms surging through my body, the Lord opened my eyes to ‘The Whole Armor of God’ in Ephesians 6.

What I believe God was saying is, it doesn’t really matter much the source of these very strange symptoms.Just cover up and stay protected!

Besides, there is hardly any sickness that is not caused by something, and new causative factors, bacteria, viruses etc are being indicted or discovered daily…. (Selah).

I decided to look up meaning of armour and got this;

“a protective covering that is used to prevent damage from being inflicted to an object, individual, or vehicle by direct contact weapons or projectiles, usually during combat, or from damage caused by a potentially dangerous environment or action (e.g., cycling, construction sites, etc.)” -Wikipedia

The picture above looks nothing like a joke! And this is how Apostle Paul, thinks we need to dress up ALWAYS as Christians! This guy is battle-ready from head to toe. Fully covered up!

The armour of God though (Ephesians 6:10-18) , is not a physical one as depicted above, but it does cover up fully. It is not as inconveniencing as the photo above, but certainly requires personal discipline and dedication to put on.

It simply entails;

Helmet-of Salvation


Loins/Waist-Truth of God’s word

Feet-The Preparation of the gospel of peace


Sword-The Word of God.


I had to come up with my personal confession on the armour of God, which I repeated regularly. The more I recited it, the more the reality of my true identity in Christ became clearer. And over time, I could just carry on with my life, symptoms or not.

You are the Lord’s army, constantly been thrown darts at by the devil and his agents.

Simply stay covered up.




Christian Living

Miracle Medium

Many times I meet people and listen to them recite their many troubles over and again. A few of such times I look at such people and wonder; ‘is he/she really ready for a miracle? if I offered to pray with/for this person would his/her faith connect with mine for a miracle?
Familiarity and resentment towards a God-given vessel/medium for a blessing will always steal the blessing away! ……Selah

Little wonder Jesus, inspite of his compassion and passion could not perform a single miracle in His home town.
In Mark 6, Jesus walked into his home town and began to teach, reflecting great wisdom to the astonishment of his kinsmen.
But they looked down on Him and said;
Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Simon? and not his sisters here with us?
And they were offended in him” Mark 6:3

They knew Jesus inside out, he’d grown up with them, ate with them etc and worst of all; his father was a carpenter and so was he!!!
How dare he consider, conceive, and even attempt to want to teach them?
They can see and agree that he speaks wisdom
They can see and can attest to all the miracles wrought through Jesus
But all they’ve always known him as; a carpenter born to a poor wretched carpenter.

Somebody walked into my office a few years ago and audaciously said to me: ‘no matter what you do, you can never be head over us’
Shock and bewilderment swept through my entire flesh all at once!!
So, I had just been appointed into a new position that as far as I could see spelt out Responsibility to me in bold letters, without a shadow/smell of dominance or increased pay and yet someone did not only imagine such thought, but had the impetus to say it to my face…….ah….
But you know, that action painted a new picture of the role to me and also communicated the person’s subconscious recognition that I’d just been elevated higher than him….Selah.

Why have I shared this experience? Simply to convey the weight/impact of familiarity in inhibiting progress. This guy and I, had appointment letters with same date. So he couldn’t just bring himself to accept that I’d left our common ground and moved up. He felt he KNEW me.

But then again, God has brought my way, freinds, acquaintances and people with pure, clean hearts and thoughts who confide in me, we pray together and they return months later sharing awesome testimonies about how God answered that our prayer, sometimes, they even remind me that I prayed with them concerning it. Wow!!
So there you go, asking; haba Grace, how can you pray for someone and then forget?
Simply because I didn’t see it as a big issue in the first place, knowing that God has made provision for it to be handled and also because I believe that when we agree and pray together according to God’s word, I count it as Done and move on.
So they come with their big bellies filled with God-given babies (not from babalawo et al), beaming with joy and excitement.
I’ll just smile knowing that from the moment we prayed in unison, My Father, ‘passed it’
Praise God in the highest!!!!

Take away any blinds and inhibitions you have put on yourself because of pride and envy
Stretch forth your hands, open up your hearts and receive your God sent medium for a miracle.
Because God will almost always work through people to bless you.
Reverence the prophets, pastors, teachers God has sent your way, so you can drink of His fullness.
It is not your duty to judge them. Correct them where you can but recognize that they are ultimately accountable to God.
I have been thinking very much lately about Saul and David. Despite the fact that Saul attempted to kill David several times, the unlucky and very unfortunate fellow that brought David bad tidings of killing Saul did not live to see another day.
David killed him without a second thought!!!….Selah
Can we reverence God’s anointed ones like David?
It’s a question you need to answer as a child of God 🙂
If I ever have a ‘king’ as diabolical as Saul, I want to Always be on the same side as David. Let the Lord judge. I trust The Lord to protect me from the king’s wicked plots….

Love Always
Grace Obomanu.

Christian Living

It Is Written!

In Matthew chapter 4 we the account of the temptation of Jesus Christ. Most importantly, we see Jesus’s strategy for tackling the devil.
It is instructive that in all 3 instances of His temptation, Jesus did not get into a banter, discussion or dialogue with the enemy. He maintained a purposeful approach dealing with the enemy, avoiding much distraction.
Temptation 1
Devil: “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread”.
Jesus: “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’”.
Temptation 2
Devil : “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written; ‘He shall give His angels charge over you and in their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone”.
Jesus: “It is written..’You shall not tempt the Lord your God’”.
Temptation 3
Devil: “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me”.
Jesus: “Away with you, ….! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”
Jesus had an ‘It Is Written’ for All 3 temptation. Lesson here: If you don’t have an ‘It is Written’, you have no business responding to the devil.
Engaging in useless banter with the devil is simply falling into his trap; the plot to distract and eventually destroy you. Keep moving, keep your focus on Jesus.
Any time the enemy comes, in whatever form he presents, If you don’t have an ‘It Is Written’ for him, you don’t have a response yet.
Personal Introduction

This is Graceobomanu’s Blog. Welcome!!!

Hi there,
My name is Grace Obomanu
I am a Christian and Nigerian
I trained as a Medical Doctor and I am currently pursuing a career in Health Administration under the Public Health Domain.
My steps were ordered to The Carpenter’s Church (TCC), Port Harcourt, Nigeria in December 1996 (to the then Royal Evangel Church), where I have been taught the undiluted word of God precept upon precept, and also given the privilege to function as a Premarital Counselor. My service in the past seven (7) years as a Believer’s Class Teacher in TCC, ignited in me a passion for teaching the Word of God and helped me discover my gifting in this area.
I have known my husband, Arnold, for 17 years, 12 of which we have been most happily married and blessed with 3 lovely children.
My Facebook page; ‘Talk with Grace Obomanu’, available online @:, which was launched to provide Godly counsel for every-day-real-life-issues, has somewhat become almost overtaken by teachings on the Bible, and I hope to correct that with the introduction of this blog site.
I believe that this blog will bring you Godly wisdom, shining the Truth of God’s unchanging word in your circumstances, and leading you through The Way that guarantees Life in its fullness.
Love Always,
Grace Obomanu.