
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Christian bloggers

Not By Might
Christian Living

Not By Might: By My Spirit

if you are feeling overwhelmed by a vision, ambition or project, as long as God gave that idea to you, and as long as you prayed, consulted with God before embarking on that project, rest assured, it will be done.

Christian Living

The Story of The Lost Coin

Jesus said when a woman loses one of ten pieces of silver coins, she doesn’t go ranting or become uncontrollably distraught. No, she calms down, puts herself together, lights a candle, picks up a broom, looks, searches, looks again, searches in every possible nook and cranny, until she finds it. And when she finds it, she rejoices greatly, calling on her friends and neighbours to come celebrate with her (Luke 15:8-9)

Christian Living

6 Intrinsic Attributes of God

The 6 Attributes of God I share in this blogpost are intrinsic to Him. They are His nature. And these attributes of God do not change irrespective of circumstances. They remain constant.

Christian Living

Freely Have You Received, Freely Give

Should christian counsellors charge for their services/ministry work? This has been a long debated topic and while I can understand that it isn’t cheap to own and run a counselling platform of any sort, here is what I eventually heard in my Spirit as I spent days thinking about whether I should have charged the young lady described above.