
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: biblical wealth

Christian Living

More Than 1000 Burnt Offerings

A grateful Solomon wanted so desperately to boast of The Lord’s goodness and display His magnanimous doings towards him and his household. Therefore he assembled all the army officers and judges of Gibeon and all political/religious leaders of Israel at the Old Tabernacle for a showdown!

Bible Study

Protected: The Road To Financial Sufficiency in Christ (VIII)

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Bible Study

The Road To Financial Sufficiency In Christ (V)

Question: Did Jesus have any needs? That’s an interesting question wouldn’t you say? Jesus was God’s Son, the firstborn among us all, so did He have needs?
Below I share 4 ways we see Jesus meet Needs from the gospels. 

Bible Study

The Road to Financial Sufficiency In Christ (IV)

Now, if we are joint heirs with Christ and Christ is heir over All Things, then we are also heir over all that the Father has. We share equally in Christ’ inheritance. Halleluyah!  We are entitled to God’s money, God’s property, indeed everything that the father has is ours too.

Bible Study

The Road to Financial Sufficiency in Christ (III)

O’ yes, poverty is a part of the curse. And it was overcome through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. You are as delivered from poverty as you are delivered from sin. You are as delivered from sickness as you are delivered from sin. Halleluyah! If you say you are saved, then know also that you are healed and rich.

Bible Study

The Road to Financial Sufficiency in Christ (II)

A scale of preference is simply a list of items prepared for purchase and arranged in order of priority or importance. In Matthew 6:25-32, Jesus notes that the unbeliever (pagan) prioritizes his needs above God. So if an unbeliever were to prepare a scale of preference, his needs for food, shelter, clothing, etc would top the list. However, in Matthew 6:31-34 Jesus admonishes us (His followers) to put God first on our list.

Bible Study

The Road to Financial Sufficiency In Christ (I)

So money is used to intermediate the exchange of goods and services, as a standard unit of measurement of market value of goods, services and other transactions and as an acceptable store of value. Additionally, money is also seen as a standard of deferred payment (for settling debt) and as a measure of value