
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: Bible

Victory Walk

The Victorious Christian Life

The Victorious Christian Life is a way of life characterized by winning, conquering, overcoming and it is exclusive to a select group of persons called Christians. Join me to explore what the Victorious Christian Life is about and how to live it.

Christian Living

Healing Confessions

Healing is the children’s bread

Qualities for overcoming trials
Christian Living

Put on The Whole Armor of God (II)

Despite all of Sanballat’s attempt to break Nehemiah’s focus and stop the work of God (as recorded in the book of Nehemiah), he failed woefully. Nehemiah kept his focus on the vision, drew his strength from God and wouldn’t rest until the glory of the temple in Jerusalem was restored. In spite of strong oppositions, Nehemiah delivered the vision. You too can do same.

Christian Living

Be Inward Minded

A lamp is a device that gives light and among other things, light helps with direction. Therefore Proverbs 20:27 is actually saying that God leads man by his spirit. This is the primary way by which God leads His sons.

Christian Living

Idle Tale or Reality?

Christ is Risen!

Very early Sunday morning, the women came to the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. They brought the sweet-smelling spices they had prepared. They saw that the heavy stone that covered the entrance had been rolled away. They went in, but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.”
Luke 24:1‭-‬3 ERV

We often receive with amazement news about humans rescued alive after being trapped for days underneath split rocks from volcanic eruptions or collapsed buildings. We also hear with marvel accounts of men of God doing mighty miracles for Jesus, including raising dead people to life! So as I read the Bible’s account of Peter’s reaction to the testimony of the resurrection of a man he watched killed and buried, I can identify with Peter’s confusion.

But Peter got up and ran to the tomb to see. He looked in, but he saw only the cloth that Jesus’ body had been wrapped in. It was just lying there. Peter went away to be alone, WONDERING WHAT HAD HAPPENED
Luke 24:12 ERV

The story of the Lord’s resurrection as narrated by Joanna, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and the ‘other women’ in Luke 24: 1-12, sounded too good to be true, it sounded like an idle tale. Unlike Peter, the other disciples didn’t exercise much control, their reaction easily fits a fair definition of unbelief.

These women were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, the mother of James, and some others. They told the apostles everything that happened. But the apostles did not believe what they said. It sounded like nonsense.
Luke 24:10‭-‬11 ERV

How would you have reacted? Imagine that you witnessed the gruesome murder of your spiritual leader and while you and his other followers were still trying to come to terms with his death, someone storms into your mourning room and announces that your leader is alive! Three kinds of feelings are likely to rush through your entire frame at once;

  • FEAR (that a ghost may be lurking around)
  • cautious EXCITEMENT (while you ascertain the mental state of the news bearer)

It seems to me that the disciples displayed all 3 reactions. Those that felt the women had lost it, were right. It all seemed like an idle tale and only a self-righteous being would fault their unbelief. Jesus died, was buried and they saw it!

Probably the most exciting part for me in all of this, is the believe of the 2 Marys and Joanna. They became so convinced of a resurrection to the point of sharing the news with the others. Luke 24:8, tells us why…..they remembered what Jesus said!

Jesus is not here. He has risen from death. Do you remember what he said in Galilee? He said the Son of Man must be handed over to the control of sinful men, be killed on a cross, and rise from death on the third day.” Then the women REMEMBERED WHAT JESUS HAD SAID.
Luke 24:6‭-‬8 ERV

What has the Lord said concerning that baffling situation you are faced with today? Don’t be afraid or confused, believe the Word of the Lord.

The tomb was empty when the women got there, and remained empty till Peter got his peep of it. So all the display of bewilderment, confusion, unbelief or excitement by the apostles did NOT change the reality that the tomb was empty.

He is risen! Just as He said He would. What the Lord says is what matters, not what we see or how we feel.

Christ is Risen! This is NOT an Idle Tale but Reality. The Tomb is EMPTY! Christ IS Risen Indeed.


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Christian Living

You are Christ

There are 2 other kinds of ONE mentioned in 1 Corinthuans 6- When someone confesses Jesus as Lord and Saviour, he  becomes One spirit with Christ (verse 17) and his body is becomes a member of Christ (verse 15). 

Qualities for overcoming trials
Christian Living

God Leads His Sons

According to Romans 8:14, if you are a son of God, you should never lack direction, never be confused, never be unsure of the will of God for any situation, because God leads His sons. Are you at crossroads? Do you need to make a critical life decision about where to live, who to marry, what schools to send your kids to, your next steps, your purpose in life? You have the Spirit of Christ. You are God’s son. And God leads His sons.

Christian Living


God doesn’t give SMALL visions.
So sometimes it can be almost overwhelming thinking about how to accomplish God-given visions. This is where we can start feeling challenged and overwhelmed; when we start thinking of ourselves in light of God’s Big visions. It is not about us, but ALL about God. We are simply tools in the Master’s hands and so we must trust Him fully all the way and let Him use us as He wills.


Think about the Great God in you acomplishing His Great plans and purpose through you. He cannot fail and if you let Him work fully through you, you cannot fail.


Write down the vision, missing nothing. God’s visions may start small but they always unfold. Be sensitive and careful to know when God expands these visions in your heart.


Run with the vision; one thing after the other as led by the Spirit of God. Don’t try to do it all at once, you can’t. Follow God every step of the way.


Start from where are, take little steps of faith every time. Speak into existence the visions as you see them. You have to create the visions, bring them into tangibility by the Spirit, Wisdom & Power of God. Start from where you are, open your mouth wide and speak! Trust that your words will get to the right people by the Spirit of God.


God is not a man.
He does not lie
He does not change.
He does not change His mind about His calling.
Trust God, walk with Him and it shall come to pass.



Subscribe to have all our study series delivered to your inbox. Thank you for your love gift and partnership, they help us continue to spread the good news of the gospel of Christ.

Christian Living

What Is A Miracle? (1)

Rita has been married for 17 years with 2 teenage children. The last 5 years have been anything but beautiful for her. Her husband James has been abusive (physically and verbally), he stopped her from working, he wouldn’t do any work himself either. How do they eat? Family, friends, any form of goodwill. James claims he has a call from God and spends most of his time chasing people around to sow seed into his life.

Rita had tried many times to leave her marriage but he wouldn’t let her. She didn’t know what to do. Life hasn’t been fair to her neither has God.Then someone directed Rita to our online counselling group, Talk with Grace Obomanu (TWGO). Rita’s story began to change from then.

A look at James’s family history revealed that his father was exactly as he is. He was abusive, lazy and irresponsible. So obviously James’s problem was more complicated than it seemed, it had familial roots. This makes Rita’s case even more difficult, but God has a way.

James needs to make a total mind and behavior change. But how do we reach him considering it’s Rita coming for help?

Rita would have to make a decision at this point about her marriage, to leave or to stay.While leaving may seem the easier and more attractive option, Rita didn’t want her children growing up without their father.Staying meant she needed to do more work, on herself as well as for James.

First she must identify the things she does that upset him at least to forestall further physical abuse. She must identify her weaknesses and strengths as well as James’s. With a personality like James’ it can be trouble flagging his weaknesses, at least not at him. To get him to be more productive, his strengths have to be accentuated and he needs to be regularly reminded of them. That’s exactly what Rita did. She also moved back into the bedroom she once shared with her husband. Additionally, she resumed her wifely duties (not doing it for James but as unto The Lord). She located her Bible wherever she tossed it. She must rebuild her relationship with God and trust Him to fix her marriage.

As nicely as these may sound, these are not easy changes. But are possible when you do them in God, when you understand that agape means loving the unlovable unconditionally.

Rita took up the challenge, made these drastic changes and within one week her testimony was different. Her husband has never been as happy, calm and loving as she sees him now. He’s told her to go search for another job and he’s going to do same. He suddenly seems to have brilliant business ideas too. They even now pray and plan together. Rita is grateful to God and to the TWGO Team for intervening in her situation. Praise God!


First shared 07.12.2018.

Bible Study

Activate The Blessing

Do you know that YOU can initiate a miracle? ?First, what is a miracle?
A miracle is a supernatural intervention in the natural course of an event(s).
we can initiate the miracle of provision and abundant supply if we follow and act on scripture.