
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Tag: adulterous woman

Christian Living

Write in the Sand

It’s always refreshing each time I watch the Drama Group of The Carpenter’s Church, Port Harcourt Nigeria act out Biblical stories in play-lets. They don’t just entertain the congregation, they minister. In fact, if you have a highly imaginative mind like I do, you may be tempted to close church and go home after watching them because they bring each Bible character alive in real terms, often recreating the original setting.

A few Sundays ago, the group dramatized Jesus’ ordeal with the Scribes, Pharisees and the woman caught in adultery. Many times, when we read the early verses of John 8, our attention is often drawn to the adulterous woman or the rather exaggerated reaction from the ‘righteous’ Scribes and Pharisees. I also remember a few sermons on ‘forgiveness’ emanating from John 8. We often forget these early verses of John 8, reflect an overall plan and a set-up to arm-twist Jesus into making the ‘wrong’ judgment.  It wasn’t so much the woman’s adulterous act that interested the Scribes and Pharisees, not when they were all probably more guilty than she is, just as Jesus eventually pointed out to them. And so as I watched this play, my attention focused on Jesus.

A senior colleague at work made a statement that surprised me a bit some years ago. She said, regarding an unpleasant experience I had; ‘Ha! Dr. O, I am surprised how you handled that matter, it’s quite unlike you. You usually know how to defend yourself, what happened this time?”   Now, you can look at this feedback as positive or negative. Personally, the negativity in it hit me harder than whatever positive could be made out of it, and I didn’t like that….. I don’t want to ‘always know how to defend myself’!    Yes, I try to teach my children how to be confrontational without being rude or making enemies, ….in an amicable way, you know……but that is because they have a natural tendency to let too many things slide 🙂

I find in recent times, and happily so, that I am more willing to quietly accept blame or completely appear stupid in circumstances that my quick evaluation indicates nothing to lose and lots of personal peace to gain. Especially if I reason that the future would likely present me ample opportunities to set the records straight with minimal or no conflict. While this is an area I am still working on,  I’ve come to realize a lot of energy  can be conserved this way.

In John 8, Jesus appeared to completely ignore all the hullabaloo around one adulterous woman by a crop of adulterous men (who may have actually had their turns with the accused), and instead,  write on the ground. What do you think Jesus wrote on the ground? No idea! But His seeming disinterest, disconnected Him from the uproar around and instead directed His effort into producing the best response in the circumstance, laden with heavenly wisdom.

One of the early things I heard God say to me in my Christian walk was; ‘in calmness is your strength’. I’ve come to understand that better as I grow older (age-wise and spiritually). When I am quiet, I draw insight, wisdom from Him and I can give a more appropriate response to every stimulus. Yes I miss it sometimes, but I am glad that this consciousness is in me.

Contrary to Newton’s 3rd Law, especially as relates to the context of this article, every action does not have to generate a reaction (not equal, ……..maybe opposite).  🙂

Write in the sand.