

Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.




I see what You are doing

The people are watching
They’re looking, anxious, expecting a miracle
Your power and glory are in full display throughout the universe.  But they’re expecting a miracle

They cannot see the drug addict who was heading for destruction Who found Christ and his life story changed.

The young boy that was once a heartache to his parents but who gained direction, discovered purpose because of Your power and love. 

The young girl that was becoming wayward and increasing her mother’s pains but whose life You turned around for good by Your power. 

The woman who was bound by the devil but whom You liberated totally by Your power. 

The young man who got his head completely twisted by pornography but who You reached down to the pit and pulled out by Your power. 

The 50 year old spinster who got married to her dream man and is enjoying One Flesh as You ordained it. 

The young lady whose marriage became a troubling challenge, whose hopes of finding love and peace were dashed, who didn’t know which way to turn but who You visited and changed her life experience. 

The young man who needed to make a decision for marriage and couldn’t make up his mind which of his lady friends to tie the notch with, but who You visited, gave direction, wisdom and purpose.
The woman who through faith in You, picked up her sickness mat and walked, and is still walking in victory. 

The young lady with low self-esteem because she didn’t know true parental love but who You became a Father to and gave hope and peace. 

The young woman whose husband suddenly died leaving her with 3 children and no job but who You picked up, loved, sustained and have remained faithful to. Her children are graduates from the best schools in the world.

The people are watching, but they are still expecting a sign
They are waiting for the movement of water at Bethesda.
Waiting day-in-day-out for Signs and Wonders.

Your power is in full display everywhere, throughout the universe. Your glory and power is visible to me Jehovah.
Your goodness and mighty works are not hidden.
And I proclaim that no man can do the things You do.
You alone are God forevermore.



Christian Living

Your Spirit wouldn’t let me

Those words hurt
They were not nice at all.
If only they didn’t come from this person. Probably the hurt and pain I feel would be less. With this person I’ve tried; given it a shot, maybe not my best shot. But I did try.

I lay on bed
Tossed from side to side
My heart mused over those words
I pondered why she was so inconsiderate.
And as the hours passed
As sleep eluded me
I thought and strategized how best to get even

Maybe a phone call
To communicate my displeasure and hurt.
To simply show that I am not foolish
But Your Spirit wouldn’t let me.
Instead You sent Your word…

He who covers a transgression seeks love, But he who repeats a matter separates friends.”
Proverbs 17:9 NKJV

I hear You Lord
Loud and clear
But my hurt won’t go away.
Maybe not a phone call
Maybe a face-to-face.
You have my promise
I’ll be mild, gentle, professional.
She must feel my pains
So there won’t be a second time.

But Your Spirit wouldn’t let me
Again You sent Your word…

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
Proverbs 16:25 NKJV

I hear You Lord

But this is too hard; the path you’re prescribing for me to follow.

Oh Lord, maybe another harmless tactic;
A blog post, Like a sermon
From Your word
To intricately weave Your word into my hurt, pains and fears.

These are not my words,
They’re Yours Lord.

Or please let me get a contributing author to do a blog post
We’ll publish to reach her
She needs help
Your word would liberate us both.

But Your Spirit wouldn’t let me
Instead You tell me it’s ‘self, self, self’
And again You sent Your word…..

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.”
Proverbs 16:24 NKJV

Again, I hear You Lord,

My words must heal, soothe and bind wounds.
My words must bring sweetness and healing to feeble bones.

That’s the way You want it.
That’s the way I’d grow.

I give up
I put a smile on my face
And my heart lighten up

Indeed Lord
Your way is perfect
Your wisdom unsearchable.
Glory and honor is Yours forevermore.
You liberate me by Your Spirit
You move me a rung higher in my love walk.
Thank You Lord.

Christian Living

The Spirit Quickens

The same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is capable of activating every dormancy, strengthening every weakness and rousing every deadness. That same Spirit is capable of being a continuous supply of life.
Praise God!

Christian Living

Love is what we do.

One of the days I look forward to with excitement is my birthday. And guess what I do every year on my birthday? … nothing! ?

My expectations and the greatest source of my excitement for every 18th February is that friends and family would send goodwill messages and I truly love reading them.

Two years ago, I had an overwhelming experience of people sending beautiful birthday messages. Naive me, I thought it was because I’d just started ‘Talk with Grace Obomanu’ and my influence had grown, nope, I was wrong. Facebook like other social media platforms, creates an avenue for everyone to feel special on their birthday. Good job!

The next year, 2017, wasn’t any different. The calls and messages start trickling in from midnight like people are on some night watch. Amazing!
Thought you heard me say I looked forward to this day? Yep! but not in the dimension the social media platforms bring it.

So for 2018, I was proactive. As friends started at least a month before February 18 reminding me of my upcoming birthday, I seized same opportunity to beg them that I wanted it quiet. No long loving note from my author husband, no pictures on my wall thanking God for adding another year to my age. Just wanted calmness all around and it came that way….mostly.

What changed, you ask? deep concerns…
1. The thought of sending out personalized responses to every message like I’d love to was scary.
2. Spending the entire day on my phone answering calls or typing responses to lovely messages from friends and family……..absolutely distressing love! ?.

Will you send me a birthday message next year? ☺. I hope so. Looking forward to reading and responding to all of them.

In spite of all my worries and concerns, there were a few special messages I looked forward to and prayed they’d come. So it was not an entirely boring day as you may be thinking,  nope I had expectations. Just not the usual thing.

I’d prayed for a specific number of persons to call, text or message (without being reminded or coerced) stating tangible ways I’d impacted their lives ?.

It was a very quiet day for me, …this could go any way, I thought. Would be shocked, disappointed and sad at the end of the day or would I be overjoyed? Should I have set any targets at all? What if the feedback I expected didn’t come? Have I set myself up for a big surprise?

As the hours passed, I had my phone in one hand and a jotter and pen in the other. One, two, three, ..seven….ten…., the numbers kept going up and didn’t stop until my target was reached. Wow!
Praise God.

I was thankful. This was a most fulfilling birthday experience. And you know the most exciting part? These messages that added up to my target actually came from people who I’d gone out of my way to show love at one point or the other through an act or gesture.

You know what I am going to do next year? Set a higher target. And that means I must increase my investment into others in the next 10 months.

I sign off most of my articles and sometimes text messages, with ‘love always’ and I really mean that. It’s ‘love always’ because you do not need a reason to love, otherwise it won’t be agape anymore.

“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you”.
Luke 6:27 NKJV.

“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth”.
I John 3:18 NKJV.

Love is not just words.
Love is not hidden.
Love is not just thoughts
Love is what you do.

Christian Living

Divine Opportunities for increase:Blog post 5

Welcome back to the concluding part of this blog post. I apologize for the delay in delivering this last part-my PC has been acting up!

In parts 1-4, we learnt that God sends us opportunities to increase us;

1. When we serve selflessly

2. When we receive and act on an unusual instruction.

3. When we give to the poor.

4. When we give an unusual freewill offering.

5. Divine connections and relationships can also be God’s way of increasing us.

We’d also said that usually, success is defined by wealth, power or prestige gotten through hardwork and dedication.

So with ‘divine opportunities’ we are saying God is the one sending these opportunities to us. Does that mean that we have no role to play? Does God send divine opportunities to everyone? Yes, He sends to everyone that serves Him in truth and in Spirit. And that has nothing to do with just building a tent in a church and living there. Has nothing to do with just going to church every day of the week.

The Bible tells us that God knows those that are truly His, does whose hearts are upright towards Him, because He searches not just the actions of men, but their intent.

1 John 2:5 reads;

‘But whoever habitually keeps His word and obeys His precepts [and treasures His message in its entirety], in him the love of God has truly been perfected [it is completed and has reached maturity]. By this we know [for certain] that we are in Him’. Amplified.

There are traits and virtues that people who truly reverence God exhibit. These are the virtues that attracts divine opportunities for increase. All the characters (people) we have mentioned as examples in the course of this blog post series exhibited most of these virtues and if we must receive divine opportunities for increase from God, we too must imbibe and exhibit these attributes.

The virtues for Divine Increase include;

1. Fear of the Lord

2. Excellence

3. Integrity

4. Fairness and Justice

5. Love

6. Dedication and commitment to a divine cause.

7. Hardwork.

8. Humility

At any point in time, mediocrity, greed, pride, gluttony, strife, laziness, insincerity, are killers of growth.

Sometimes colleagues, friends or relations want to discourage us from working in integrity as double standards is fast becoming the norm fearfully even among Christians.

Proverbs 6:16 says;

‘These six things the Lord hates; Indeed, seven are repulsive to Him: A proud look [the attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others], a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that creates wicked plans, Feet that run swiftly to evil, A false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths], And one who spreads discord (rumors) among brothers.”

So whose words are we going to obey? The world’s or God’s?

Of all the virtues we’ve listed above, probably the most critical and central is the fear of The Lord. Because when we have deep reverence for God, we’ll work in integrity, love, fairness, humility, with excellence and selflessly.

These traits will always attract divine opportunities to us .

Help us dear Lord.

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Christian Living

Why Hasn’t God Answered Me?

We are confident that God hears us when we pray. However, God can say ‘no’ to requests that are outside of His will and purpose for our lives. Every time God gives a ‘no’ answer, its for our good. God ensured that we have all grace for all that pertains to life and godliness.

Christian Living

Divine Opportunities for Increase: Blogpost 4

As a Christian, I don’t believe in coincidences. My steps are ordered by the Lord. I therefore believe that God sends people my way to bless me (in different ramifications) or for me to bless. And every opportunity to express our love and gratitude to God can translate into an opportunity for increase.

Christian Living

Healing is the Children’s Bread

‘Healing is the children’s bread. Healing is available always. Healing is accessible always. Healing should be a daily experience for the Jews {and everyone born of God through Jesus Christ}.

Christian Living

How do you hear God and know what He’d have you do?

With 3 children, a distracted husband and a recent job loss, Rita has had more than a fair share of life’s troubles for her young age. The recent demise of her bosom friend and confidant, who has been a great source of support through her challenges, almost plunged her into depression.

We are thankful at ‘Talk with Grace Obomanu’-(https://web.facebook.com/graceobomanu.org/) that Rita {original name withheld}, reached out for help. Our first focus was to help Rita take control of her life and her life experiences by reconnecting back to her Creator. Helping her develop, nourish and enjoy an intimate and loving relationship with God was crucial to ensuring she regains and secures her self-confidence by being assured of God’s everlasting and never-changing love.

Rita would need to spend more time talking and listening to God and less time complaining or worrying about her present predicament.

A few weeks later Rita had questions, interesting questions; “how do you hear God?”, “how do you know what God is saying?”, “how do you know what God wants you to do at any time?”.

Now, God connects with His children in different ways and every Child of God would need to develop their spiritual ears to hear Him and understand how He speaks to them. True, we have the Word of God which constantly speaks the mind of God to us, but remember times when you just want to hear God speak to you, you pick up your Bible, open it and what you’re reading doesn’t add up? That happens! The same true, timeless Word of God seeming not to speak directly at such times.

In this very long blogpost, (sorry), we’ll explore (in no particular order) some of the ways God speaks to us and how we can know what He is saying.

  1. God Speaks to us by His Spirit: Many times people talk about hearing a ‘still small voice’ and they often want to associate that with God talking. Indeed, God speaks in a ‘still small voice’, He speaks in a roar, and He can speak in a thunder. Now hear this; ‘with his innate subtleness, the devil can speak in a still small voice! Selah.

So how do we know God’s ‘still small voice’?

1 Corinthians 2:11-12 tells us that because we have the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of God, we can KNOW and UNDERSTAND the thoughts of God!

For what person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the {Holy} Spirit who is from God, so that we may know and understand the {wonderful} things freely given to us by God.” Amplified Version

And we see a beautiful and sweet way of HEARING and KNOWING what God would have us do in John 10:4-5;

“……he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger but flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” NKJV

Ofcourse we can hear Jesus Christ speak to us real time, but John 10:4-5 is telling us of a sensitivity to hearing God that emanates from an existing bond or relationship. It says; …….‘MY SHEEP’. A Sheep and Shepherd relationship is developed from repeated exposures and interactions which ultimately sublimes into mutual understanding and leading up to a point where communication can take place without words.

I remember one time my children went visiting with a relation. The relations were amazed at my children’ commitment to abstaining from some TV programmes because ‘Mummy doesn’t allow us to watch this or that’ channel. So, even in my absence, and without any direct words at that time, the children knew certain TV programmes were a no-no.

Another way God speaks to us by His Spirit is when we pray in other tongues. Now, because this article is not about speaking in tongues, let’s avoid doing an exposition on that. Just to quickly point out 1 Corinthians 14:2;

For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.”

Obviously, there’s something about this scripture that is not very clear (at least to me), because at Pentecost, the people around understood the tongues and God has also given the gift of interpretation of tongues to some.

But our focus is in the second part of that scripture; “they utter mysteries by the Spirit”.

So when we speak in tongues, we are speaking to God, speaking the mysteries of God by His Spirit. But you know the most exciting part of speaking in tongues for me? When I get the interpretation of the mysteries I have spoken about. And they do come. You just keep at it. Listen and be sensitive. The interpretation of your tongues will flow out of your own lips. 🙂 You’ll know the mind of God and you’ll know what direction to go.

2. God Speaks to us through His Word (The Bible).

2 Timothy 3:16 tell us;

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, for INSTRUCTION in righteousness.” NKJV.

And in Joshua 1:8 also tells us;
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE in it DAY and NIGHT, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For THEN, you will make your way PROSPEROUS and you will have GOOD SUCCESS.” NKJV

We can look at God speaking to us through His Word in two ways;
a. Generally:
Like we see in 2 Timothy 3:16 and Joshua 1:8 above, the Bible is expected to play a holistic role in building up a Believer. There’s instruction in it, there’s direction it, and we should build our whole life around the Word of God. Our Prospering and experience of Good Success is tied to it! ‘DAY and NIGHT’ as seen in Joshua 1:8 suggests that meditating on God’s Word should be a Lifestyle.

b. Specifically:
God can also give specific answers to life’s questions and troubles through His Word. And I mean you picking up your Bible, opening it and right there staring at you is the answer you’ve been looking for.

In all, as the Psalmist’s says in Psalm 119:105;
Your word is a LAMP to my FEET and a LIGHT to my PATH” NKJV.

God’s Word guides our Steps and Directs our Course. It is the Compass we must all come to rely on as Believers in Christ Jesus. Amen.

3. God Speaks to us through People
Let me start this part by sounding a note of caution. Yes, God can speak to us through people but we must be careful what we expose our minds to and what we accept as God speaking.

I always remind myself that Jesus Christ referred to Peter as ‘Satan’ at some point. Peter didn’t physically transform into Satan, but his words and actions were not in sync with God’s Spirit. Peter was being manipulated by Satan. And was Peter a very close associate of Jesus Christ? YES!

Not too long ago, I was really ill, weak and sometimes feeling like life was just leaving my body. One of such times, a very close relative sat by me and asked; ‘Grace, what’s the worse that can really happen in this your condition? Death? Then what? Even if you die, life goes on. Death is not such a bad thing and it comes around everyone you know!’
This was definitely not God speaking. And I rejected it.

Now, the first group of People that God can speak to us through are;

a. Under-shepherds:
And this can include ‘Pastors’, ‘Prophets’, and all the titles we meet in todays’ Christianity.
A Believer who truly knows his/her God will need to believe Jeremiah 3:15;

And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will FEED you with knowledge and Understanding.” NKJV

The shepherds God give to us are there to FEED us with KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING of God. It is this knowledge and understanding that guides our decisions and choices.
Your Under-shepherd may on rare occasions instruct you on what path to take if led by God, they can deliver a specific word from God directly to you, but ultimately, it is your prerogative to make your decisions and choices.

It is therefore no brainer then to say that to gain the RIGHT knowledge and UNDERSTANDING of the Word of God and your Identity in Christ Jesus, a Believer must be constantly exposed to and influenced by the RIGHT Under-shepherd. That’s why I sometimes don’t understand ‘Churches’ were all they do is demon chasing, devil-binding and casting, enemy-stumping, miracles, signs and shouts! No! you need to be rightly located to be rightly fed and illuminated.

Everyone born of God is a Spirit, leaves in a body and has a soul. Your spirit thrives on the word of God. You thrive on the word of God.

1 Peter 2:2 tells us;

as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby…” NKJV.

By the way, ‘Signs and Miracles’ are supposed to be a way of life for the Believer. Signs and Wonders ‘followed’ Christ. Stop chasing them around. Chase the Word of God. Selah!

b. Through ‘any other’ person
Any other person here can include brethren, an angel, a stranger, etc. Sometimes we’re blessed and inspired by a ‘stranger, someone we’ve never met before. Sometimes in the course of a discourse, we can get confirmation of a thought God dropped in our heart and which we may have been musing over.
These are not always coincidences. God may just have directed our path.

4. God can speak to us Directly.
As a young enthusiastic Christian, I’d often find my way to Church, somewhere in Lagos, Nigeria, at odd times- times when nobody was expected for fellowship or service. I’d pray, study my Bible and walk away. I had a strong hunger to know God.
One day, I asked God that I wanted to see Him. So, I scheduled an appointment to meet with Him at a particular time and location in the Church. On the set day and time, I was seated, waiting and expectant. Waiting for God to appear…. I didn’t see Him! But I had an experience of a lifetime that I still do not understand till date..
As I waited, there was suddenly a heavy presence in the room. There was a BIG presence in the room. It was so strong it seemed my heart and head would burst. Nobody told me to RUN out of the Church. I have never asked to see God again.

But I can categorically tell you that I have many times ‘heard’ God call my name. Yes! heard Him with my physical ears. Sometimes, He calls me from my sleep and I wake up to a situation that needs my urgent attention. How did I know it was God? The same way a baby recognizes the voice of a mother/father, and the same way we recognize the voice of close relatives and associates. Exposure and Practice…..

So God can speak to us in many and different ways and He chooses which way to speak to us. No one way is inferior or superior to the other. We just need to grow in our understanding of how God speaks to us as individuals.

Most importantly, we must operate by the Spirit of God, be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit at all times, and to test every spirit as admonished in 1 John 4:1;

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” NKJV.

Thank you so much for staying with me to the end of this article.
Once again, I apologize that this has been one long blogpost.

Stay Blessed.

Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at https://www.amazon.com/When-Doctor-Says-No-Word/dp/1704859166/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_img_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=7

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

Christian Living

Divine Opportunities for Increase: Blogpost 3

A lifestyle and disposition to continuously give to others presents us the givers with divine opportunities for personal increase and growth