
Plot 3.5 Terrawood Estate, Iriebe. Rivers State, Nigeria.


Christian Living

Guard Your Heart to Think

The title of this blogpost would seem like an oxymoron, consisting of a phrase with conflicting or opposing ideas. It seems to be saying ‘don’t think‘ and yet ‘think‘ 🙂 It is impossible to continue to live and not think 🙂 so what is this blog about?

To guard something means to watch over it in order to protect and control it, to protect something against damage or harm.

The heart (mind) plays a key role in human existence. It is the seat of emotions, locus of thoughts and the centre of intellect.

Science describes the heart as a hollow muscular organ which pumps blood round the circulatory system and around the body. Thus far in human existence, no one has actually seen the heart (mind) as used in the Bible. However, we find from studying the scripture that a person’s personality, character and behavior reveal their heart.

for as he thinks in his heart, so is he (in behavior -one who manipulates}. He says to you, “Eat and drink, yet his heart is not with you….” {Proverbs 23:7}.

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” NKJV

Looking at the 2 scriptures above, we immediately see a link between the heart, behaviour (actions) and spoken words.

I was browsing through my last birthday messages from friends and family and I observed something that kept recurring through the messages from different people; “beautiful in and out” that stood out to me (*wink, wink). It’s a good report and I celebrate God’s Word in my heart 🙂

God wants us to guard our heart and by so doing control our actions, reactions and words.

Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life”
Proverbs 4:23 NKJV

To keep means to continue or cause to continue in a specified condition, state or course.

This is so important because all issues of life spring from our heart. Emotions of fear, hurt, love, anger, worry all stream from the heart. Our intellect is built and influenced hugely by the things we expose our heart to, thoughts emanate from our heart.

Clearly then we must control what goes into our heart and by so doing automatically control what comes out of it- as thoughts, words or actions.

Truth is, our emotions, thoughts (and actions) can either cripple or energize us.

God wants us to be selective about what we permit or allow access into our heart and we have a reference;

Philippians 4:8

Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthymeditate on these things. NKJV.

So we should consciously put every thought (from within or without) against true/noble/just/lovely/of virtue/of good report. Any thought/word/action found wanting on this weighing scale must be discarded and ignored. A thought flashes through your mind that does not pass the litmus test? Discard. Somebody says something to you that displaces the balance of the weighing scale? Discard and ignore.

Reminds me of an incidence that took place in my office some years ago; someone became very upset and restless because another colleague referred to him as ‘a rat’ 🙂 The matter escalated to the point that the overall boss had to intervene, he called a meeting. After listening to the two people involved, one of his admonitions to the offended colleague was a question ‘Are you a rat?’ If someone refers to you as a rat, and you are not a rat, you haven’t behaved like a rat, then why are you so upset. 🙂

I believe that the easiest way to align our thoughts according to Philippians 4:8, is to always operate in Godly wisdom. And Godly wisdom flows freely from the Word of God.

In recent times, my most treasured status is that of being at peace. So I purposefully ‘guard my heart to think’ by protecting it from harm and exposing it to the truth sourced directly from the word of God. I consciously resist any attempt by life issues to destabilise this state 🙂 I keep my peace. Sometimes I miss it, but then I chase after it until it returns.

You can do same 🙂

The peace of God is available to us always but we must choose to walk in it.

To have a well-kept heart, a well-guarded heart, there are places we cannot go, there are movies/shows we cannot watch, there are books we cannot afford to read, there are associations and gatherings we must avoid, there are discussions we cannot be part of, there are pleasures we cannot indulge in.

I leave you with the complete words of wisdom from Proverbs 4:23;

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.”
Proverbs 4:23‭-‬27 KJV


Christian Living

Heaven is not Divided

The fiery flamed throne in Heaven is exclusively reserved for the ONE whose appearance is like jasper and a sardius stone, whose garment is as white as snow and hair like pure wool. He is the Ancient of Days.

Surrounding His fire-wheeled throne is rainbow, glowing as emerald, the fully-eyed restless 4 living creatures having eyes of a lion/eagle/calf/man, and a sea like crystal at the porch. {Revelations 4; Daniel 7}.

Another group of thrones, 24 in number, are occupied by the 24 Elders graced in white robes and golden crowns, they bow repeatedly to the ONE on the throne at the sound of ‘Holy’ chants by the 4 living creatures and countless number of angels {Revelations 4; Daniel 7}.

The Lion and the Lamb is in the midst of them all, once He looked slain, slain for mankind, He became the Redeemer from sin and the curse, an everlasting redemption He purchased with His own blood, paving the way for mankind to become kings and priests to the ONE seated on the throne. Now He sits fulfilled, satisfied and rested, at the right hand of the Ancient of days, as High Priest and Advocate, patiently awaiting the coming of His Everlasting Kingdom where He will reign as King with His Own; those He bought with His precious blood {Revelations 5; Daniel 7}

Heaven is compartmentalized, there is a hierarchical structure in Heaven, there is orderliness and excellence in Heaven, but Heaven is not divided.

Heaven is not divided in its mission and vision to unite man to God, to restore fellowship between God and man, to give man uninterrupted access to His God and Maker.

Heaven is not divided in bringing the fallen man to repentance, in making disciples of all men, in equipping and gifting the saints for the maturity of the Body of Christ.

Heaven is not divided in soul-winning, Heaven is not divided in water-baptism, Heaven is not divided in pouring out the Holy Ghost to as many as receive Christ is Lord.

Heaven is not divided in converting Saul into Paul to achieve purpose. Heaven is resolute about its vision- Fellowship between God and Man.

Little wonder then that when the disciples of John the Baptist; his stooges and underlings, lacking knowledge of the overall goal and focus of Heaven appeared divisive, ignorantly attempting to disrupt the established pattern for achieving the purpose of Heaven, Jesus looked the other way.

The Pharisees heard that Jesus was winning and baptizing more disciples than John. (Actually, Jesus himself did not baptize anyone; only his disciples did.) So when Jesus heard what was being said, he left Judea and went back to Galilee
John 4:1‭-‬3 GNB

John the Baptist knew his mission, handed to him from Heaven. He knew Jesus and His mission to redeem man from sin and the curse.

Jesus also knew John the Baptist and what role he was sent to earth to fulfill, there was a level of understanding between the two, but not among the disciples.

The disciples were earthly beings, earthly-minded, insisting on maintaining earthly hierarchical structures, patterns, traditions and doctrines.

And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified—behold, He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!”
John 3:25‭-‬26 NKJV

What were the possible concerns of John’s disciples?…….

John the Baptist gave them a response;

“John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven.” You yourself bear me witness that I said, ‘I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before Him. He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. John 3: 27-29. NKJV.

John was clear about one thing; roles were assigned from Heaven for the overall good of mankind. Jesus’ appearance and work were John’s testimony that his mission has been accomplished, his work was done, he has delivered on his given mandate. John was joyful with Jesus appearing on the scene, not intimidated and afraid.

According to John, what his disciples should be looking out for is an assurance that truly Jesus was the expected Messiah, not that ‘people went from him to Jesus‘;

For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure.” *Summary: the words of God keeps pouring out of whom he sends. 🙂
John 3:34 NKJV.

As seen in John 3: 27-29, John the Baptist was completely subservient to the Christ, no rivalry, no competition.

However, he knew the mandate he received, he knew his role and position, he knew that ‘he was sent‘ for a specific purpose….not exactly to serve under Jesus, a different purpose for the overall good of mankind.

“John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven.” You yourself bear me witness that I said, ‘I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before Him. He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatlybecause of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. John 3: 27-29. NKJV.

John was not arrogant, Jesus didn’t think he was. Jesus’ rebuke of John was towards his display of unbelief and uncertainty about Him being the Christ.

According to Jesus, John should have known better by the outcome of His ministry; there was no division, the mission was the same- redemption of man and restoration of fellowship between God and Man {Matthew 11:2-10}.

John should have been guided by God’s spirit as seen in Luke 11:17;

But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls.”

But Alas, John the Baptist was of the Old Testament, needing both salvation, water baptism and the baptism of the Holy Ghost himself. 🙂

If you are reading this and you have been born into the Kingdom of God by your acceptance and proclamation of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, whatever your gifting is, whatever your calling is, keep it lined up with the vision of Heaven – to bring every man to repentance and to make disciples of all men {Matthew 28:19; 2 Peter 3:9}.

Avoid meaningless segregation, the types that brew division and disharmony. Just like Jesus, walk away from divisions commonly brought about by traditions and doctrines of men, being reminded always of Mark 9:40; “For he who is not against us is on our side“. NKJV.

Serve with your graces and gifting in the local assembly where The Lord plants you, stay committed to your calling.

If you are still unsure about your gifting, ask The Lord to show you, to lead you.

It’s all about the Father’s Business. There is so much work to be done. The time is now. Every one has a role to play and no role is too small.

Christian Living

The $1000-Talent Servant Miss

A Business Owner had worked all year round to keep his business afloat amidst regular dips in profits. His hard-work paid off, business still made sense; his profit margin wasn’t bad at all. Only thing was, he has become really exasperated, irritated by trivial issues, excitable by mundane ones. He needed a break!

He called for a management meeting with all departmental heads and informed them of his plan to proceed on an extended leave. Business must remain profitable in his absence. He assigned tasks and targets to each managerial portfolio with accompanying resources to aid achievement of expected outcomes.

Few days before proceeding on his vacation, he assembled his managers again and distributed seed stocks. To the Sales Manager he handed $5,000 and a list of tasks. He must at least double the money before the business owner returns. Standing next to the Sales Manager was the Finance Manager, who thought to himself, ‘Oh! the company’s net worth is better this year than it was last year, that attests to my hardwork. I’ll surely get more than $5,000. He got $2,000! The other person in the room was the Operations Manager who, just like the Finance Manager was full of great expectations. ‘He has kept everything together this past year, he thought’. If not for his dedication and commitment, their experience could have been worse considering global economic recessions. His Master would certainly give him more than $5,000 to trade with. He got $1,000!

Spread across the faces of the Sales Manager and the Finance Manager was a mix of chagrin and delight, they are certainly unhappy with Mr. Business Owner but then their fate seemed better than that of Mr.Operations. ‘At least the Master considered them more productive and superior to Mr. Operations. They busted into laughter. Mr. Operations went all red.

The Business Owner watched them in utter bewilderment. ‘These people don’t get this, he thought’. He quickly called them to order, explaining the criteria for distributing the resources. Every man has received according to his strength, ability and role in the organisation. This was not a reward system. His hopes are that each manager would employ given resources, maximize profits, without neglecting his primary responsibility. He wished them well and embarked on his journey.

Despite the explanations given by the Business Owner, the Operations Manager went away disgruntled, depressed and disillusioned. ‘The Master surely hates me, he thought‘ He is not only ungrateful and selfish, he is a wicked man and cares about nothing more than his profits.’ Mr. Owner has treated him badly despite all his years of hard-work and commitment. Instead of rewarding him for ensuring the smooth running of daily operations in the organization, he humiliated him in the presence of his colleagues by giving him the least money to trade with. He was going to do absolutely nothing with the $1000 given to him. If the Master didn’t trust his ability to trade, then he shouldn’t expect any further gains from him.

We find the response of the Business Owner to Mr. Operations on his return in Mathew 25:

“….You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.”

Mr. Operations was right; his Master didn’t trust him to deliver. His initial explanation on the criteria for distributing the resources was only a cover up. Mr. Business Owner obviously see him as wicked {selfish} and lazy. He was of little or no benefit to him personally or to organizational growth. The only reason operations were still great was because he weighed in most times. Giving him one talent was simply an act of generosity, he would have gotten nothing.

Interestingly, they had made clever judgment about each other .. well, to a great extent 🙂 Business Owner was profit-oriented and result-driven, Mr. Operations was seen as selfish but didn’t know it}.

Jesus gave the Parable of the Talents to teach on faithfulness to the things of God. Profitability of the Kingdom of God is about making disciples of all men (Matthew 28:19). If the One-Talent Servant knew the overall organization goal and focused on it, he would (1) Continue to work towards achievement of the overall organizational goal irrespective of his perception about his Master’s feelings towards him. (2) He would have become more self-aware of how his Master saw him and seize the little opportunity given to improve himself or set things right.

He missed both.

Jesus never gave a condemning parable without admonition on the way to repentance 🙂

Let’s stay faithful and committed to the things of God. We will reap where we sow if we do not faint. And let us stay relevant in the vineyard in which we’re planted, always being reminded of 1 Corinthians 12: 20

But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.” NKJV.

Christian Living

What!?-So-Ever has He Said To You?

I love the title of this blog post. And just in case you are trying to make sense of it, it should actually read; ‘What has He Said to You?’ 🙂

Today, I share a very interesting and familiar story in John chapter 2. This is a story that some Christians {I choose to believe it’s not a critical mass} who indulge carelessly in alcoholism often present as excuse for getting drunk {and losing their Christian cool}. They would often say ‘Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding where He turned water into wine {so please allow us drink ourselves to stupor} 🙂

It is also the story commonly used by preachers and promoters of luxurious Christian living to support their position. They tell us ‘Jesus’ first miracle was a miracle of luxury; so Jesus didn’t have an issue with luxury’ –I agree completely {only just attain your luxurious living in a godly way} 🙂

Well, in this blogpost, I will not be sharing on alcoholism or living in luxury as a Christian, I present to you; Jesus’ first disciple, the one who believed in Him before He was conceived – Mary, wife of Joseph the Carpenter and biological mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” John 2: 3-5.

In all recounts of the life and times of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth according to the 4 Gospels, we find Mary, His mother, initiating the first miracle. Someone asks; ‘Grace, why is this important?’

There is a trend we see in Christianity; people naturally migrate towards (and chase after) signs and wonders! While some follow names of a ‘big’ Pastor or name of a ‘big’ Church, others follow ‘prosperous men of God’. Another group follow a cause, a spiritual gifting or calling. I believe I am in this last group, and closely guided by Apostle Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 11:1 (“be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” KJV).

You see, the pattern of follower-ship observed today in Christianity didn’t just start, Jesus’ followers didn’t follow blindly. They either believed and followed what they judged as fulfillment of prophecy, or they followed attesting miracles performed by Jesus Christ. In John 2:24, Jesus showed He understood why men followed Him; He understood the superficiality and fickleness of the human nature;

…many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man” NKJV

So if man’s loyalty, commitment and ‘follower-ship are informed by a personal gain’, did Mary’s believe and follower-ship represent an outlier? What did Mary see to even entertain the thought and harbor the imagination that Jesus could turn water into wine? If she hadn’t seen Jesus perform a miracle before then, what was her conviction founded on? 🙂

These are my thoughts;

Mary had seen and experienced the spoken word transform into a whatsoever!

Patiently read with me the long (and extended) narrative of Mary’s conception day;

The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Listen carefully: you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and eminent and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob (Israel) forever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end.” Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin and have no intimacy with any man? Then the angel replied to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you {like a cloud}; for that reason the holy (pure, sinless) Child shall be called the Son of God. And listen, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. For with God nothing {is or ever} shall be impossible. Then Mary said, “Behold I am the servant of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word“. And the angel left her. Luke 1: 30-38.


There are too many exciting (and distracting) insights from this scripture, but I will not be distracted 🙂

How on earth does a spoken word become a Child?

How on earth does water become wine?

Answer: Not an earthly act!, it’s supernatural 🙂

Mary had experienced the spoken word transform into a Child in her womb. A Child she gave birth to and watched grow. The same Child now sitting at a wedding where guests would probably soon become disgruntled and lose their ceremonial feel. Mbanu! {dialect exclamation for ‘Naaa’} The same Word that became a Child can become wine 🙂 Nay, not just a child, not just wine, it can become anything (good) we conceive it to be!!!!


So my question to you today, whether, you are barren, feeling confused or hopeless; …….. What-so-ever has He said to you to do?

From this post, we see 3 things to do towards getting a ‘whatsoever’

1. Conceive the word (just like Mary).

2. Assent to the word (say ‘be it unto me according to Your word)

3. Act on the word (whatsoever He asks to do, do it).

It doesn’t matter how long it takes to manifest, the word shall become ‘it’.

Christian Living

By His Stripes (IV)

Welcome back!

This is the 4th part of this blog post series.

So far we’ve said that God is interested in having His children stay physically healed and He made adequate provision for this. Secondly, healing is first spiritual but should manifest physically. Thirdly, Jesus’ pain, agony and death wasn’t just a spiritual experience, he took it all in His body.

In the last part, we considered 5 reasons Christians experience symptoms of sickness.

In this part, as promised, I answer the question; ‘Grace, where is my healing? I am a Christian, filled with the Holy Ghost but I have symptoms in my body, where is my healing?

As already discussed, we were/are healed. Our default state is that of being healed. The fact that sickness and disease pop up in our bodies does not change our healed status any more than an accidental sin changes our salvation status. Our salvation is eternal (Hebrews 9:12), so is our healing. The fact that we experience physical symptoms of sickness in our mortal bodies, does not negate the truth of our healing.

If we ever wake up to a strange symptom in our body, we must remember that our healing is in His Word and By His Stripes.

In His Word;

The Word is life to all our flesh. To experience healing through His Word, we read, study and meditate on it day and night (Joshua 1:8). We speak and confess the Word (to ourselves and others), we lay hands (on ourselves and others) as we proclaim the Word, we command sickness and disease to leave in the name of Jesus.

By His Stripes;

We established earlier that Jesus received the stripes, bruises and wounds on His physical body. If we are healed by His Stripes, then our healing is also in His Stripes.

and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “take, eat; this is My Body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me” 1 Corinthians 11: 24 NKJV.

Every time we partake of the Lord’s Table, we symbolically take in healing from His Broken Body (His Stripes). Little wonder Jesus recommended we partake as often as possible.

The price Jesus Christ paid for sin and sickness is irrevocable. It was also the ultimate price; total and complete. He paid it once!! The power of God is within us. Healing is within us. We are healed.

So if you are born again, but you are experiencing any symptoms in your body, there are 2 things you have to be consistent with as you walk in your healing.

1. The Word

2. The Communion.

Thank You Lord for Your Word.

Thank You for Your Body.

I declare that by Your Stripes I am healed.


Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

Christian Living

By His Stripes (III)

Why Christians Sometimes Feel Sick.

So far we’ve said that God is interested in having His children stay physically healed and He made adequate provision for this.

Secondly, healing is first spiritual but should manifest physically.

Thirdly, Jesus’ pain, agony and death wasn’t just a spiritual experience, he took it all in His body.

We ended the last part with a promise to search the scriptures for answers to this question: ‘Grace, I am a Child of God, but I still have symptoms of sickness and disease in my body, where is my healing?

The answer to this question is actually the thrust of this series. I am as interested in it as you are.

But before we get into that, I believe it is pertinent to first answer the question of; ‘Why do Christians experience sickness at all? We are Children of God, saved, righteous, filled with the Holy Ghost, healed by His Stripes, why do we still fall sick?’

Well, I searched the scriptures, and found 5 possible reasons why a Christian may fall ill.

  1. We live in a physical body which becomes worn and torn from use:

We are spirit beings but communicate with the world around us through our body. Our hands, feet, brain, eyes, ears, etc are various parts of our body which help us function on earth. God told Adam, ‘I give you the earth and all that is in it, use it for your good and remember to ‘tend and keep it’. We must make efforts to tend and keep our physical bodies. We should give more attention to ensuring it stays protected and preserved. We should eat right; God recommends more of plant-based food (Genesis 1:29 & 2:16), get some exercise, take advantage of the ‘little’ profit exercise gives the body (1 Timothy 4:8), manage your emotions (longstanding anger and bitterness can be detrimental to health) and get good rest.

Talking about Rest, I believe Christians need to give more time to rest. God Almighty rested on the 7th day, the whole day. He created the world in six days and rested on the 7th. Simple arithmetic just tells you that for the 144 hours God worked, He got 24 hours rest. And I mean rest from all work (whether secular or kingdom work). God is wise, spirituality is His domain. So do not confuse the need for rest with not being spiritual or not maximizing grace. I have come to see that sometimes, the remedy for some illnesses is sleep….Long deep sleep! It gives your body time to recover from tear and wear then you can work again. Get your 7th day rest 🙂

2. Sin brought sickness:

Deuteronomy 28 lists sickness as one of the curses of the law, a penalty for not keeping The Lord’s commands. There is a link between sin and sickness.

In John 9:3-4 Jesus told His disciples this;

Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him…….” NKJV.

And if we remember well, almost every time Jesus healed someone he leaves them with an admonishment ‘go and sin no more‘. The good news for us as Christians is that we are carriers of the righteousness of God {through Christ} and we have the Whole Armor of God to keep well kitted at all times.

3. The devil is on a mission to keep Christians oppressed and depressed;

John 10:10a tells us this much

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy..” NKJV

Thank God Jesus stripped him of all powers and gave all power to us. Our victory is in the name of Jesus Christ through faith in God’s Word.

4. Set up for God’s glory:

Going by Jesus’ response in John 9:3-4 above, some challenges can come to us (from the enemy) but end up as a set up for God’s glory; revealing the power of God to heal, save and deliver to, the us and other brethren.

5. Misuse of the Lord’s Supper;

For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.” I Corinthians 11:29‭-‬30 NKJV.

I never understand how Christians comfortably harbor unforgiveness for so long. Truth is; feelings of anger, hurts and even envy come to everyone irrespective of level of spirituality, question is; ‘how do you handle them? That’s one way to measure the depth of your spirituality. Do you push them aside quickly or do they continue to define your relationships?

Jesus discourages service in His name while there is unsettled dispute between brethren. He says keep your service and sacrifice; I don’t need it. It is more important to Me that you’re living at peace with all men:

leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”
Matthew 5:24 NKJV

Clearly, Jesus gives higher priority to mercy, forgiveness and love than giving, service and sacrifice (Luke 11:42).

Remember the 2 greatest commandments?

“Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Matthew 22:37‭-‬39 NKJV

And 1 Corinthians 13 says all spiritual giftings and manifestations amount to nothing without love.

Love is the greatest of all!

Loving God is actually much easier than loving man. God is love Himself. He gave His Son to die for sin even before we knew we were sinners. He supplies all our needs. He protects us, etc etc. So we shouldn’t only be boasting about our love and reverence for God, we should boast more our love walk.

But man? he is inherently and desperately wicked ?. Having a preference to retaliate, cause harm, etc. (Jeremiah 17:9). That’s the natural man!

The rebirthed man is different because He has God alive in him. He reflects the life and Love of God.

He can love the unlovable man just the way God loves. That is agape.

I love how Galatians sums up the entire commandment of God;

For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is fulfilled in one precept, “You shall love your neighbor’ as yourself [that is, you shall have an unselfish concern for others and do things for their benefit].” But if you bite and devour one another [in bickering and strife], watch out that you [along with your entire fellowship] are not consumed by one another.”
GALATIANS 5:14‭-15.

If it still takes you a long time to push hurts and bitterness aside, work on it. But while you sort these out, steer clear of The Lord’s Table. Why eat yourself to weakness, sickness or death? 🙂

So, these are some of the reasons Christians become sick.

The good news is; you may become sick but you don’t have any reason to stay or remain sick because Jesus Christ paid the eternal price for sickness and disease. We are/were healed by His Stripes. That healing is available and accessible always

We should constantly work at taking care of our physical bodies, stay clothed in the whole armor of God, remain conscious of our righteousness in Christ and steer clear of The Lord’s Table if we have to.

In the next part, we’ll answer the question of ‘where is my healing?’ 🙂

Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

Stay Blessed & My love always.

Christian Living

Thank you for your feedback

Hi there,

We conducted a mini survey to assess performance of our articles and you obliged us your time and responses. Thank you.

Essentially, the survey sought to know how readers perceived our write-ups and we provided the following options;

  1. Good storytelling
  2. Anointed/Edifying
  3. Intellectually engaging
  4. Emotionally appealing
  5. Others (pls specify).

Results were as follows;

  • 100% of respondents chose option 2
  • 16% chose 1,2,3 &4
  • 50% opted for ‘Others’ and thought our articles were Simple and Didactic.
  • Another 16% volunteered that graceobomanu’s blog was ‘Impactful’.

We thank you for your feedback. We’ve noted areas for ‘possible’ improvement as led by God. We promise to get better and better.

Stay blessed & My love always

Grace Obomanu.

Christian LivingHEALING

By His Stripes (II)

Welcome back! Trust you had a good week…. 🙂

This is the second part of this series. As a way of introduction, I am providing answers to some fundamental questions about healing and salvation.

God is interested in having His children stay physically healed and He made adequate provision for this. Secondly, salvation is not only spiritual; a spiritually born person who feeds well {on the Word} eventually exhibits traits of the spirit physically. In the same vein, and because healing and salvation come as one package, healing is first spiritual but should manifest physically.

We have 2 reference scriptures for this series;

1 Peter 2:24 (NKJV)

who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness- by whose stripes you were healed.”

Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV)

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

To formally commence our learning on the subject ‘By His Stripes‘, we first provide some basic definitions; look again at the Isaiah 53:5; we see ‘bruised’, ‘wounded’ ‘stripes’.

As used in the reference scripture, ‘stripes‘ mean; a bruise, a wound from a stripe, to beat to pieces, crush, smite, humble, oppress.

‘Wound’ is an injury to a living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or impart, which typically cuts or breaks the skin.

Bruise‘ is an injury that appears as a discolored area of skin on the body.

What do we see here?

These descriptions point to a physical, bodily experience. Yes, Jesus definitely felt the spiritual and emotional weight of crucifixion, but reality remains that He was physically tortured.

His body was cut. The stripes were not imaginary; he was lashed so much that His skin broke. The nails pierced His skin as they passed through His hands, and the spear certainly pierced his skin.

1 Peter 2:24 says; He bore our sins in His own body.

Jesus’ pain and agony wasn’t just a spiritual one. He took it all in His body, so that my body can stay healed, intact, unbroken.

Sickness was part of the curse. Jesus paid the price and bought my eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12). I shouldn’t be thrown into prison for the same offence more than once.

Sickness came as punishment for sin. Jesus paid fully for it. I needn’t pay again.

My healing was bought complete

My healing is spiritual

My healing manifests physically in my body.

Someone asks; ‘Grace, I am a Child of God, but I still have symptoms of sickness and disease in my body, where is my healing?

Let’s search the scriptures together for answers….

Join me next time.

Get My Book On Healing; “When The Doctor Says No”

To learn more about our healing benefits in Christ Jesus, follow this link to my book, “When The Doctor Says No” available online at

The Book is available in two formats; kindle and paperback. It is also available for order online from all amazon market places, meaning that the Amazon shop in your neighborhood should be able to supply you.

Love always.

Christian LivingT.W.G.O articles

7 Rules of Christian Counselling (for Christian Counselors & Leaders).

#1: Every Christian Counselor is functioning in a priviledge role. It is a great priviledge to have people unburden and share their deepest thoughts and concerns with you. Do not forget this and do not abuse this priviledge.
#2: Do not judge or condemn your counselee. Recognize that people seeking counsel already feel they have problems. They may simply want to share their thoughts with you, they may be seeking advice/direction or they may be in dire need of help/support to stop a bad habit. Judging and condemning may not meet these needs.
#3: Do not counsel based on your emotions, use the Bible. Celebrate bold and courageous steps/initiatives but be careful with making corrections when a Counselee has acted in an outright foolish way. This is very important, so you do not lose your Counselee. Corrections must be done in love and with an intention to make someone better, never to abuse, mock or cause disdain. No matter what you say to your Counselee, the person should leave your presence better than they came.
#4: Do not counsel based on your personal experience. For example, if you had or are having a bad marriage experience, be careful not to counsel based on your experience. Question? Should a person with a bad marriage be a Christian Counselor? Answer: I believe a Christian Counselor should be one with a reputable and admirable marriage, so people already having challenges with their marriage should not be appointed to counsel others. However, a Christian Counselor may be having a temporary challenge with his/her marriage (like every other marriage), depending on how the situation is being handled, he/she may continue as a Christian Counselor but MUST be careful to give counsel based only on the standards of the Bible.
#5: Do not share people’s issues publicly without their consent. This is a gold standard in every form of counseling. Unfortunately, it is an often flawed counseling ethic, moreso in Christian circles. Consent should be written, verbal but never ASSUMED. It is not okay to share another person’s issue in a book, a blog post, or as a sermon without their consent. Seek another way to ‘bless/correct’ your audience. This is especially important if the issue was not a very pleasant one.
Sometimes, a Counselor may be functioning in an organizational structure with superiors and supervisors, remember to explain to your Counselee that you have to escalate and assure them it is in their best interest. I have had people come to me for counseling and narrating bitter experiences of trusting someone in a revered position of authority with their issues from where it became public knowledge. As a Counselor, remember that you do not necessarily have any hold on people, you cannot force anyone to share their problems with you (irrespective of your status), so being that you’d love to support people in difficult times and you deeply yearn to do that, RESPECT people’s trust in you and respect their secrets.
#6: Follow-up every Counselee. Do not give one counsel and then forget about the person. One counseling session seldom fixes a longstanding issue. Keep in touch, it shows that you truly care (and you should truly care). Additionally, following up helps you keep tabs on progress especially if you had to pass the case on to a superior or supervisor.
#7: Keep Notes for future reference. It may be difficult remembering the details of every counseling session especially if you handle a number of them at a time. Making and keeping notes help with future referencing.
If you are a Christian Counselor reading this, I hope this helps as you operate in your area of calling 🙂
Stay blessed & Love Always.
Grace Obomanu.
Christian Living

By His Stripes (I)

Scripture References:

who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness- by whose stripes you were healed.” I Peter 2:24 NKJV.

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 NKJV

Sometimes Christians want to provide a comfortable explanation for 1 Peter 2:24, it’s wisdom to be careful with doing that. Scripture should not be interpreted in the light of one’s feelings, emotions or experience. If someone tried to apply the Word on healing to themselves but failed, this shouldn’t make for a twisted interpretation of scripture. God’s word is the Truth, the Way and the Life. God’s Word doesn’t change with circumstances but remains the same yesterday, today and forever.

I ventured on a “Christian” blog not too long ago where there was a heated debate on the meaning of ‘healed‘ in ‘By His stripes you were (are) healed‘ as seen in our reference scriptures. A good number of persons supported the idea that these scriptures speaks only of a spiritual healing experience with no physical manifestation. Their assertion as I understand it, stems from their understanding that healing and salvation come as one package. They further infer that since salvation is spiritual (referring to man’s spiritual rebirth necessitated by the fall of Adam) then the healing mentioned in 1 Peter 2:24 is also spiritual.

I agree/disagree.

I agree, as recorded in Genesis chapter 3, that as a result of Adam’s sin, sin and death were introduced into the world and sadly, both spread to all men (Romans 5:12).

When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Romans 5:12 NLT.

The good news however is that in Jesus Christ, God made provision for every spiritually dead descendant of Adam to become spiritually alive (1 Corinthians 15:22).

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.
I Corinthians 15:22 NKJV

This is the spiritual rebirth spoken of by Jesus to Nicodemus in John 3: 1-17. As soon as someone becomes born again by confessing Jesus as Lord and Saviour, he becomes a brand new creation, a new spirit is birthed and the old sinful nature done away with.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
II Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

The argument for ‘1 Peter 2:24 healing’ being spiritual (and not physical) is often posited to support the fact that in Christ we have been healed from the illness of sin. Again, I agree that we have been delivered from sin (and its consequent death), but I disagree that ‘1 Peter 2:24’ is only spiritual. Sin was not an illness but a part of the curse. The curse (sin, sickness and death) came through Adam.

Below, I share my thoughts on 1 Peter 2:24 by working through a few questions.

Question #1 : Did God only plan a spiritual healing for man? Has He no interest in man being physically healed?

Let’s see some scriptures below;

Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health (physically) just as (I know) your soul prospers (spiritually).” 3 John 1:2. AMP.

“..for they are life to those who find them and healing and health to all their flesh.” Proverbs 4:22 AMP.

when evening came, they brought to Him under the power of demons; and He cast out the evil spirits with a word, and restored to health all those who were sick (exhibiting His authority as Messiah).” Matthew 8:16

So from 3 John 1:2; we should enjoy good health physically, from Proverbs 4:22; God made a provision for healing (through His word), and from Matthew 8:16; Jesus healed all that came to Him with phy sickness.

God is interested in having His children stay physically healed and He made adequate provision for that. God’s Word is health to All our flesh.

Question #2 :Is salvation really only a spiritual event?

The newbirth is a spiritual experience. The day you got born again, there was no obvious change in your physical appearance. Your skin color didn’t change, there was no change in any part of your body. However, you received a brand new spirit; you received the nature of God- you are a creation, you are righteous, you are holy, you received all the attributes of the Spirit in your spirit. You were born of the Spirit of God. And when you get receive the baptism of the Spirit, you become filled with the Holy Spirit.

As the mind is renewed continually with the Word, physical expressions of the fruit of the Spirit are experienced and expressed.

I am yet to see an event and experience that so powerfully transforms, remolds, and positively changes a life as a daily walk with Jesus Christ. That’s why people could tell that the disciples have been with Jesus post resurrection.

Divine healing is divine! It is first spiritual (you have to see it, believe it and receive it) then it becomes evident in your physical body.

So, yes! salvation and healing came as one package, both are spiritual encounters and surely both manifest physically to be appreciated by others.

Please join me again soon in the next part.

My love always.